USMB Coffee Shop IV

Bad anxiety 4 times so far this week. Last night and this morning was the last straw. Called the VA they told me to go to the emergency room at the local hospital nearest me. So I did, and they gave me an emergency supply of Xanax. Enough for a few days, as needed. Time to get this crap under control. I'm sick of it.
Bad anxiety 4 times so far this week. Last night and this morning was the last straw. Called the VA they told me to go to the emergency room at the local hospital nearest me. So I did, and they gave me an emergency supply of Xanax. Enough for a few days, as needed. Time to get this crap under control. I'm sick of it.
I was on 2 mg Diazapam/Valum for 15 years, took me a year to wean of it..
Bad anxiety 4 times so far this week. Last night and this morning was the last straw. Called the VA they told me to go to the emergency room at the local hospital nearest me. So I did, and they gave me an emergency supply of Xanax. Enough for a few days, as needed. Time to get this crap under control. I'm sick of it.
I was on 2 mg Diazapam/Valum for 15 years, took me a year to wean of it..
Holy cow, yeah I know the stuff can be habit forming. I don't want that. I took oxycodone for 15 years as needed, but apparently not enough to form an addiction. I just quit with zero side effects, other than my neck hurts now more than it ever has. It was still a good pain killer but, I was sick to tears of the stuff seriously backing up the ole body works.

30 years ago when I first had panic attacks they put me on Clonazepam, once daily, and it worked like a charm from the very first dose. I never had another attack. Took that for 8 years. I was only 35. I started wondering why I was taking it seeing as I hadn't any attacks for so long, so I was cutting them in half and thirds and even forgetting to take them, and when I talked to the VA about it and told them I'd been taking very little lately, they said go ahead and quit. I felt a little funny for a couple weeks but it was very mild, hardly noticeable. I soon straightened out. That was then, but now they don't like to give prescriptions of this for daily use long term.
The hospital gave me a script for Alprazolam, which is Xanax by another name, 0.5mg tabs. I'm sure I'll be speaking with mental health from the VA Monday morning. I'll see what they have to say. They just might want to continue this Xanax for awhile on as needed basis.

Getting old sucks... o_O
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Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
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Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
I don't see it on my desktop.
Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
I don't see it on my desktop.
Wait there it is... I haven't a clue.
  • Thanks
Reactions: 007
I would like to visit those places before I get too much older.

I want a road trip through all those mid west states (and others). Covid permitting.

Most Americans I think would consider Wyoming west rather than midwest, but on the eastern edge of the west. But yes, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico all on the eastern edge of the west offer some stunning scenery and a lot of history and fun things to see and do. Some of the best climate in the USA as well.
I spent 35 years of my adult life in Wyoming, and we referred to it as the Rocky Mountains, and considering a historic bar on Center Street was frequented occasionally by cowboys on a spirited horse that older people remembered and artists painted it to recall it as a special part of the Rocky Mountain West.

The best thing about Wyoming was the wonderful, sturdy people who celebrated helping each other out in deadly winter conditions, not to mention their love for animals and deep respect for others, whose wise ways saved lives in blinding snowstorms and search parties in wooded mountainsides if kids got lost at a summer picnic attended by many, or just being a good neighbor when the nearest house could be a couple of miles down the Platte River.

Enough nnostalgia. Hope everyone had a taste of Irish potatoes, corned beef and cabbage this week and are going to have a lovely weekend coming up. :thup:
I've lived out west in Arizona, Nevada and Montana, and I've been in every state west of the Mississippi, and most east of it. I cut through the upper NE corner of WY every time I drive to my sister's in Montana. She moved to a little town not far from Dillon way back in 1970, and she's been there ever since. I lived out there briefly a couple times, once in 1974, I worked for my brother in law who owned a lumber yard and construction company with his dad, and then again briefly after I got out of the Air Force back in 1987. I liked it. Wouldn't mind living out there. But it would take a lot more money than I have for me to have the house, shop and size chunk of land I do here in WI out there. The home prices are through the roof. I paid $79,500 for my place here in Podunk, WI six years ago, and it would take $350,000 for me to buy something like it Montana. Needless to say, I'll stay where I'm at.

Housing prices are ridiculous in some places. Where my daughter lives on the west coast, she has a nice place, nicely landscaped, well maintained etc. but the price is over $400k. The same home here in Albuquerque maybe $90 or $100k or less in some parts of town? Our home is nothing fancy located in a pleasant working class neighborhood. Probably close to a million where the daughter lives or the DC area where she used to live. I just don't understand why that is.

007 I think Mindful's post is something to consider. It is true that Vitamin D and Vitamin A can be toxic in very large amounts, but taking 2 to 4k units of Vitamin D is not toxic and does wonders for our health and immune system and, as the chart here mentions, can help with anxiety. Maybe discontinuing Vitamin D is a factor in increased anxiety attacks? I don't know but I would consider that.

I applaud you for recognizing them for what they are and not overreacting to them as too many do, but they are not at all pleasant for anybody. For omegas, the fastest way to increase those is via adding chia seeds or freshly ground flaxseed (a couple of tablespoons of whole seeds ground in a coffee grinder) to your salads or smoothies or oatmeal or whatever. Anyway hope you and your doctor figure it out soon because the attacks really suck bigtime.
I haven't posted in he Coffee Shop lately because I've been busy being a bad boy on other forums and didn't want it to rub off here. I can be good enough though to announce my bride and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary yesterday, the 18th. It's been a great ride so far. Now it's back to the forum battles. Ciao.

