USMB Coffee Shop IV

On a personal note, would appreciate prayers for my sister and our family. She has COVID also with several medical issues and is not doing well. My great niece (her granddaughter) has her at her house as there were no hospital beds available. Her mom (my niece) and stepdad are also there and of course all are quarantined. Hospice is now involved.

I love it when old friends report in, when new friends check us out, and love how we don't have to let the uglies out there on the other forums or out in the world for that matter get in the way of just enjoying each other. And I think about those who don't report in much or at all any more and wish they would.

Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis for the best possible housing solution.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Foxfyre's sister for peace and wellness.
Big Black Dog for a good diagnosis and plan to get well.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

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Dang Foxy... I did not know you had your car stolen, holy cow. I should pop back in here more often. Glad to hear you could replace it with something acceptable though.

Yeah it happened a couple of months ago. Stolen out of our garage while we slept. No idea how they managed to get the automatic garage door open. When the police found it abandoned in another part of town, it had front end collision damage, the interior was pretty much trashed and so saturated with fentanyl and other drugs they wouldn't allow us to retrieve any personal belongings out of it. Had BIOHAZARD written all over it. Police said the tag on it was from another stolen car. No idea where our tag went. The insurance company totaled it so we had to buy a new car.

These things are always upsetting, even traumatic in a way, and I empathize with anybody going through it. But if you have to go through it, I have to say U.S.A.A. was a terrific insurance company to go through it with.
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On a personal note, would appreciate prayers for my sister and our family. She has COVID also with several medical issues and is not doing well. My great niece (her granddaughter) has her at her house as there were no hospital beds available. Her mom (my niece) and stepdad are also there and of course all are quarantined. Hospice is now involved.

I love it when old friends report in, when new friends check us out, and love how we don't have to let the uglies out there on the other forums or out in the world for that matter get in the way of just enjoying each other. And I think about those who don't report in much or at all any more and wish they would.

Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis for the best possible housing solution.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Foxfyre's sister for peace and wellness.
Big Black Dog for a good diagnosis and plan to get well.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

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Hospice is a great blessing. One hope, God, faith and baptism.

Lord we pray you grant your servant peace. To the family, inspiration for a life well lived and the hope of reuniting in our heavenly home. Amen
Good Morning from Scotland , i hope you are all having a great day , been awake since 4.15 am uk time now 8,24 am uk time had two coffee so far drinking my 3rd now ,
There are websites with quizzes to determine if you have a drinking problem. :) (I don't think it applies to those of us who really REALLY enjoy our morning coffee though. Hombre knows it's best to walk and talk softly until I've had my first cup.)
On a personal note, would appreciate prayers for my sister and our family. She has COVID also with several medical issues and is not doing well. My great niece (her granddaughter) has her at her house as there were no hospital beds available. Her mom (my niece) and stepdad are also there and of course all are quarantined. Hospice is now involved.

I love it when old friends report in, when new friends check us out, and love how we don't have to let the uglies out there on the other forums or out in the world for that matter get in the way of just enjoying each other. And I think about those who don't report in much or at all any more and wish they would.

Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis for the best possible housing solution.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Foxfyre's sister for peace and wellness.
Big Black Dog for a good diagnosis and plan to get well.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

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Your sister is now on my prayer list, Foxfyre. I hope she gets better. My closest cousin's ex has been in the hospital 3 weeks and is not getting better. Their only son is devastated but stays by his side constantly. So please put Harrel on your list for a couple of days. He's 77 and it's looking like final stages, so its about comfort now. Thanks.
Your sister is now on my prayer list, Foxfyre. I hope she gets better. My closest cousin's ex has been in the hospital 3 weeks and is not getting better. Their only son is devastated but stays by his side constantly. So please put Harrel on your list for a couple of days. He's 77 and it's looking like final stages, so its about comfort now. Thanks.

