USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good Sunday morning, all. Not much new here. Visited the doctor last week and have 2 more days of antibiotics to clear up my asthma which has been present off and mainly on for months. If I'm good by tomorrow's orthopedic doctor I may be scheduled for a knee surgery so I can walk up and down staircases in less than 5 minutes. My Family Practice physician put me on a 1 week prednisone plan so it's been pain free which helps a lot.

It's been uber moist here in the Tall Pines region of the East Texas Piney Woods. I was at the feed store getting vitamins for our mounting hens when I fell in love with the cutest little Rhode Island Red pullets with beautiful barred brown wings and warm brown fuzzy bodies so I took 18 of them home for the future brown eggs they will be laying in 4 or 5 months. So far, so good. Just checking in. Have a blessed week, everyone. Y'all are the best. : thup:
My oldest daughter (age 39) got the Covid vaccine shot two weeks ago friday.
Came home that evening and started feeling sick. She called her doctor and he said it was just a reaction some people have, and that she would be ok in a day or two.
By sunday my daughter could barely get out of bed. The next day she called in sick to work, and went to the emergency room.
They tested her, and she was positive for Covid.
Seems that she already had the virus, and by coincidence, the Covid symptoms appeared the same day she got her vaccination.
Too crazy. ... :cool:
Sunnis Man Hope your daughter gets well soon. Prayers up for full restoration of her to good health. :hands:
I am rarely online for longer than a minute or two. Just burned out on all the negativity...on tv and on social media. So now I just do art here and there and stay busy all day doing stuff then falling into bed exhausted. And I have been up since 5:30am so I am way past due to get in my comfy bed.
I have been given and old 90's television that is like new, and it has a built in VCR player. My wife is ecstatic because she can watch all her old movies she hasn't seen in ages. Right now Swiss Family Robinson is playing.

Compared to the filth they put out now it's amazing.
I am rarely online for longer than a minute or two. Just burned out on all the negativity...on tv and on social media. So now I just do art here and there and stay busy all day doing stuff then falling into bed exhausted. And I have been up since 5:30am so I am way past due to get in my comfy bed.
I have been given and old 90's television that is like new, and it has a built in VCR player. My wife is ecstatic because she can watch all her old movies she hasn't seen in ages. Right now Swiss Family Robinson is playing.

Compared to the filth they put out now it's amazing.
I know! What the hell is with that new show called "Chad"? Looks like a girl deciding to be a boy..or it's one butt ugly girl for real. I think its just a transgender show for transgenders and LGBTs. Anyway...nothing worth watching is on any more. So....I have my dvd collection too. I just orderd and received my newest one..called The Keep. Great movie and haven't seen it in forever. I have about 50 dvds now that I have mainly gotten free, but a few I purchased on ebay and at thrift stores. And, I have my beloved books. And my art to keep me occupied. And now....a 5 gallon fish tank with Lucy, Ricky and Ethel swimming around. I didn't get Fred cuz I didn't care for him very much. But...I want to get a small sucker fish too, so..he can be Fred. :biggrin:
I am rarely online for longer than a minute or two. Just burned out on all the negativity...on tv and on social media. So now I just do art here and there and stay busy all day doing stuff then falling into bed exhausted. And I have been up since 5:30am so I am way past due to get in my comfy bed.
I have been given and old 90's television that is like new, and it has a built in VCR player. My wife is ecstatic because she can watch all her old movies she hasn't seen in ages. Right now Swiss Family Robinson is playing.

Compared to the filth they put out now it's amazing.

Isn't that the truth. I held onto all my favorite VHS movies--donated all the less favorites to the Humane Association here--and we have one bedroom with a working VHS player. I love going to sleep watching one of those wonderful old movies.
I am rarely online for longer than a minute or two. Just burned out on all the negativity...on tv and on social media. So now I just do art here and there and stay busy all day doing stuff then falling into bed exhausted. And I have been up since 5:30am so I am way past due to get in my comfy bed.
I have been given and old 90's television that is like new, and it has a built in VCR player. My wife is ecstatic because she can watch all her old movies she hasn't seen in ages. Right now Swiss Family Robinson is playing.

Compared to the filth they put out now it's amazing.

Isn't that the truth. I held onto all my favorite VHS movies--donated all the less favorites to the Humane Association here--and we have one bedroom with a working VHS player. I love going to sleep watching one of those wonderful old movies.
I want to start hunting movies from the 50's....even the 40's. Road to This or that with Crosby and Hope, some Fred Astairs, movies where the ladies dressed like ladies and the men always wore a suit. I love the scenes where Fred and Ginger are dancing and people are dining right there on the floor...and the clothes the women wore...omg. So pretty and flattering.
Danny Kaye. Loved him too. Way back then, people knew how to behave and be decent. Funny without hurting someone. Movie stars were not celebs like nowadays..they were STARS. The celebs now are tacky, crude and trailor trash.
Well, I am fixing to go to bed, but thought I would update since the discussion turned to art.
I am burned out on painting rocks and furniture, and one of the residents here is an artist and has all kinds of stuff. She gave me all her Sculpty clay..the kind you bake. Never did this before, so I began to just play with it. Been on a roll since then. Two lizards, a frog on a leaf, two cats. Soon as I can, I will post pics.

I am rarely online for longer than a minute or two. Just burned out on all the negativity...on tv and on social media. So now I just do art here and there and stay busy all day doing stuff then falling into bed exhausted. And I have been up since 5:30am so I am way past due to get in my comfy bed.

Night night.
Been there done that and over it. That's why I love Foxfyre so. She provided us all with a good online place to just have a cup of coffee and let go of all that is bad and appreciate all that is good. I said it before and I'll say it again.....good job, foxy! ♡♡♡♡♡
I am rarely online for longer than a minute or two. Just burned out on all the negativity...on tv and on social media. So now I just do art here and there and stay busy all day doing stuff then falling into bed exhausted. And I have been up since 5:30am so I am way past due to get in my comfy bed.
I have been given and old 90's television that is like new, and it has a built in VCR player. My wife is ecstatic because she can watch all her old movies she hasn't seen in ages. Right now Swiss Family Robinson is playing.

Compared to the filth they put out now it's amazing.

Isn't that the truth. I held onto all my favorite VHS movies--donated all the less favorites to the Humane Association here--and we have one bedroom with a working VHS player. I love going to sleep watching one of those wonderful old movies.
I want to start hunting movies from the 50's....even the 40's. Road to This or that with Crosby and Hope, some Fred Astairs, movies where the ladies dressed like ladies and the men always wore a suit. I love the scenes where Fred and Ginger are dancing and people are dining right there on the floor...and the clothes the women wore...omg. So pretty and flattering.
Target provided stuff like "50 movies from back when," 50..vintage westerns...50 cetera, and at goodwill one time I found the complete series of M.A.S.H. I really loved that show and how the great actors found something to laugh about in an incomprehensibly horrible war.

I also found a lot of old movies on cd and would buy 3 a week to fill the hours when I was in mourning for my husband for 3 years. They were mainly acceptable if not wonderful.

The only one I had a hard time with was an autobiographical sketch on the life of Glenn Miller. It was my late husband's favorite lp, he loved the sound of that band and the story was that Glenn Miller's plane was hit and crashed in WWII, just as the Glenn Miller Band was at its prime in the annals of the 40s.

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