USMB Coffee Shop IV

Still in the midst of trying to get Aunt Betty fully settled in her new independent living facility, dealing with all the inspectors, required repairs, insurance changes and everything to sell her house--if all goes well closing will be the 23rd--arranging the logistics of the estate sale this week, making sure all the necessary address changes and everything is done, and the HO Association wants the weeds pulled in her yard, I am getting close to being stressed out, tapped out, approaching the end of my rope. I know it will all get done, I'm really okay, but I'm really feeling like this:
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I don't know what it is with sleeplessness right now. Aunt Betty has complained that she just can't sleep. Hombre wakes up way too early in the morning and can't get back to sleep. Beautress and Ringel are having trouble sleeping. And I'm waking up several times a night. It's epidemic.
I've been sleeping better lately. I've been bringing in a different puppy every night to sleep in my bedroom. It makes them happy, which makes me happy, and life is good again. I don't even need melatonin anymore. Happiness really is a warm puppy. And I've been sewing charity quilts again. Keeps me out of trouble. Thanks for your kind thoughts. Need a puppy? I have 5 older puppies. I think I love the puppy that is deaf. He needs me the most because the other puppies can be cruel to him sometimes; they're just like little children.
I've been sleeping better lately. I've been bringing in a different puppy every night to sleep in my bedroom. It makes them happy, which makes me happy, and life is good again. I don't even need melatonin anymore. Happiness really is a warm puppy. And I've been sewing charity quilts again. Keeps me out of trouble. Thanks for your kind thoughts. Need a puppy? I have 5 older puppies. I think I love the puppy that is deaf. He needs me the most because the other puppies can be cruel to him sometimes; they're just like little children.
I think it really does help to have a fur friend to sleep with. Most especially if you're not sleeping with a people friend. :)
I think it really does help to have a fur friend to sleep with. Most especially if you're not sleeping with a people friend. :)
I've been sleeping by myself for years. Bill died in 2016, and I remember him in prayers almost every late night vespers. This morning, no doggies were about, because I gave them a night off. They never seem to get it that when I'm crocheting another dishrag, they shouldn't be putting their noses between me and the spool of thread connected to my crochet hook. I really like homemade dishrags. Someone somewhere decided not to manufacture sturdy cotton cloths sans any semblance of absorption, so I crochet a lot. I used to think they were too pretty to use, but after one of the doggies chewed one in half, I had to zigzag the edges of what was left, which looked like a pretty little bib, but it receives the most usage. Someday, I'll remake that one, it's in pastels, and somehow, I've never made a prettier one than that one. I guess the doggie couldn't help herself, although I thought doggies were colorblind. lol Not Miss Songie! I think she must read my mind for more reasons than that. She's now a retired mom with 6 puppies left over I took a liking for due to one reason or another. Mr. Ringo seems to be something of a genius, because I saw him organize the whole lot of them one evening to hunker together at night to keep each other warm in the cool winter night, and they were barely a month old at the time. Miss Beautiful is so cute, and so shy she lets everyone else eat first, which often leaves her with nothing. And oh, my she is a loving little spoonful. Princess used to act gracious like royalty, but the boys cured her of having any airs. They turned her into a rough-and-tumble me first twit, and she bites them back when they get out of line. The boyz grew jealous of Mr. Ringo eventually, so he won't go near them because he knows he is scholarly and they are just meanies. Magellan still goes exploring, Spotty is still stone deaf which earned him a dummy response from his peers. Knothead outgrew all the others because he is the most enthusiastic at feeding time. Nothing wrong with that, but he has a hard push when he wants something! Three were given away of Songie's 9 puppies, and she's grown very close to the front door 24/7/365. She's still the beautiful mother who would rather see her children eat every morsel before feeding herself, which usually results in me bringing her indoors and giving her some peace at the circus mealtime is with the 6 puppies, except for Miss Beautiful, of course. She doesn't know she's beautiful, but she just is. Well, enough prattle from this coffee enthusiast, it's time for a second cup! Have a lovely day, everyone. :huddle: I found some more hymns this morning I'd never heard before: Zone1 - Be Thou My Vision, O Lord --Songs of love and trusting in God
HOAs are terrible. And so pervasive now!
This one sure is. The area is all high value single family residences. The $700/yr H.O. membership gets you a security guard patrol that ignores somebody's security alarm going off but reports any tiny infraction like a pine cone on your grass, pine needles in the driveway, or a dandelion at the curb. And they fine you if you don't take care of the infraction immediately.
I don't know. This was presumably designed by a Paul M. Lewis, wealthy entrepreneur and custom auto designer/builder in 1962. Called 'Fascination".

Cars were very unique compared to each other and made a fashion statement in the 1960s, but this one sort of looks like a limo designed by a 5 year old?
Neuropathy problems
Since I'm not a doctor, and only had 1 class in Nutrition 101, I'm going to register this post as "notes to meself" about 1 of a dozen issues I've gone through, and am saving a reference to this information that claims it will lighten up neuropathy issues such as sciatia nerve pain due to leg pain anomaly and simple carpal tunnel pain, (overuse of wrist) that results from crocheting and other art forms from overuse of the hands in my other wannabe art forms, okay, housework and obsessive yardwork too. So here's my little selfhelp video, and if you suffer any of the above, you might want to take a peek if your doctor didn't fix you with medicines to which I'm allergic. Most of the 99% of normal people are better served by a physician than people like me whose bodies suffer toxicity from well over half the compounds ever prescribed for my issues. :dunno: Thanks to Foxfyre for a little space to refer back to when I forget which of the 3 vitamins I should be taking when the neuropathy reappears due to my vitamin deficiencies. I really got lousy dna in the blocking of vitamins most people get from their diet. My grandfather died of issues related to his case of sciatia, back in the 60s. He was my favorite person in my mother's side of the family, although I was lucky to have love for everyone in both sides of the family.

3 Vitamin deficiencies in sciatia and carpal tunnel issues
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It's raining for the third or fourth evenings in s row. Good sleeping weather. What a way to wake up. It's supposed to be April showers, not May showers. At least the garden is getting watered. :thup:

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