USMB Coffee Shop IV

What do you think? Just put it in park and call it a day?

Good news about baby Alex - he is out of danger and now home with his mum and dad. Thank you and the good peeps of the Coffee Shop for all of the prayers.

I now have another request. Baby Emma had a stroke this week. She is only 1 year old, so this is extra shocking. She and her family could use all of our prayers.

(Note, I am very worried about babies these days. I know several women who have had late term miscarriage and still births, as well as a few whose babies have unusual conditions for such younguns - these are not normal times.)

Good news about baby Alex - he is out of danger and now home with his mum and dad. Thank you and the good peeps of the Coffee Shop for all of the prayers.

I now have another request. Baby Emma had a stroke this week. She is only 1 year old, so this is extra shocking. She and her family could use all of our prayers.

(Note, I am very worried about babies these days. I know several women who have had late term miscarriage and still births, as well as a few whose babies have unusual conditions for such younguns - these are not normal times.)
Prayers up for Baby Emma and of course she goes onto the vigil list.

I agree these are not normal times but pediatric strokes, while rare, have happened. We had one such case in two hospitals I have worked for. The good news is that they both fully recovered nicely as is the the case with the huge majority of children. That doesn't help a lot with the child and family going through it and worried sick though.

And we will consider Baby Alex as answered prayer.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Though not the worst on record, it has been a really bad spring storm season for much of the country. April showers bring May flowers?

Good news about baby Alex - he is out of danger and now home with his mum and dad. Thank you and the good peeps of the Coffee Shop for all of the prayers.

I now have another request. Baby Emma had a stroke this week. She is only 1 year old, so this is extra shocking. She and her family could use all of our prayers.

(Note, I am very worried about babies these days. I know several women who have had late term miscarriage and still births, as well as a few whose babies have unusual conditions for such younguns - these are not normal times.)
Prayers up for all concerned there, boedicca. 💗
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Though not the worst on record, it has been a really bad spring storm season for much of the country. April showers bring May flowers?
Thank you for all the prayers, Foxfyre. Ken is on oxygen for his emphysema, and he is helping the Elks Lodge level their land to prevent water from running down into the Lodge in the rainy season that we're in this year.

I delivered 7 more baby quilt tops for the Charity Bees, and have a postage stamp baby quilt waiting to have its 2nd and 3rd borders sewn on. It took a week to make, but it was a nice break from completing last week's log cabin quilts. It will have 776 pieces in it hopefully by tomorrow morning If I would just add the borders this evening. The antibiotics and allergy prescriptions helped a lot after my doctor visit. Here's some cups of coffee to pass around to Hostess Foxfyre and all the beautiful people who visit here and share a little part of themselves with friends.

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Prayers up for Baby Emma and of course she goes onto the vigil list.

I agree these are not normal times but pediatric strokes, while rare, have happened. We had one such case in two hospitals I have worked for. The good news is that they both fully recovered nicely as is the the case with the huge majority of children. That doesn't help a lot with the child and family going through it and worried sick though.

And we will consider Baby Alex as answered prayer.

Thank you! She's in great hands!
So a teenager came home with a nearly new Ford F-150. His parents asked him where he got it and he said a lady down the street sold it to him for $15.

The parents were concerned that the woman may have mental problems and went immediately to her house where they found her working in her flower bed. They asked her about the truck and she assured him she had sold it in good faith to their son for $15.

Why? They asked. She explained her husband was supposed to be on a business trip but she found out he was in Hawaii with his secretary. And when he was robbed at one point and had no money, credit card, or plane ticket home, he called her and told her to sell his truck and wire him the money.

So she did.
So a teenager came home with a nearly new Ford F-150. His parents asked him where he got it and he said a lady down the street sold it to him for $15.

The parents were concerned that the woman may have mental problems and went immediately to her house where they found her working in her flower bed. They asked her about the truck and she assured him she had sold it in good faith to their son for $15.

Why? They asked. She explained her husband was supposed to be on a business trip but she found out he was in Hawaii with his secretary. And when he was robbed at one point and had no money, credit card, or plane ticket home, he called her and told her to sell his truck and wire him the money.

So she did.
I've hear that one a couple of different ways. :thup:
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Though not the worst on record, it has been a really bad spring storm season for much of the country. April showers bring May flowers?
I saved that picture and printed it out. I am doing a painting with cloud, and I am having trouble making them look right. They started out looking like flying bricks, and now they look like cotton wool. But I am not giving up. I paint in oils, so I can keep painting over them until I get them right.

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