USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have to thank the pandemic... because for whatever reason, my 2019 Chevy Silverado LTZ is worth almost what I paid for it on a trade in, so I ordered a brand new truck. They're saying 6 to 10 weeks for delivery, but when I called the bank to give them a heads up on a new auto loan, the loan officer gal said her Dad took advantage of the high trade in values and he also ordered a new truck, but it took 4 months to come in, so, we'll see, but I stepped back up to a 3/4 ton. It has an all new bigger engine and none of the aggravating fuel management crap that shuts off random cylinders in the engine for cruising, which makes the truck rumble and vibrate like it has an old engine spitting and sputtering like it's ready to quit. I hate that, so time for a new truck while the getting is good. First time I've ever ordered a new vehicle. Pretty fun picking out just the way you want it, instead of settling for something close off the lot...

Very nice. There are few materialistic things we enjoy more than buying a new vehicle.

I was looking forward to replacing our stolen Subaru with a new one that we could pick the color, features etc., but alas a new one was not going to be available for weeks. And rental cars are sky high right now. So we opted for the one loaded Legacy on the lot of our favorite dealership--the ONLY Legacy on their lot of any year or model--that we were able to get for a very good price. First used car we've bought in a very long time, but it was certified, low mileage, has all the bells and whistles, and so far we're liking it just fine.
Very nice. There are few materialistic things we enjoy more than buying a new vehicle.

I was looking forward to replacing our stolen Subaru with a new one that we could pick the color, feeatures etc., but alas a new one was not going to be available for weeks. And rental cars are sky high right now. So we opted for the one loaded Legacy on the lot of our favorite dealership--the ONLY Legacy on their lot of any year or model--that we were able to get for a very good price. First used car we've bought in a very long time, but it was certified, low mileage, has all the bells and whistles, and so far we're liking it just fine.

Our last car was a Subaru Legacy GT, and that was my favorite car ever!!! It was our first car with seat heaters. In a Canadian winter, those things are a godsend, especially with leather upholstery. We didn't have a garage so my husband put a blanket over it every night. The neighbors found this highly amusing. Our daughter pretended she didn't know him during this time. I think she was 15 or 16 when we got that car. The "my parents are an embarassment" age, but in this case, I was as amused as our neighbours.

I've been going over to my friend's house to install "protections" for the special plants. We have trip wires to alarms, cameras and lights strung across the plant beds. The place where thieves normally jump the fence has an old board with rusty nails sticking out of it in the landing zone. One of the planting areas is protected by blackberry canes which have woven themselves between the branches.

We're starting as early as possible but I can't get moving much before 8:30. It just goes against my nature, and we're in the middle of a heat wave so we need to work before it gets too hot. This morning I was home by 10:00. Yesterday it was 9:30 by which time it was 100 degrees here with 66% humidity. My apartment is a balmy 70 degrees. I'm staying indoors, sewing and cooking, and going out in the cool of the morning or evening.
Our last car was a Subaru Legacy GT, and that was my favorite car ever!!! It was our first car with seat heaters. In a Canadian winter, those things are a godsend, especially with leather upholstery. We didn't have a garage so my husband put a blanket over it every night. The neighbors found this highly amusing. Our daughter pretended she didn't know him during this time. I think she was 15 or 16 when we got that car. The "my parents are an embarassment" age, but in this case, I was as amused as our neighbours.

I've been going over to my friend's house to install "protections" for the special plants. We have trip wires to alarms, cameras and lights strung across the plant beds. The place where thieves normally jump the fence has an old board with rusty nails sticking out of it in the landing zone. One of the planting areas is protected by blackberry canes which have woven themselves between the branches.

We're starting as early as possible but I can't get moving much before 8:30. It just goes against my nature, and we're in the middle of a heat wave so we need to work before it gets too hot. This morning I was home by 10:00. Yesterday it was 9:30 by which time it was 100 degrees here with 66% humidity. My apartment is a balmy 70 degrees. I'm staying indoors, sewing and cooking, and going out in the cool of the morning or evening.

