USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have a Colonoscopy and an Upper GI Endoscopy scheduled for October 26. It’s the earliest I could get the procedures done. In an effort to stop my GI bleed I drank a pint of that stop leak stuff they advertise on tv. That might just do the trick making the scheduled appointments unnecessary. I’ll keep you posted on the results.
I had a terrible GI bleed a year or so ago. . . lost maybe 2 pints of blood in a short time, and was about to be transported to the hospital when it stopped. And didn't reoccur. The subsequent endoscopy and colonoscopy showed absolutely nothing though they did take me off all nsaids (aspirin, ibuprophen, naproxen etc.) as they thought that probably is what triggered it. But I've had no problems since. I hope the same for you BBD.
Brother has been sick for 5 days, I'm on day 3..... Sore throat runny nose and feeling weak... Brother also has a bad cough, my cough is a tenth of what his is... Might go get tested tomorrow. But if this is as bad as it gets I'm not concerned...
Brother has been sick for 5 days, I'm on day 3..... Sore throat runny nose and feeling weak... Brother also has a bad cough, my cough is a tenth of what his is... Might go get tested tomorrow. But if this is as bad as it gets I'm not concerned...
Good idea. Probably isn't COVID but the symptoms of COVID generally start mild and get progressively worse for those who get really sick from it. So it's good to get diagnosed and there are some excellent meds to deal with it.
Another day, another Spanish lesson... *sigh*

Yesterday, I went back to the library in the County of Walker and got 1 Spanish intermediate children's book on Aquarium fish and an English-to-Spanish book on various aspects of life with pictures with perfect vocabulary subjects that will make for more efficient classifications of Spanish vocabulary on 8 or 9 different topics.. I spend some mornings making 1 x 2 inch vocabulary flash cards to be used as time permits. Occasionally, it helps me understand a word or two that show up as surprises on daily quizzes in their learn-as you-go method of teaching Spanish online at Duolingo.

I use cardstock pastel colors and am trying to pick childrens books on seas, fish species, and words you would need to know about fishing, about boats, types of water sources like oceans the 7 seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, seasonal creeks, and even swimming pools and beaches. I just finished a series of mini flashcards on zoo and farm animals, and I haven't quite mastered the animal list except the easy ones like "cebra" "búfalo," etc. My stack of animals so far is about 5/8ths of an inch tall and has around 50 different mammals, fish, insects, reptiles, and birds. I cut out enough blue flash cards to do a morning of writing and looking things up in my Goodwill used. book Spanish Dictionario. My phone is acting funny for posting today. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I thank Oddball for his cartoon day laffs
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Another day, another Spanish lesson... *sigh*

Yesterday, I went back to the library in the County of Walker and got 1 Spanish intermediate children's book on Aquarium fish and an English-to-Spanish book on various aspects of life with pictures with perfect vocabulary subjects that will make for more efficient classifications of Spanish vocabulary on 8 or 9 different topics.. I spend some mornings making 1 x 2 inch vocabulary flash cards to be used as time permits. Occasionally, it helps me understand a word or two that show up as surprises on daily quizzes in their learn-as you-go method of teaching Spanish online at Duolingo.

I use cardstock pastel colors and am trying to pick childrens books on seas, fish species, and words you would need to know about fishing, about boats, types of water sources like oceans the 7 seas, lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, seasonal creeks, and even swimming pools and beaches. I just finished a series of mini flashcards on zoo and farm animals, and I haven't quite mastered the animal list except the easy ones like "cebra" "búfalo," etc. My stack of animals so far is about 5/8ths of an inch tall and has around 50 different mammals, fish, insects, reptiles, and birds. I cut out enough blue flash cards to do a morning of writing and looking things up in my Goodwill used. book Spanish Dictionario. My phone is acting funny for posting today. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I thank Oddball for his cartoon day laffs

