USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sick again today. I have been eating only broths and a few saltines or ritz crackers, tea, etc. Was sick from 8 on wards and it finally let up at 4am. Don't know whats wrong with me. Stomach, and all the issues related to it. I hope today is better. I have so much I have to do. Wish I had a family member or friend close by to help, but I dont.

Thought I would wind up in ER last night but I kept rocking myself and praying it would go away. Finally did. But now I dread tonight. Will it return? Oy
Don't forget to splurge on an apple a day, Gracie. You're in my heart and prayers, and Mr. G is too for his repaired lung and healing of it.
I had one classmate when in gradeschool who liked to play with dolls and the only time I ever played with dolls was when I was with her. I don't think I saw dolls as creepy as much as just not interesting. But yeah, I loved my stuffed animals and especially my small plastic horses and soldiers and stuff that I corralled or built stuff out of modeling clay for creating grand sagas in my head. I should have written some of that down.
All I remember about dolls is that my mother taught me how to sew clothes for them when I was 8 years old. She showed me how to cut simple clothes out without using a pattern, and how to make a buttonhole and use buttons out of her old button box. She cut off buttons when the clothes were worn out, so there were always a lot of buttons in the box. I also remember getting a Shirley Temple doll for Christmas in Alaska. That year, Dad had been sent by the Army to Ft. Richardson Alaska, and people there did a lot of crafts and sewing in the snowy winters. Mom learned to tool leather and made pretty leather purses for the ladies in the family. We were sent home early and stayed with grandma and grandpa until he completed his tour of duty. I remember the day Dad had to get out of the car one time when we were driving home on high snow roads. A moose had made her bed in the middle of the road, so he got out, slapped the animal on the heiney, and she and her mooseketeers got up and ambled off. A day or so later, he told us his friends at the office said it was very dangerous to mess with a female moose with her one or two babies alongside. We were fascinated with the moose and her exit off the road with her calves in tow. She didn't act mean, she just left. Back home in Texas, no more snow, and no more pneumonia. I had it twice at Ft. Richardson.
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So... the new truck was supposed to hit the assembly line on 2/7. It should now be built, as it takes about 20 hours to fully assemble. Now I picture it sitting in a parking lot somewhere waiting to be loaded on a car hauler and brought to the dealer. I hope that doesn't take forever. We're working on SEVEN MONTHS since I ordered it as is.
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So... the new truck was supposed to hit the assembly line on 2/7. It should now be built, as it takes about 20 hours to fully assemble. Now I picture it sitting in a parking lot somewhere waiting to be loaded on a car hauler and brought to the dealer. I hope that doesn't take forever. We're working on SEVEN MONTHS since I ordered it as is.
You getting that truck is gonna be an event. Picture on arrival, plz. Thx. :thup:
So... the new truck was supposed to hit the assembly line on 2/7. It should now be built, as it takes about 20 hours to fully assemble. Now I picture it sitting in a parking lot somewhere waiting to be loaded on a car hauler and brought to the dealer. I hope that doesn't take forever. We're working on SEVEN MONTHS since I ordered it as is.
What Beautress said. Pics or it ain't real when it comes. :)
Well, I planted 1 of 3 roses yesterday.

When I went out this morning, Miss Songie had dug a little 6x6x8" deep hole right next to where I weeded and planted the prettiest pink rose bush that ever had a pretty picture stamped into its plastic coating. Today I went out, but was sore from all the work yesterday. I got the hole patched up, but by then, NMA had built up and I was worn out and hastened inside. I think I will start putting miss Muppy Monster in with Piccolo the one-look cat who fascinates miss Songie for reasons I'm not sure of, since she hated every dog who ever walked through this house. For reasons not known to me, she is tolerant of the renegade Miss Songie. I put both of them in the bathroom. She disabused the screen of its integrity sometime in the last few months, so she can escape when she can't stand snubbing Miss Songie, right out of the tatters she scratched to enjoy the outside world on good days. Later on I'm going to tackle the garden. I'm going to give Miss Songie enough time to stalk the house for items she can turn into her current chew toy. She chewed a 9-inch hole in the pillow case on my bed along with 3" holes in the remaining pillowcase back edges and the other side of the one with the 9-inch hole in it as of last night. I guess she has to destroy something I had my hands on every day in honor of loving the smell of my hands on any given object that can be chewed up handily. Pardon my NMA (Negative Mental Attitude). But enough is enough. I give up on civilizing the dog. She can tell it to the cat. :cranky: Oh, for the days when I could plant a whole row or three. I still have 2 holes to dig, plus about 50 bulbs of blue and orange flowers.
What Beautress said. Pics or it ain't real when it comes. :)
It's been such a long wait already, it almost doesn't seem like it will ever happen.

I won't be able to get pics of it being delivered to the dealer, but I will certainly get pics when I go to the dealer to pick it up. I'll need last pics of my 2019 as I trade it in.

Hey ya sod buster... how ya been brother Lump?
Well .. I'm not busting as much sod .. that's for sure.. :eusa_doh:

I've noticed that over the past year or so so, I'm far more willing to say .. "okay fine, you do it".. :laugh:

.. other than that reality, I think I'm still fairly blessed with a fortunate life

... and you my friend and honorary bro .. are you poking along with smiles?
Sick again today. I have been eating only broths and a few saltines or ritz crackers, tea, etc. Was sick from 8 on wards and it finally let up at 4am. Don't know whats wrong with me. Stomach, and all the issues related to it. I hope today is better. I have so much I have to do. Wish I had a family member or friend close by to help, but I dont.