We've been driving Subarus since the late 1990's and really don't consider anything else. Mechanically dependable all the way into very high mileage, very safe, economical transportation without giving up all luxuries.

Isn't that really unusual heat for you guys up there? It's running in the mid 90's here in New Mexico but we expect that in August. I bet you don't.

As for the plants, I guess that would be a problem. I know our pecan growers in the southern part of the state are constantly dealing with thieves. Locals have been harvesting the pinon trees around here for generations--pinon nuts are a fairly rare, costly, and coveted commodity. So when we lived up on the mountain in rural Cedar Crest where there are far more pinon trees than any other, some didn't see any reason to stop doing that just because the property had owners living there. They would let livestock--horses etc.--out of the pastures, shoot dogs, and do a lot of damage in the process. I suppose every good place has its downside.
We've been driving Subarus since the late 1990's and really don't consider anything else. Mechanically dependable all the way into very high mileage, very safe, economical transportation without giving up all luxuries.

Isn't that really unusual heat for you guys up there? It's running in the mid 90's here in New Mexico but we expect that in August. I bet you don't.

As for the plants, I guess that would be a problem. I know our pecan growers in the southern part of the state are constantly dealing with thieves. Locals have been harvesting the pinon trees around here for generations--pinon nuts are a fairly rare, costly, and coveted commodity. So when we lived up on the mountain in rural Cedar Crest where there are far more pinon trees than any other, some didn't see any reason to stop doing that just because the property had owners living there. They would let livestock--horses etc.--out of the pastures, shoot dogs, and do a lot of damage in the process. I suppose every good place has its downside.

It's not really unusual heat for this time of year. Usually the whole summer is like this. But this year has been cooler all summer long, than any summer I can remember in the past 10 years. It rains at night and is beautiful all day. Gardens are overflowing with bounty. With people suffering and dying of excessive heat in the west, I almost felt guilty about how beautiful it's been here, until this past week.

There was only about a week of "heat warnings" all summer prior to this, but this week is horrific. I can't cool my laundry room and it's like a sauna out there. I went out to get something and sweat was pouring down my face in under 5 minutes and I was just standing there talking on my phone to my daughter.
Bad news Saturday... Just got lab results from my family practice doctor. I’m anemic, have a low RBC count, very low iron levels and a GI bleed going on. Awaiting on an ASAP Gastro doctor consult. Will know more after consult with Gastro doctor. I feel pretty good except for being tired all the time. I don’t have time for all of this mess.
Bad news Saturday... Just got lab results from my family practice doctor. I’m anemic, have a low RBC count, very low iron levels and a GI bleed going on. Awaiting on an ASAP Gastro doctor consult. Will know more after consult with Gastro doctor. I feel pretty good except for being tired all the time. I don’t have time for all of this mess.

This is the big mean Dragon talking. Getting sick, is God's way of telling you to slow down. Death is God's way of insisting on it.

A "GI bleed" is a VERY SERIOUS THING. You could DIE. If you really don't have time for this, listen to what the doctor tells you. Ask every silly question that comes into your head until you understand everything he says, and what you need to do, and then do it. To the letter.

If you try to bargain, or tell yourself you feel fine, and don't need to follow doctor's orders, you will prolong the illness, or God forbid, make it worse. The fastest way to get back to your life is to learn everything you can about what's wrong and what you need to do to help it heal, and then do it, to the letter.

The fastest way to get back on your feet is to take it seriously.

