USMB Coffee Shop IV

And does anybody know anything about peach174, Ernie S, Nosmo King, gallantwarrior? None come up on any search anymore.
I've missed them, too. It could be the politics are so disappointing to everyone regardless of right, left, or in between. I thought of gallantwarrior a few days back when I read that the country areas near Anchorage had several feet of snow fall several days in a row. That could be deleterious to all communications. So prayers up for peach, Ernie, Nosmo, gallantwarrior, and others we no longer see. My prayers are up that this nation heals from its divisiveness as best it can. I mean that in the kindest way possible.
Maybe you could use your sisters again?
Hi, thanks for the reply. I solved the problem minutes after my last post. I signed up to netflix on my computer, and then entered my details on the TV, and soon after that I was watching a great film.

If anyone does not have netflix I recommend it, there are hundreds of new films to choose from and it is cheap.
Puppy is now 8 months and just murdered his favorite ducky...

Greetings, Coffee Shoppers!
It has come to my attention that I have been missed and I assure you all, I miss you, too. I've been busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest for a while now.
Especially after the panicdemic was launched, our Chinese customers, and many other fly-by-night operators, have been making hay while the sun shines. Our flight schedules increased from around 30 flights a day to over 100 daily. Some airlines took a big hit when their passenger trade decreased to almost nothing. Some made do converting passenger planes to carry cargo. After passenger trade picked up, the airlines started hiring again because many employees retired or just quit. Mandates pushed some of the long-standing employees out onto the streets and replacing people has proven challenging. Seems like the entire industry is short-handed and struggling. So, I've been working a lot of overtime. I still have my daily commute, too.
These last few weeks have been a struggle with Mother Nature. It's been snowing at my house almost every weekend (it seems) and the past week has dropped about 18 inches of wet, heavy snow that resists removal and tends to suck vehicles' wheels into an icy morass of spinning tires and shoveling. Only half of every shovelful falls off the shovel, the rest has to be knocked off because it sticks to the shovel. I skipped work the night before last and almost took a pass last night, too.
Otherwise, I find myself in good health and hope that you all are doing well and staying warm and dry. Lots of folks have been challenging the weather. And those in Florida have the added hazard of falling iguanas, one hazard we have avoided in Alaska, so far.
Well, bunches more to tell about but I have some time to go back and see what has befallen some of you.
Love you all, my USMB CS family.
Greetings, Coffee Shoppers!
It has come to my attention that I have been missed and I assure you all, I miss you, too. I've been busy as a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest for a while now.
Especially after the panicdemic was launched, our Chinese customers, and many other fly-by-night operators, have been making hay while the sun shines. Our flight schedules increased from around 30 flights a day to over 100 daily. Some airlines took a big hit when their passenger trade decreased to almost nothing. Some made do converting passenger planes to carry cargo. After passenger trade picked up, the airlines started hiring again because many employees retired or just quit. Mandates pushed some of the long-standing employees out onto the streets and replacing people has proven challenging. Seems like the entire industry is short-handed and struggling. So, I've been working a lot of overtime. I still have my daily commute, too.
These last few weeks have been a struggle with Mother Nature. It's been snowing at my house almost every weekend (it seems) and the past week has dropped about 18 inches of wet, heavy snow that resists removal and tends to suck vehicles' wheels into an icy morass of spinning tires and shoveling. Only half of every shovelful falls off the shovel, the rest has to be knocked off because it sticks to the shovel. I skipped work the night before last and almost took a pass last night, too.
Otherwise, I find myself in good health and hope that you all are doing well and staying warm and dry. Lots of folks have been challenging the weather. And those in Florida have the added hazard of falling iguanas, one hazard we have avoided in Alaska, so far.
Well, bunches more to tell about but I have some time to go back and see what has befallen some of you.
Love you all, my USMB CS family.
So happy you've chimed in GW and that all is well with you. I always worry about you living off the grid and would you be able to get help if you needed it? But sounds like you're very much on the grid much of the time. I know that snow is necessary for the environmental health of Alaska, but I don't envy you having to deal with it. At least here in New Mexico we don't have to worry much about falling iguanas. :) Not a lot has happened in your absence--life goes on for most of us. The worst thing lately is Gracie losing Mr. G this past week. That has been so very hard for her.

Anyhow again happy to hear from you and hope we'll a proof of life post at least once in awhile. :)
gallantwarrior my cyber phriend, so happy you are still sucking air through the right orifices... Keep your powder dry...
Best wishes backatcha, Ridgerunner. Head down, powder dry. Do you all have an apparant long-standing ammo shortage. Up here, unless you know when the delivery is coming, you won't get any of the common calibers. They don't even bother unloading the truck. Walmart still sells shot shells and .22 ammo but no rifle ammo. Strange, but I can get .22 ammo for at least two of my pistoles. Heh-heh-heh...
My theory is as follows...

Every day the sun shines try to buy some form of 12 gauge shells for the future...
I don't have any rifles here as I live in a very and I mean very urban environment... Do have a couple of those .22 pistoles you speak of, oh and a very large can of aerosol Bear spray...
Best advantage I have is the high ground... Throw your hat and announce yourself very loudly if you come up my stairs... ;)
Ha ! is it windy in America ? we had a gale yesterday and there is scaffolding up at the back of my house. The wind brought some of it down yesterday, and a pole came crashing through my window . The scaffolders came today and put it back up. But I have a nervous stomach every time the wind blows.
Ha ! is it windy in America ? we had a gale yesterday and there is scaffolding up at the back of my house. The wind brought some of it down yesterday, and a pole came crashing through my window . The scaffolders came today and put it back up. But I have a nervous stomach every time the wind blows.
Windy in NE Ohio today.
Ha ! is it windy in America ? we had a gale yesterday and there is scaffolding up at the back of my house. The wind brought some of it down yesterday, and a pole came crashing through my window . The scaffolders came today and put it back up. But I have a nervous stomach every time the wind blows.
In Texas, Kansas, and New Mexico where we have lived, there have been fierce winds. Extreme, gale force, tornadic, whatever. You don't think of that happening in England but wow. Hope you don't have to pay for the damage.
I am... no complaints other than those I'm sure most everyone else has about the affair of things today. Going to be 67 years old this July. Funny how the body keeps getting older but in my head I still feel the same. Seems to be a greater mismatch as the years pass. My mind says let's go do this, do that, and the body says, aaahh, you might wanna hold on.

I did just get good news this morning. I got a text from my salesman at the dealership that there is now a VIN for my truck, which indicates it has been built. Now the waiting begins for a transport to the dealership, and I have no idea when that could be so I'm not even going to speculate. I'm through with being disappointed. It's been close to 7 months waiting already.

Sounds fine and hopeful .. sheesh, this must be quite the truck..
Just got done with a 65 mile snowmobile trip near Ely,Mn.
Had fun, but trails were a little beat up from the unbelievable amount of other riders out there.
Usually can do over 125 miles if you catch the freshly groomed trails. Took forever to even get my old sled started as we woke up to windchills around -35.
Beautiful snow covered north woods scenery though.

Time for a couple cocktails next door.
Just got done with a 65 mile snowmobile trip near Ely,Mn.
Had fun, but trails were a little beat up from the unbelievable amount of other riders out there.
Usually can do over 125 miles if you catch the freshly groomed trails. Took forever to even get my old sled started as we woke up to windchills around -35.
Beautiful snow covered north woods scenery though.

Time for a couple cocktails next door.
Sounds great.

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