Happy Anniversary to you and your bride Hossfly. Those milestone anniversaries are special and get more special as time passes.
Hombre andI got our first shot of the COVID vaccine today. So far so good. Zero side effects noted. No hair growing on our toes or anything. I wavered getting it reading so many alarming things on social media, but honestly many many of our friends and kin have now had the shots with no problems whatsoever. And since we are first in line as caretaker for my 94-year-old aunt and our heart transplant friend, and our weekly 42 partners are among the extremely high risk group, so we decided we would get the shots just in case they actually work. One more defense not to infect any of the high risk people.
Good night, afternoon, morning or whatever darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Ringel, Peach, Gracie, everybody dealing with depression and adjustment.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Beautress for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

As I post this the spring equinox is happening overnight tonight. And it was a positively gloriously beautiful day in Albuquerque today. May all your flowers bloom.
Bad anxiety 4 times so far this week. Last night and this morning was the last straw. Called the VA they told me to go to the emergency room at the local hospital nearest me. So I did, and they gave me an emergency supply of Xanax. Enough for a few days, as needed. Time to get this crap under control. I'm sick of it.
So glad you are controlling the situation instead of the situation controlling you, 007. Prayers up.
Just woke up coughing in middle of night. Time to get back to sleep. Went to my cousin's house yesterday, and we had the best chat. She had also stopped watching the bad news constant, too. How lucky I am that our sister moms had us only 2 years apart as baby boomers after WWII. ♡♡♡♡♡ Going back to bed. So good to see old friends. Thanks for giving me a new attitude, all. :huddle: Hope everybody has a good weekend and week following.
Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
I'm not seeing it, too.

Maybe it's an alert as 007 & Ollie both mentioned specific drugs in their posts. Not illegal or improper in any sense of course but a warning to keep it legal or some such? I don't know. I haven't seen that phenomenon either.
I haven't posted in he Coffee Shop lately because I've been busy being a bad boy on other forums and didn't want it to rub off here. I can be good enough though to announce my bride and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary yesterday, the 18th. It's been a great ride so far. Now it's back to the forum battles. Ciao.

Oh come on my friend Hossfly . There is nobody more political, politically incorrect, or militant against those I think are bad for America & Americans or people in general than I am out there on the internet and in person when appropriate. And I'm out there a LOT! But I don't have any problem keeping all that out of the Coffee Shop. You wouldn't have any problem either. So don't be a stranger, okay? Good to hear from you.
Why do I get the new green line moving across the top of the screen and the three little green blocks blinking when I post now? This is new. Did the board install an AI word and phrase sensor?
I'm not seeing it, too.

Maybe it's an alert as 007 & Ollie both mentioned specific drugs in their posts. Not illegal or improper in any sense of course but a warning to keep it legal or some such? I don't know. I haven't seen that phenomenon either.
I don't see it every time. I think it might have something to do with the speed at which the board can process posts, because it happens most on long comments. Maybe the websites server is getting full effecting it's processing speed, or possibly this website is sharing whatever processing speed it has with something else... IDK.
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007 I think Mindful's post is something to consider. It is true that Vitamin D and Vitamin A can be toxic in very large amounts, but taking 2 to 4k units of Vitamin D is not toxic and does wonders for our health and immune system and, as the chart here mentions, can help with anxiety. Maybe discontinuing Vitamin D is a factor in increased anxiety attacks? I don't know but I would consider that.

I applaud you for recognizing them for what they are and not overreacting to them as too many do, but they are not at all pleasant for anybody. For omegas, the fastest way to increase those is via adding chia seeds or freshly ground flaxseed (a couple of tablespoons of whole seeds ground in a coffee grinder) to your salads or smoothies or oatmeal or whatever. Anyway hope you and your doctor figure it out soon because the attacks really suck bigtime.
Yeah the anxiety rekindled long before I stopped taking the vitamin D3. I stopped mainly because one of the side effects which is stomach problems, like stomach ache, nausea and constipation, which I believe it caused all three. Once I stopped, those symptoms stopped. If you don't need it, I wouldn't recommend an extra 5,000mg a day to anyone. Not unless you've had labs done and you are actually low on it.
Hombre andI got our first shot of the COVID vaccine today. So far so good. Zero side effects noted. No hair growing on our toes or anything. I wavered getting it reading so many alarming things on social media, but honestly many many of our friends and kin have now had the shots with no problems whatsoever. And since we are first in line as caretaker for my 94-year-old aunt and our heart transplant friend, and our weekly 42 partners are among the extremely high risk group, so we decided we would get the shots just in case they actually work. One more defense not to infect any of the high risk people.
The VA is pushing the vaccine, I have no idea which one, to all us veterans, but it's a HARD PASS for me.

Leaked Documents Reveal Major Concerns About Early Batches Of Pfizer mRNA Vaccine - The True Reporter
I haven't posted in he Coffee Shop lately because I've been busy being a bad boy on other forums and didn't want it to rub off here. I can be good enough though to announce my bride and I celebrated our 60th wedding anniversary yesterday, the 18th. It's been a great ride so far. Now it's back to the forum battles. Ciao.

Happy Anniversary to you and your bride Hossfly. Those milestone anniversaries are special and get more special as time passes.
Congrats to you and your lovely bride of 60 years together! That is so wonderful and definitely a valuable milestone to pass. I hope you've had plenty of sunshine to help make your day a great one!

My husband and I will be celebrating a milestone next year ...whoops...edit here in 2 years from now LOL I can't keep up with it...for with our 25th wedding anniversary. Time sure does fly...way too fast, but it makes life that much more precious and sharing your life with a special someone is a true gift:)

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