Lecture over - take it easy and feel better soon.
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I have to thank the pandemic... because for whatever reason, my 2019 Chevy Silverado LTZ is worth almost what I paid for it on a trade in, so I ordered a brand new truck. They're saying 6 to 10 weeks for delivery, but when I called the bank to give them a heads up on a new auto loan, the loan officer gal said her Dad took advantage of the high trade in values and he also ordered a new truck, but it took 4 months to come in, so, we'll see, but I stepped back up to a 3/4 ton. It has an all new bigger engine and none of the aggravating fuel management crap that shuts off random cylinders in the engine for cruising, which makes the truck rumble and vibrate like it has an old engine spitting and sputtering like it's ready to quit. I hate that, so time for a new truck while the getting is good. First time I've ever ordered a new vehicle. Pretty fun picking out just the way you want it, instead of settling for something close off the lot...

Hope they have enough computer chips to get yours built in a timely fashion.
Almost forgot my password its been so long. All the long term members okay? Probably be back tomorrow to make the board unsafe for liberals. Board a plane while you can people. Might want to keep your mask on too. I don't do those.
Very nice. There are few materialistic things we enjoy more than buying a new vehicle.

I was looking forward to replacing our stolen Subaru with a new one that we could pick the color, features etc., but alas a new one was not going to be available for weeks. And rental cars are sky high right now. So we opted for the one loaded Legacy on the lot of our favorite dealership--the ONLY Legacy on their lot of any year or model--that we were able to get for a very good price. First used car we've bought in a very long time, but it was certified, low mileage, has all the bells and whistles, and so far we're liking it just fine.
Dang Foxy... I did not know you had your car stolen, holy cow. I should pop back in here more often. Glad to hear you could replace it with something acceptable though.
Bad news Saturday... Just got lab results from my family practice doctor. I’m anemic, have a low RBC count, very low iron levels and a GI bleed going on. Awaiting on an ASAP Gastro doctor consult. Will know more after consult with Gastro doctor. I feel pretty good except for being tired all the time. I don’t have time for all of this mess.
OH NO... wth... going to have to send the big good vibs signal your way.

Going to be looking for a good prognosis here BBD.
Bad news Saturday... Just got lab results from my family practice doctor. I’m anemic, have a low RBC count, very low iron levels and a GI bleed going on. Awaiting on an ASAP Gastro doctor consult. Will know more after consult with Gastro doctor. I feel pretty good except for being tired all the time. I don’t have time for all of this mess.
Prayers up, BBD. :huddle: Dunno what's wrong except your GI doctor appointment must not be missed. In the meantime, get a chewable B12 to fight the fatigue. Wally World has a berry flavor tab, but it tastes so good you haveta remember to just take one a day. Sending good thoughts your way.
Almost forgot my password its been so long. All the long term members okay? Probably be back tomorrow to make the board unsafe for liberals. Board a plane while you can people. Might want to keep your mask on too. I don't do those.

Wow! Look what the dog cat drug in... saveliberty you ole dirty cat you please do bless us your presence for a little while...
Bad news Saturday... Just got lab results from my family practice doctor. I’m anemic, have a low RBC count, very low iron levels and a GI bleed going on. Awaiting on an ASAP Gastro doctor consult. Will know more after consult with Gastro doctor. I feel pretty good except for being tired all the time. I don’t have time for all of this mess.
Bleeding internally will do that to a guy. Make the time.
Bad news Saturday... Just got lab results from my family practice doctor. I’m anemic, have a low RBC count, very low iron levels and a GI bleed going on. Awaiting on an ASAP Gastro doctor consult. Will know more after consult with Gastro doctor. I feel pretty good except for being tired all the time. I don’t have time for all of this mess.
Oh wow. Just now checking in today--very busy day here--but been there and done that BBD. Hopefully your problem will turn out to be no more serous than mine--I just had to give up NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprophen, naproxen et al) and take ferrous sulfate for awhile. The problem went away and has not reoccurred. But onto the vigil list you go.
Almost forgot my password its been so long. All the long term members okay? Probably be back tomorrow to make the board unsafe for liberals. Board a plane while you can people. Might want to keep your mask on too. I don't do those.
Everybody is safe in the Coffee Shop. But good to see you saveliberty. Hope all is well with you and yours.

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