USMB Coffee Shop IV

I used to stick the lukewarm or cold coffee in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up. But as I got use to lukewarm coffee and/or cold coffee I guess I got to where I didn't mind it or too lazy to do anything about it. :)

And Albuquerque weather is just as erratic as Texas weather ever was.

I just saw a news clip in which a bad dust storm in Illinois caused a multi-car pile up and several folks were killed. Dust storms are so common in West Texas and eastern New Mexico folks accept them as routine and take them in stride. I guess in Illinois not so much.
Prayers up for those in Illinois and their families. The awful weather doesn't help the people who need TLC on the frozen streets. 'Night.
Okay, I fixed the link with my song. Accidentally had it set on restricted.
OMG Ringel05 . First is that an original song? If so it is 100% marketable. I have not heard it before.

And you have an excellent singing voice, perfect pitch, and excellent enunciation, pleasant to listen to. As an old choir director I would have been harassing you like crazy to get you into my choir.

For those of you who missed it, you can listen at Post 72,546.
OMG Ringel05 . First is that an original song? If so it is 100% marketable. I have not heard it before.

And you have an excellent singing voice, perfect pitch, and excellent enunciation, pleasant to listen to. As an old choir director I would have been harassing you like crazy to get you into my choir.

For those of you who missed it, you can listen at Post 72,546.
I used to sing semi professionally, lead vocals back in my 20s, R&R band. As for the song it's not my original, I believe it's one of Home Free's originals which they began releasing not long ago. They still do cover songs though.
This is one of the very few times they actually have musical accompaniment With Chris Chatham playing guitar. Primarily they are one of the premier acapella groups around, known internationally but primarily through the internet. They are some of the most talented singers (with Adam Rupp the beat boxer who swallowed a drum kit when he was a kid......).

Tim Faust who starts out the song is the groups bass-profundo but he also has a 5 octave range so he can do Frankie Valli. Adam Chance the second singer is a baritenor (like me), Rob Lunquist, big guy with the thick beard is their low tenor and finally Austin Brown is the high tenor.
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I don't know what it is with sleeplessness right now. Aunt Betty has complained that she just can't sleep. Hombre wakes up way too early in the morning and can't get back to sleep. Beautress and Ringel are having trouble sleeping. And I'm waking up several times a night. It's epidemic.
I forgot to note the 13th anniversary of the opening of the Coffee Shop yesterday 5/4/2024. (Was too busy wishing people for the 4th to be with them :) )

Anyhow. . .
The original USMB Coffee Shop opened on 5-4-2010 and acquired 80,455 posts and 3,285,729 views before it closed on 7-30-13.
USMB Coffee Shop II opened on 7-30-13 and acquired 25,935 posts and 486,351 views before it closed on 4-14-14.
The USMB Coffee Shop III opened on 4-15-14 and is closing on 5-15-14 with 2,803 posts and 132,229 views.
The USMB Coffee Shop IV opened on 5-15-2014 and now has 72,569 posts and 3,022,285 views.

TOTALS since 5-4-2010:
181,762 Posts
526 USMB member--give or take a few as I no doubt missed a few and a few have changed their screen names--have made a post over these 13 years.

Long live the Coffee Shop!!!
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I don't know what it is with sleeplessness right now. Aunt Betty has complained that she just can't sleep. Hombre wakes up way too early in the morning and can't get back to sleep. Beautress and Ringel are having trouble sleeping. And I'm waking up several times a night. It's epidemic.
I only sleep a couple of hours, then get up and do things or watch a film. Then I go back to bed and sleep another couple of hours. To prove it I am typing this at 3.48 AM British time.
I only sleep a couple of hours, then get up and do things or watch a film. Then I go back to bed and sleep another couple of hours. To prove it I am typing this at 3.48 AM British time.
Maybe it's just Coffee Shop syndrome or something. :)

It's almost 12:30 a.m. Mountain Daylight Savings time and I'm wide awake. Waiting for my melatonin and Tylenol PM to kick in and will head to bed shortly. But an unbroken night's sleep just doesn't happen any more for me.
I don't know what it is with sleeplessness right now. Aunt Betty has complained that she just can't sleep. Hombre wakes up way too early in the morning and can't get back to sleep. Beautress and Ringel are having trouble sleeping. And I'm waking up several times a night. It's epidemic.
I have been doing good to get 5-6 and I’m taking a sleep med. I toss and turn wake up a 2:30 am and get real tired about 2 pm.
I have been doing good to get 5-6 and I’m taking a sleep med. I toss and turn wake up a 2:30 am and get real tired about 2 pm.
Well with no intention of minimizing the problem for you--so many of us can relate--I'm thinking we ought to rename the Coffee Shop "The USMB Coffee Shop for Insomniacs"

And though Hombre's current hopefully temporary sleeplessness is a different thing now, I will say he went through many months, maybe years, of extreme fatigue--he couldn't sit down for even a few minutes of watching TV or a movie without dosing off. He finally did a sleep study and they said he was essentially waking up every few minutes during the night due to Apnea. They put him on a CPAP and it has made a tremendous difference. Alas not the problem for the rest of us here though.
Well with no intention of minimizing the problem for you--so many of us can relate--I'm thinking we ought to rename the Coffee Shop "The USMB Coffee Shop for Insomniacs"

And though Hombre's current hopefully temporary sleeplessness is a different thing now, I will say he went through many months, maybe years, of extreme fatigue--he couldn't sit down for even a few minutes of watching TV or a movie without dosing off. He finally did a sleep study and they said he was essentially waking up every few minutes during the night due to Apnea. They put him on a CPAP and it has made a tremendous difference. Alas not the problem for the rest of us here though.
I have thought of doing a sleep study if this continues, thanks for your experience at least we all know we are not alone in this plight.
I have thought of doing a sleep study if this continues, thanks for your experience at least we all know we are not alone in this plight.
If you've never had one it might be worth it to check it out. Your health insurance usually pays all the cost of the sleep study and, if needed, the machine and monitoring. Hombre just wears a very light small soft harness that keeps the device in his nose overnight--sort of like getting oxygen-- very comfortable for him. Few need the big full face mask anymore.

And if low oxygen is the problem--some people's drops significantly when they are sleeping--that is easily remedied too.

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