USMB Coffee Shop IV

Saturday morning!

Upper midwest weather-a-go-go: Snows yesterday, sunny and -20 today.....BRRRRRR.

Let the cartoon begin!

This has been such a weird winter for us. We have had one snow other than the high mountains and that may be all we get. Only one brief cold snap where the temps stayed at or near freezing for most of a week but we're back in the mid to upper 50's, even a low 60's, now. Extremely dry. But those of you north and east of us have had maybe more winter than you want? It's probably all perfectly normal in the big picture spectrum of things, but it never feels normal at the time it's happening to us. :)
This has been such a weird winter for us. We have had one snow other than the high mountains and that may be all we get. Only one brief cold snap where the temps stayed at or near freezing for most of a week but we're back in the mid to upper 50's, even a low 60's, now. Extremely dry. But those of you north and east of us have had maybe more winter than you want? It's probably all perfectly normal in the big picture spectrum of things, but it never feels normal at the time it's happening to us. :)
Totally normal cycle for us.

Grey, grey, grey, grey, snows, then sun comes out with sub-zero temps.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

This is what I get for ditching ski season this year....Though it looks like I'll be able to attend my beloved HS hockey toruney.
I actually felt better today. I heard that a stomach bug is going of those 3 to 5 dayers....and mine lasted 3 days. So....eating mush (bland and clear foods and buttloads of decaf tea) helped in me losing 10 lbs. So de-stress myself, I went thrift store shopping. Didn't buy a lot, and enjoyed myself. Well, until the hospital called right in the middle of me looking at some dresses...and asked ever so casually if Dennis still wanted a DNR and DNI. Like, wtf? Freaked me out. They NEVER call me..I hafta call them and rarely get a response cuz they are either between shifts or handing out medications to patients on the same floor. So when THEY called ME...and then asked that...I freaked. But the nurse assured me it was just for their records (its already in they not LOOK?) and said he was doing ok. Not better..just ok. But, the patch on his lung worked because there are no more leaks. He was on level 10 oxygen but is now on level 6. When all this started a few months back, he was on level 2. So this is a semi improvement and a hell of a lot better than 10! But higher than 2 :(, and all of us are hoping it improves more.

They said they plan to keep him a while longer, then release him to a rehab nursing home for a month until all his holes and incisions from the last surgery that was much bigger, heals. THEN he can come home.

And..he regained a bit of weight. They were feeding him stuff he will not eat, or doesn't want to eat, so I said "scrambled eggs. THIN slice of SMALL toast with a bit of jam, orange juice. He WILL eat that. So they did and he gained 2 lbs after losing 18 lbs. The weight loss is good, though, cuz less weight, less to haul around when he does his PT.

I splurged and bought him an adjustable bed, too. He is going to LOVE that! It will be delivered and set up next saturday. And yes, of course I plan to break it in for him, lol.

It's good to hear you're having days that don't feel like all doom and gloom. I'm almost certain I'd react terribly in your situation, as I have a hard time handling just normal day to day life already :p. I'm sure it's going to feel impossible at times, but try to remember that you CAN get through this. Hopefully everything goes as well as hoped for and hubby heals up completely. Whatever the outcome, however, try not to let circumstances push you to decisions you don't want to make; while they won't all be good, you WILL have choices and can work to meet all of these hardships as much on your own terms as possible.

You've both been through a lot even before this latest health problem. I'm certainly not qualified to give you advice about what decisions to make. I can only add my hopes to everyone else's for as complete a recovery as is possible. :cryhug_1_:
Random decision generator.
Welcome to the Coffee Shop Brick Gold. We're happy you found us. Please read over the OP to see what we're all about in here and then keep right on joining in. And your suggested website gives excellent advice. :)

First timers receive a complimentary beverage:

I am teetering on the brink of buying the following tv ,Sony BRAVIA KD-32W800-32-inch. My sister tells me she gets Netflix on her tv and recommends it, but my tv is too old. I believe I can connect the Sony tv to the internet through my modem with an ethernet cable, but I am not sure.​


I am teetering on the brink of buying the following tv ,Sony BRAVIA KD-32W800-32-inch. My sister tells me she gets Netflix on her tv and recommends it, but my tv is too old. I believe I can connect the Sony tv to the internet through my modem with an ethernet cable, but I am not sure.​