Thought I would wind up in ER last night but I kept rocking myself and praying it would go away. Finally did. But now I dread tonight. Will it return? Oy
With the amount of stress you're under it's not surprising. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the stress causing it, it's quite common for that level of stress to manifest itself physically. I know it's extemely difficult a times but you need to find a way to de-stress. I know just how hard that can be. Keeping you both in my prayers.
Been getting help through the VA for my depression, initially they gave me Escitalopram Oxate but I really hated the way it made me feel, kinda discombobulated so I stopped taking it and notified the doc. Told him I didn't want to go the chemical route at this juncture, he was okay with it.
About a month ago decided to start working out again, started on the stationary bike and at first could barely do two minutes every other day. Now I'm up to ten minutes a day with stretches and working out on the weight machine every other day. It's really helping my attitude, I'm starting to feel a lot better. I suspect I could do more on the weight machine and stationary bike but I don't want to push it and end up hurting myself.
With the amount of stress you're under it's not surprising. I wouldn't be surprised if it's the stress causing it, it's quite common for that level of stress to manifest itself physically. I know it's extemely difficult a times but you need to find a way to de-stress. I know just how hard that can be. Keeping you both in my prayers.
I actually felt better today. I heard that a stomach bug is going of those 3 to 5 dayers....and mine lasted 3 days. So....eating mush (bland and clear foods and buttloads of decaf tea) helped in me losing 10 lbs. So de-stress myself, I went thrift store shopping. Didn't buy a lot, and enjoyed myself. Well, until the hospital called right in the middle of me looking at some dresses...and asked ever so casually if Dennis still wanted a DNR and DNI. Like, wtf? Freaked me out. They NEVER call me..I hafta call them and rarely get a response cuz they are either between shifts or handing out medications to patients on the same floor. So when THEY called ME...and then asked that...I freaked. But the nurse assured me it was just for their records (its already in they not LOOK?) and said he was doing ok. Not better..just ok. But, the patch on his lung worked because there are no more leaks. He was on level 10 oxygen but is now on level 6. When all this started a few months back, he was on level 2. So this is a semi improvement and a hell of a lot better than 10! But higher than 2 :(, and all of us are hoping it improves more.

They said they plan to keep him a while longer, then release him to a rehab nursing home for a month until all his holes and incisions from the last surgery that was much bigger, heals. THEN he can come home.

And..he regained a bit of weight. They were feeding him stuff he will not eat, or doesn't want to eat, so I said "scrambled eggs. THIN slice of SMALL toast with a bit of jam, orange juice. He WILL eat that. So they did and he gained 2 lbs after losing 18 lbs. The weight loss is good, though, cuz less weight, less to haul around when he does his PT.

I splurged and bought him an adjustable bed, too. He is going to LOVE that! It will be delivered and set up next saturday. And yes, of course I plan to break it in for him, lol.
I actually felt better today. I heard that a stomach bug is going of those 3 to 5 dayers....and mine lasted 3 days. So....eating mush (bland and clear foods and buttloads of decaf tea) helped in me losing 10 lbs. So de-stress myself, I went thrift store shopping. Didn't buy a lot, and enjoyed myself. Well, until the hospital called right in the middle of me looking at some dresses...and asked ever so casually if Dennis still wanted a DNR and DNI. Like, wtf? Freaked me out. They NEVER call me..I hafta call them and rarely get a response cuz they are either between shifts or handing out medications to patients on the same floor. So when THEY called ME...and then asked that...I freaked. But the nurse assured me it was just for their records (its already in they not LOOK?) and said he was doing ok. Not better..just ok. But, the patch on his lung worked because there are no more leaks. He was on level 10 oxygen but is now on level 6. When all this started a few months back, he was on level 2. So this is a semi improvement and a hell of a lot better than 10! But higher than 2 :(, and all of us are hoping it improves more.

They said they plan to keep him a while longer, then release him to a rehab nursing home for a month until all his holes and incisions from the last surgery that was much bigger, heals. THEN he can come home.

And..he regained a bit of weight. They were feeding him stuff he will not eat, or doesn't want to eat, so I said "scrambled eggs. THIN slice of SMALL toast with a bit of jam, orange juice. He WILL eat that. So they did and he gained 2 lbs after losing 18 lbs. The weight loss is good, though, cuz less weight, less to haul around when he does his PT.

I splurged and bought him an adjustable bed, too. He is going to LOVE that! It will be delivered and set up next saturday. And yes, of course I plan to break it in for him, lol.
Sounds really good and you guys remain in my prayers every day.
Been getting help through the VA for my depression, initially they gave me Escitalopram Oxate but I really hated the way it made me feel, kinda discombobulated so I stopped taking it and notified the doc. Told him I didn't want to go the chemical route at this juncture, he was okay with it.
About a month ago decided to start working out again, started on the stationary bike and at first could barely do two minutes every other day. Now I'm up to ten minutes a day with stretches and working out on the weight machine every other day. It's really helping my attitude, I'm starting to feel a lot better. I suspect I could do more on the weight machine and stationary bike but I don't want to push it and end up hurting myself.
It is amazing how regular exercise does wonders for us mentally, physically, emotionally. I wish I took my own advice more consistently because it's really hard to make yourself do it when you hurt. But looks like you're getting it done while been sensibly cautious with it.

I know you do a lot of research yourself, but when dealing with reactive depression, I found walnuts, eliminating or way reducing most processed sugar, and upping the dark green leafy veggies such as turnip and collard greens, spinach kale really helped. These are also rated as helpful with other forms of depression.

Other foods that are depression fighters are almost all berries, especially blueberries, mushrooms (not the psychedelic kind :)) dried beans--pinto beans, lentils, navy beans, etc.--and again the lowly apple--at least one a day is sooo good for us for many different things. If I recall correctly, onions and tomatoes are in there too but those with acid reflux may not tolerate those well.

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