USMB Coffee Shop IV

I saved that picture and printed it out. I am doing a painting with cloud, and I am having trouble making them look right. They started out looking like flying bricks, and now they look like cotton wool. But I am not giving up. I paint in oils, so I can keep painting over them until I get them right.
It is an awesome cloud both beautiful and terrifying.
Got my quarterly cortisone knee shots yesterday at the VA and wouldn't ya know it, one of the side effects is insomnia....... Got an hour of sleep last night, tried for 45 minutes at 5 AM to go to sleep, no dice. Now I'm tired but wide awake........ It's supposed to last only 24 hours which means when 2 PM comes around I'll probably crash hard.
Got my quarterly cortisone knee shots yesterday at the VA and wouldn't ya know it, one of the side effects is insomnia....... Got an hour of sleep last night, tried for 45 minutes at 5 AM to go to sleep, no dice. Now I'm tired but wide awake........ It's supposed to last only 24 hours which means when 2 PM comes around I'll probably crash hard.
Ringel, have you ever tried Blue Emu? It comes from down under, and it really has a way with soothing painful knees, plus it doesn't interfere with your sleep cycle. For staying asleep, I take three 5mg strawberry flavored melatonin under-the-tongue tablets you can get at Walmart. If you have any kind of stress, you can make it go away by doing a good deed, including praying for a friend. And you already did one good deed today, you came to the coffee shop where you are adored *ahem* most of the time. :thup:

Ringel, have you ever tried Blue Emu? It comes from down under, and it really has a way with soothing painful knees, plus it doesn't interfere with your sleep cycle. For staying asleep, I take three 5mg strawberry flavored melatonin under-the-tongue tablets you can get at Walmart. If you have any kind of stress, you can make it go away by doing a good deed, including praying for a friend. And you already did one good deed today, you came to the coffee shop where you are adored *ahem* most of the time. :thup:

The product Icey /Hot works real well on my knees it gave me alot of relief when my knees were in constant pain.
Some like their coffee hot... (I can't drink cold coffee)

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I can and often do. I get one or two good swallows of really hot coffee and then get busy on the computer or something and when I go back for the rest in that cup it is lukewarm or cold. I drink it anyway.
I can and often do. I get one or two good swallows of really hot coffee and then get busy on the computer or something and when I go back for the rest in that cup it is lukewarm or cold. I drink it anyway.
I used to be that way. Then I found a small one-cup hot plate for under $5. They're much more advanced now, and they plug into a usb port on your computer if you're there a lot. I just discovered that yesterday when I was searching the web for modern-day hottles. Our weather has been strange up here in the piney woods of Texas, and it's chilly one day and hot the next. In TX if you don't like today's weather, wait ten minutes... And more so with this wild weather year of 2023. :auiqs.jpg:
It's Monday. I'm just gonna pay the bills in my foot-tall stack of junk mail and everything else. My brother's job has temporarily put him in charge of a building crew in San Antonio. We're having to build like crazy to make homes for border crossing people. I know it's a service, but I want my brother back to see him at least once in a while. Hope everyone has a stellar week. I have 3 quilt starts upstairs, and I need to take my turn up there and get busy, this time to finish the one that only has two borders to complete the whole thing. I also assembled 16 windmill blocks in baby colors on the bright side to make a square picnic-style baby quilt. Oh, my it's May the first, and I should do a Cinco de Mayo Quilt. I'll look one up online and share OTHER PEOPLE'S WORK since I'm the world's absolute worst photographer, and I don't go there any more, don't know how to take and file pictures on the cell phone (heaven help my friends if I ever figure it out....) :laughing0301: So here are some I found/am finding for Cinco de !arrgh! Mayo.

Hmm, they kinda look like everybody's baby quilts... I take that back after a little bit of deeper delving......



Too much work.... Maybe a simple striped one...


^^^^That oughta keep me outta trouble for a few days^^^^
Of course, it would be Christmas before I got finished with all of them...
I may be busy for a week or so *sigh* C ya!

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Worked on the hardest quilt today. It took all morning, and now it's evening. lol You can get no where fast using 1" strips of cloth, so I think tomorrow I'll finish 2 of the easiest ones to complete and forget about the one inch strips, I have enough strips cut to waste six weeks away lol. Not a good decision to do miniature work on a baby quilt. Each square has 27 strips in it, and the squares are about 9" square. What a waste of time, and all I got out of it was a backache. I think I'm going to treat myself to my only meal today at Denny's. Have a great evening, everyone. :thup:
I used to be that way. Then I found a small one-cup hot plate for under $5. They're much more advanced now, and they plug into a usb port on your computer if you're there a lot. I just discovered that yesterday when I was searching the web for modern-day hottles. Our weather has been strange up here in the piney woods of Texas, and it's chilly one day and hot the next. In TX if you don't like today's weather, wait ten minutes... And more so with this wild weather year of 2023. :auiqs.jpg:
I used to stick the lukewarm or cold coffee in the microwave for a few seconds to warm it up. But as I got use to lukewarm coffee and/or cold coffee I guess I got to where I didn't mind it or too lazy to do anything about it. :)

And Albuquerque weather is just as erratic as Texas weather ever was.

I just saw a news clip in which a bad dust storm in Illinois caused a multi-car pile up and several folks were killed. Dust storms are so common in West Texas and eastern New Mexico folks accept them as routine and take them in stride. I guess in Illinois not so much.

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