As dedicated as you are, you'll have it mastered in no time Becki. Most of us never become really fluent in languages we can speak or read a little bit. We tend to translate it into English where a fluent person does not. I read somewhere that it takes about 6 months of completely dedicated effort--like almost full time study--for an adult to become completely fluent in a different language. I don't know how true that is because I haven't personally tested it. :)
As dedicated as you are, you'll have it mastered in no time Becki. Most of us never become really fluent in languages we can speak or read a little bit. We tend to translate it into English where a fluent person does not. I read somewhere that it takes about 6 months of completely dedicated effort--like almost full time study--for an adult to become completely fluent in a different language. I don't know how true that is because I haven't personally tested it. :)
One of my medicines for my achey breaky heart makes me sleep a lot the next day. Sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of a lesson. Other times my errors, instantaneously online are caused for failure to focus while sleeping. :laughing0301:
When I got over being annoyed about it, I now find it hilarious. But fluent? There's no one to speak with around here... and sometimes I forget the stuff that was well understood last week. Like email is "correo electrónico" and I forget one of the words. 20 questions, but if you make even 1 little error, 3 mistakies gets you a handshake with a smile as you have to start at the beginning (again.) Yesterday I got booted 3 times in a row. It would help if there were a textbook.... lol Even so, it'd be easier if my computer worked. The teeney weeny typing on celular screen causes half of the errors when falling asleep isn't going on. lololol
One of my medicines for my achey breaky heart makes me sleep a lot the next day. Sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of a lesson. Other times my errors, instantaneously online are caused for failure to focus while sleeping. :laughing0301:
When I got over being annoyed about it, I now find it hilarious. But fluent? There's no one to speak with around here... and sometimes I forget the stuff that was well understood last week. Like email is "correo electrónico" and I forget one of the words. 20 questions, but if you make even 1 little error, 3 mistakies gets you a handshake with a smile as you have to start at the beginning (again.) Yesterday I got booted 3 times in a row. It would help if there were a textbook.... lol Even so, it'd be easier if my computer worked. The teeney weeny typing on celular screen causes half of the errors when falling asleep isn't going on. lololol
Yes it's hard to practice when no one is there to practice on. Keep at it though. Maybe this will help. :thup:

The Top 6 Spanish Language Forums for Chatting to Fluency
Hi folks, reporting in, been really busy with stuff. Sorry to see so many are having health issues, keeping you all in my prayers.
I'm gradually getting better, still have some occasional pink piss with a few clots but otherwise not too bad. Getting out a little more but still not doing anything strenuous, don't want to push it. I do have a boatload of house cleaning I need to do, one step at a time. Been spending most of my online time on a more "modern" firearms forum, it's been a long time since I've done any shooting so headed out next week to Founders Ranch in Edgewood, this trip to shoot my pistols on their pistol range. The following week maybe take my rifles to their rifle range then set up some time to shoot my shotguns. As ammo became available again I stocked up with primarily inexpensive range ammo but even then it's still not cheap. Actually considering doing my own reloads but the initial outlay can be expensive.
Oh well, gotta do something to keep busy. Hope all who are sick recover and all who are well stay that way. Chat with you all later!
One of my medicines for my achey breaky heart makes me sleep a lot the next day. Sometimes I fall asleep in the middle of a lesson. Other times my errors, instantaneously online are caused for failure to focus while sleeping. :laughing0301:
When I got over being annoyed about it, I now find it hilarious. But fluent? There's no one to speak with around here... and sometimes I forget the stuff that was well understood last week. Like email is "correo electrónico" and I forget one of the words. 20 questions, but if you make even 1 little error, 3 mistakies gets you a handshake with a smile as you have to start at the beginning (again.) Yesterday I got booted 3 times in a row. It would help if there were a textbook.... lol Even so, it'd be easier if my computer worked. The teeney weeny typing on celular screen causes half of the errors when falling asleep isn't going on. lololol
I can't imagine doing that on a phone instead of computer. Have you considered getting an inexpensive computer? You can get a good desk top these days--refurbished or sometimes new--for $300 or less. Won't be a high powered gaming computer, but certainly adequate for anything us older folks will be doing. You can get by even with 4 gigs of ram but that's sometimes frustratingly slow.

And does 'being no one to speak with around here' mean your housemate is gone?
Was sitting in my garage with the door open working on a pistol I'm refinishing. Heard a noise behind me and one of our resident road runners had come into the garage and was up on top of a work counter. Of course when I stood up he jumped down and headed back outside, jumped on top of my trash/recycle bins hunting lizards. Couldn't find any so he just settled down for a rest....... He's seems to like being on top of the bins, this isn't the first time he's hung out there to rest out of the sun or sleep.
Was sitting in my garage with the door open working on a pistol I'm refinishing. Heard a noise behind me and one of our resident road runners had come into the garage and was up on top of a work counter. Of course when I stood up he jumped down and headed back outside, jumped on top of my trash/recycle bins hunting lizards. Couldn't find any so he just settled down for a rest....... He's seems to like being on top of the bins, this isn't the first time he's hung out there to rest out of the sun or sleep.
We have several in our neighborhood and we don't live near any park or other open area. But they get along with us, resident dogs, cats, etc. quite well it seems. One--I think it's the same one as they all really do look alike--follows Perry around the yard when he's out there. Interesting birds.

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