Absolutely Beautress. Hospice now says it's down to just hours for us. She is so much older than I am, we were never close socially growing up but were sisters just the same. We became close in our adult years. She is my only sibling so that makes this especially tough. No real hope for recovery. So my prayers now are for her to know peace, love, and happiness for eternity.
My sister passed away quietly yesterday afternoon another victim to this terrible COVID virus. It is comforting that she was with family instead of in isolation in a hospital or nursing home. She was my only sibling which makes it harder as I am now the last remaining member of the immediate family I started out with. But I am glad her illness was relatively short lived. She was tired even before the diagnosis, in failing health, and ready to go.
My sister passed away quietly yesterday afternoon another victim to this terrible COVID virus. It is comforting that she was with family instead of in isolation in a hospital or nursing home. She was my only sibling which makes it harder as I am now the last remaining member of the immediate family I started out with. But I am glad her illness was relatively short lived. She was tired even before the diagnosis, in failing health, and ready to go.
My condolences on the loss of your sister. I understand your feelings. I have a sister who is the only relative I have left. I am absolutely terrified that my sister will get the virus and die. She is going out to parties and is putting herself at risk of the virus. If she dies I will be at a loss what to do.
My condolences on the loss of your sister. I understand your feelings. I have a sister who is the only relative I have left. I am absolutely terrified that my sister will get the virus and die. She is going out to parties and is putting herself at risk of the virus. If she dies I will be at a loss what to do.
The local doctors and nurses say almost all the critical cases they are seeing are the unvaccinated or the autoimmune compromised which my sister was. She was vaccinated but was just too weakened from other medical issues that COVID did her in. I respect anybody's decision as to what is best for him/her re COVID, but I hope everyone is conscious of the very real danger to some and don't take risks that could endanger them.

I hope your sister is one of the lucky ones who isn't really all that susceptible to this virus Dajjal. I think of my Aunt Betty who has lost a daughter, her husband, all her siblings, parents, aunts, uncles. She has one remaining cousin I think--we haven't heard from that cousin in ages so we aren't sure if she is still with us. Aunt Betty will be 95 next month and I am the closest relative she still has living. If something should happen to Hombre and me, she would have nobody she could depend on for emergencies. And that is scary.
Brother has spent the last 3 days in his room sick with cold/flu symptoms. He comes out at night to eat something I hope. And my Daughter (Chief Nurse in a Pediatric Clinic) Tells me she is working 11 to 12 hour days because of Covid testing on patients. 3 Positives yesterday. She says it's a good test since she had Covid last year and is fully vaccinated.
Good Morning Everyone , time for my first coffee of the day , :coffee-24: :springbed:
I had to give up caffeine. I started experiencing some anxiety attacks around the first of the year, and they said stay away from caffeine. Was hard to do because I always bought good coffee beans and fresh ground them each morning, and really enjoyed my coffee, and looking back, I'm not so sure it was coffee that was causing it. We were in the middle of winter, days were really short, and without going into details, there was a lot going on here around then and I think I got a little too wrapped up in it and that brought on the anxiety. So now I have decaf. Yeah I know, yuk. But, I'm used to it now. It surely tasted funny at first, but I'm OK with it now, and no more anxiety. Course having some Xanax on hand helps too. That stuff knocks out anxiety like magic.
I had to give up caffeine. I started experiencing some anxiety attacks around the first of the year, and they said stay away from caffeine. Was hard to do because I always bought good coffee beans and fresh ground them each morning, and really enjoyed my coffee, and looking back, I'm not so sure it was coffee that was causing it. We were in the middle of winter, days were really short, and without going into details, there was a lot going on here around then and I think I got a little too wrapped up in it and that brought on the anxiety. So now I have decaf. Yeah I know, yuk. But, I'm used to it now. It surely tasted funny at first, but I'm OK with it now, and no more anxiety. Course having some Xanax on hand helps too. That stuff knocks out anxiety like magic.

I never noticed much difference in taste between regular and decaf coffee. Then again, I've never been a coffee connoisseur. I don't really care much what brand of coffee (or tea) I'm drinking, they're all close to the same to me. :p

I try not to have TOO much caffeine these days, though. It's a common trigger for reflux from what I've read.
My sister passed away quietly yesterday afternoon another victim to this terrible COVID virus. It is comforting that she was with family instead of in isolation in a hospital or nursing home. She was my only sibling which makes it harder as I am now the last remaining member of the immediate family I started out with. But I am glad her illness was relatively short lived. She was tired even before the diagnosis, in failing health, and ready to go.
I am so sorry for your loss , praying for you and your family
I have a Colonoscopy and an Upper GI Endoscopy scheduled for October 26. It’s the earliest I could get the procedures done. In an effort to stop my GI bleed I drank a pint of that stop leak stuff they advertise on tv. That might just do the trick making the scheduled appointments unnecessary. I’ll keep you posted on the results.

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