Yes the smart TVs can connect to your wifi system, blue tooth, and stream Amazon video or whatever you want to do. Most come with the Netflix app built in and all you have to do is activate it. Not sure about the ethernet cable to access the internet but I don't see why that wouldn't be possible?
Well .. I'm not busting as much sod .. that's for sure.. :eusa_doh:

I've noticed that over the past year or so so, I'm far more willing to say .. "okay fine, you do it".. :laugh:

.. other than that reality, I think I'm still fairly blessed with a fortunate life

... and you my friend and honorary bro .. are you poking along with smiles?
I am... no complaints other than those I'm sure most everyone else has about the affair of things today. Going to be 67 years old this July. Funny how the body keeps getting older but in my head I still feel the same. Seems to be a greater mismatch as the years pass. My mind says let's go do this, do that, and the body says, aaahh, you might wanna hold on.

I did just get good news this morning. I got a text from my salesman at the dealership that there is now a VIN for my truck, which indicates it has been built. Now the waiting begins for a transport to the dealership, and I have no idea when that could be so I'm not even going to speculate. I'm through with being disappointed. It's been close to 7 months waiting already.
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For those who haven't seen it yet Mr G has passed away, Let's give all our prayers and whatever help we can to Gracie.

MrG has passed.
How devastating.

It seems as though I've seen more death of close friends and relatives in the span of the last two years than I've seen in the prior 66 years of my life combined.

I am so sad for Gracie... I'm sad for us all.
Over the last almost 12 years the Coffee Shop members have noted the passing of so many loved ones: parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, close friends both human and fur. Ollie, Beautress, peach, Ringel, and now Gracie have lost beloved mates. For those left behind, grief and mourning are part of the necessary process. And then we all pick ourselves up and keep on keeping on. But I think all of us wish there was more we could do to help other than just care.

Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family and her sister for relief/wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Hombre for lessened anxiety and successful preparation for his surgery on the 24th.
SFC Ollie for health and wellness.
Gracie for comfort and solace in the passing of Mr. G.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

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Big Black Dog?
BBD has posted in the last few weeks, but sadly reported that he has stage 4 cancer and the probable prognosis is not great. That's why he is on the vigil list. He may be undergoing treatment and is really feeling bad. I don't know. But he needs all our prayers and/or positive vibes too.
Yes the smart TVs can connect to your wifi system, blue tooth, and stream Amazon video or whatever you want to do. Most come with the Netflix app built in and all you have to do is activate it. Not sure about the ethernet cable to access the internet but I don't see why that wouldn't be possible?
Hi, well I purchased a smart tv and connected it to the internet using an ethernet cable. But when I tried to sign up to netflix it asked me for a mobile phone number.

BBD has posted in the last few weeks, but sadly reported that he has stage 4 cancer and the probable prognosis is not great. That's why he is on the vigil list. He may be undergoing treatment and is really feeling bad. I don't know. But he needs all our prayers and/or positive vibes too.
Oh Lord... I did not know that. Prayers be with Big Black Dog
Sick again today. I have been eating only broths and a few saltines or ritz crackers, tea, etc. Was sick from 8 on wards and it finally let up at 4am. Don't know whats wrong with me. Stomach, and all the issues related to it. I hope today is better. I have so much I have to do. Wish I had a family member or friend close by to help, but I dont.

Thought I would wind up in ER last night but I kept rocking myself and praying it would go away. Finally did. But now I dread tonight. Will it return? Oy
Hon, if your stomach bothers you, put a half teaspoon of ginger in a glass of water. Stir. Drink all of it. I use a teaspoon, but it works every time for me. Half an hour later the problem is gone. While you are in a time of stress, B vitamins are pretty helpful, and if you're over 55, be certain you get twice the RDA on B12 and B6. Every B vitamin acts in a good way, so instead of buying 4 or 5 favorites, one bottle of B100 from WallyWorld or Walgreen's work wonders on subduing stress. On a scale of one to ten, losing your most important other is a ten. i've been praying for you and your loved ones for several days in a row. We send you a big group hug to let you know we care more than words can say.. :huddle: Love, becki
BBD has posted in the last few weeks, but sadly reported that he has stage 4 cancer and the probable prognosis is not great. That's why he is on the vigil list. He may be undergoing treatment and is really feeling bad. I don't know. But he needs all our prayers and/or positive vibes too.
Well, if you're in touch with BBD, please let him know we wish him well and would comfort him better if closer. :huddle: My prayers are up for BBD. I didn't know he was ailing.

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