USMB Coffee Shop IV

The Coffee gods are powerful - but the La Pavoni god is the most powerful of them all.

At 8:51 this morning, our power went out. PG&E estimated it would be restored at 11am. mr. boe and I had each had one of our two morning beverages (espresso for mr. boe, cappuccino pour moi). Needless to say, we were not quiet copacetic with a two hour delay for caffeine dosing.

At 9:18am, mr. boe speculated that if we made Chemex coffee, the electricity would come on immediately. So, just as I was getting the Chemex out of the cupboard, voila, electricity restored at 9:20am.

The La Pavoni is a jealous god.
Had one of those days yesterday...... You know what kind....... :eusa_whistle:

No? Okay, I woke up at almost 6 o'clock, computers were still on but asleep, heaters weren't turned off and the front kitchen window blinds weren't drawn....... Talk about confused. I always do all those things that weren't done before I go to bed. So I grabbed an ice tea out of the fridge, wanted to figure out what was going on before I made coffee. Woke up the computers and got my answer, it was evening, not morning. Duh!!
I had laid down to take a nap which usually lasts an hour but this time lasted 3 hours, I must have been really tired. :lol:
On another gun forum (one that isn't anal retentive) we were talking about watches, a major hobby for a couple of the guys, they introduced my to a group of mixed hobbyists and repair people. I had recently found my original Seiko I bought on layaway back in the late 1970s. Decided to see if it was worth fixing and started researching it. Come to discover it's a "Bruce Lee" Seiko, worth up to $600 these days and everyone I talked to said get it fixed. I dropped it off at a highly rated Seiko repair shop in town and a few days later was told the parts are basically unobtanium so it couldn't be fixed. The watch repairman want to give me $85 for the watch to part out....... My new friends basically said he was trying to snow me to get the watch at a super cheap price. I'll be picking up the watch on Monday.

Now I can also see if I can find replacement hands (only need the hour hand but they typically come in sets). This is a Waltham Home Watch Co (model) built between Feb 1896 & Feb 1899 and it still works. It's rose gold plated, some wear spots on the back. Hopefully we can find the hands for it or at least hands that will fit it.




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On another gun forum (one that isn't anal retentive) we were talking about watches, a major hobby for a couple of the guys, they introduced my to a group of mixed hobbyists and repair people. I had recently found my original Seiko I bought on layaway back in the late 1970s. Decided to see if it was worth fixing and started researching it. Come to discover it's a "Bruce Lee" Seiko, worth up to $600 these days and everyone I talked to said get it fixed. I dropped it off at a highly rated Seiko repair shop in town and a few days later was told the parts are basically unobtanium so it couldn't be fixed. The watch repairman want to give me $85 for the watch to part out....... My new friends basically said he was trying to snow me to get the watch at a super cheap price. I'll be picking up the watch on Monday.

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You can get parts for that. I know that you can. I'm on a watch forum over in the UK. I think I know exactly who might have em, too. I'll have to remember to ask.

That's IF you actually even need parts. I've rebuilt a lot of watches in my years and I've never had one that needed anything more than a spring. Might just need regular servicing.
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{has been} It was a dark rainy night (all sob stories start out w/that) , and the tone went out for Mrs. 'eff (name w/held via hippa) , who was having (yet again) reaction to her meds. Mrs 'eff was a soft spoken kind soul pushing 90 who was less than what most considered mobile, however had it going on upstairs.

Per usual, we found her on her back, phone in hand, doing the 'turtle' , after some time & consideration , was placed on the gurney, and escorted out to the rig

The problem was the ice, which had built up considerably, which after a white knuckle ride resulted in the rig not only becoming immobile, but actually starting to slide backwards into the ditch 100 yards from the hospital

Keep in mind this was a 4wd qwigly , rather loaded w/patient , 2 responders and one driver (yours truly)

So, sliding backwards into what would have totalled 100K worth of equipment , i blurted 'brace for impact' , to which Mrs 'eff (in O2 mask) could audibly be heard to say 'sh*t'

One of the many many memories.....

{/has been}
One summer when I was in college I worked in the finance office of the NM State Police headquarters in Santa Fe. And that summer I dated the guy who did a lot of photography for the state police. And when we were out on a date in his open air jeep and he was radioed to report to this or that accident or crime scene I took a lot of wild rides with him. Made for some interesting dates. It was summer though so no ice.
[haz been]
The tone went out for a plane crash, turned out a small one man glider met some downdraft, which sucked it down into the wilderness.

The craft hit a dense grove of huge pines, literally sliding down through big pine branches before ending up on the ground in a pile of them.

The dome shaped pilot capsule was crushed moments after the pilot exited by a formidable widow maker

I mean, how 'effin' lucky?

After what was a good 1/4 mile trek into the woods on foot, he was found on his cell phone explaining it to his better 1/2

So after the meet/greet/refusal, we were making our way back out to civilization with gear bags and stokes basket when the paparazzi jumps out from the brush, camera ready for the gore porn

My mate & I both turned the empty stokes toward him

He was notably disappointed....

[/haz been]
The Coffee gods are powerful - but the La Pavoni god is the most powerful of them all.

At 8:51 this morning, our power went out. PG&E estimated it would be restored at 11am. mr. boe and I had each had one of our two morning beverages (espresso for mr. boe, cappuccino pour moi). Needless to say, we were not quiet copacetic with a two hour delay for caffeine dosing.

At 9:18am, mr. boe speculated that if we made Chemex coffee, the electricity would come on immediately. So, just as I was getting the Chemex out of the cupboard, voila, electricity restored at 9:20am.

The La Pavoni is a jealous god.
The contrarian in me is always tempted to explain how these things are just pure coincidence and nothing more should be read into them.

The experience in me doesn't question anymore. :)
Saturday morning!

I'll this here.

Let the cartoon begin!

I still am amazed that you're able to find these old cartoons with the high degree of censorship that exists on Google, You Tube etc.
Now I can also see if I can find replacement hands (only need the hour hand but they typically come in sets). This is a Waltham Home Watch Co (model) built between Feb 1896 & Feb 1899 and it still works. It's rose gold plated, some wear spots on the back. Hopefully we can find the hands for it or at least hands that will fit it.

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Those old watches were true works of art. If you can manage to make this one usable, it will be worth a hell of a lot more than $85.
The contrarian in me is always tempted to explain how these things are just pure coincidence and nothing more should be read into them.

The experience in me doesn't question anymore. :)

There ARE Reasons!
Ups and downs for me the past few days.
This weekend my lady and I went to Jacksonville and watched the 49ers crush the Jaguars. That was tons of fun.
Yesterday we drove back home. On the drive home I smacked my elbow into her big tumbler and bruised it. After we got home I got to start my prep for a colonoscopy that I’m having done today. After I drank the stuff, but before my first trip to the bathroom, I slammed my toe into the corner of our bed. That is at least bruised, maybe strained, possibly broken.
I’m on my second dose of prep, so I get to limp into and out of the bathroom until it’s time to leave for the procedure.
I wish I could have done the colonoscopy Thursday and Friday, then gone to the game to end on a high note. 🙃

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