USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, Miss Songie's neck that was twice its normal size has finally shrunk down to normal, and she looks like her old self once again. In my book, a mama doggie who puts herself in harm's way of a poisonous snake to prevent her two daughter doggies and the friend's chaweenie "Shorty" dog is a hero. I love her even more than ever after she saved 3 family home doggie lives. Shorty belongs to my friend Ken, is in the hospital in another town right now for the 5th time this year. I think he's courting one of the nurses, and this time, he's been there a week and a half. I hope he proposes and they get his mobile home out from under my Horse Arena cover and live happily ever after they move.

Good night all. I'm so sick of the highly political wars in Eurasia, not to mention the evening news that regurgitates all of it. It's not that I don't care, it's because of the details of torture being used on the innocent that gets under me nails, and I can't take it any more. Thank heavens Foxfyre's Coffee Lounge and Oddball's cartoon sharing is here. Have a lovely evening, all. :huddle:
Hi all. As Jar Jar Binks would say: "mesa back!"

Things are going well, I've hit a weight plateau but I expected that so not surprising. Sleep schedule is muy, muy better and I typically get 7 to 9 hours sleep with one or two brief wake ups in between. Back to (slowly) getting things done around the house including taking items to church for donation.
I donated that Firetablet and replaced it with an cheap, refurbished IPad Pro and they'll be getting my Lenovo Yoga 2 which I also replaced with a cheap, refurbished MacBook Air 13.3 laptop. The laptop just arrived and is getting set up.
As I haven't taken the time to read through previous postings I'll just have to hope everyone is doing well also.
I'll pop back in later, kinda busy right now.
My Halloween decorations took 6th place in the village local facebook contest.
Had 500 Trick or treaters in 1 hour 50 minutes. This is a small portion there was a total of 8 skeletons and 25 skulls.

Oh great, I just discovered the MacBook will only update to Big Sur (operating system) which will no longer be supported after this December....... It's being returned and I found an excellent refurbished 2023 MacBook for about triple the cost but still roughly half of what a brand new one will cost.
After this the only Windows machine I will own is my gamer and I'm using that less and less.
Oh great, I just discovered the MacBook will only update to Big Sur (operating system) which will no longer be supported after this December....... It's being returned and I found an excellent refurbished 2023 MacBook for about triple the cost but still roughly half of what a brand new one will cost.
After this the only Windows machine I will own is my gamer and I'm using that less and less.
I’m unwilling to accept the price for Apple, and the lack of upgradability. That doesn’t matter much for tablets, though, or laptops.
I’m unwilling to accept the price for Apple, and the lack of upgradability. That doesn’t matter much for tablets, though, or laptops.
Well this will leave me with only one Windows machine and 2 Linux Mint machines. One of those is an old Dell that I use for play with Linux distros. It's funny but no matter which distro I try (and some I like) I keep coming back to Mint Cinnamon flavor. That means the old Dell will most likely get donated to the church.
If I was to ever get an Apple for a desktop it'll be one of the Minis but I really don't see myself doing that so the point is moot.
I do like the Apple configuration and what I paid isn't really that much more than a PC and has better hardware than a low to mid range PC build.
Well this will leave me with only one Windows machine and 2 Linux Mint machines. One of those is an old Dell that I use for play with Linux distros. It's funny but no matter which distro I try (and some I like) I keep coming back to Mint Cinnamon flavor. That means the old Dell will most likely get donated to the church.
If I was to ever get an Apple for a desktop it'll be one of the Minis but I really don't see myself doing that so the point is moot.
I do like the Apple configuration and what I paid isn't really that much more than a PC and has better hardware than a low to mid range PC build.
Hombre's computer was about to give up the ghost so I ordered a huge old rebuilt computer from Amazon for $100. It arrived and I set it up despite lack of instructions and being rather primitive. It doesn't have built in wi-fi but they did send along a little thingee you plug in the back so it will get wi-fi. And the thing has 16 gigs of ram, 2 gig hard drive, and turned out to be an excellent computer and lightning fast. We're past two years with it now and it's still going strong.
Is there a thread about the natural world?

Can’t find one, and l want to ask about kingfishers.
You might start one in general discussion or in a forum that won't attract trolls and trouble makers. We also have some nature lovers in the Coffee Shop that might know something about kingfishers. Apparently at least one type of them can be found throughout North America.
Hombre's computer was about to give up the ghost so I ordered a huge old rebuilt computer from Amazon for $100. It arrived and I set it up despite lack of instructions and being rather primitive. It doesn't have built in wi-fi but they did send along a little thingee you plug in the back so it will get wi-fi. And the thing has 16 gigs of ram, 2 gig hard drive, and turned out to be an excellent computer and lightning fast. We're past two years with it now and it's still going strong.
I hope you mean 2 Terabytes (which i doubt)....... Or at least 250 gigs....... 2 gigs is tiny even by late 1990s standards!
Glad it's working out for you two. As for the little wifi "thingy" it's called a Dongle. :lol:
I hope you mean 2 Terabytes (which i doubt)....... Or at least 250 gigs....... 2 gigs is tiny even by late 1990s standards!
Glad it's working out for you two. As for the little wifi "thingy" it's called a Dongle. :lol:
You're right. Two terabytes. And I'll try to remember 'dongle' though thingee is so handy for things like that. :)
My "refurbished" MacBook M2 15" 2023 showed up today........ Refurbished my butt!!!! This is a brand new one in Apple packing, I got a brand new one at a refurbished price!
Plugged it in and started upgrading it to MacOS Sonoma (the latest version). Been busy getting things set up but unfortunately I did run into a minor problem. It has two Thunderbolt 4 ports and no USB ports so I ordered a USB hub and a bluetooth mouse, I hate touchpads.........
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Happy Saturday Coffee Shop Peeps - the Happiest fFolks on USMB!

View attachment 853208
Actually the meme is spot on. Recent studies indicate that having a cup of coffee or three in the morning can significantly reduce depression in many people. Other benefits are that it can help stave off type II diabetes, is good for the heart and brain and can help with your daily workout.

Alas for Boe, they don't assign the same benefits to high calorie, high sugar, high fat cappuccinos, lattes and such but recommend that these special coffee concoctions use low fat milk, sugar substitutes and such. But certainly an occasional treat at Starbucks or other coffee bars could be okay?
Actually the meme is spot on. Recent studies indicate that having a cup of coffee or three in the morning can significantly reduce depression in many people. Other benefits are that it can help stave off type II diabetes, is good for the heart and brain and can help with your daily workout.

Alas for Boe, they don't assign the same benefits to high calorie, high sugar, high fat cappuccinos, lattes and such but recommend that these special coffee concoctions use low fat milk, sugar substitutes and such. But certainly an occasional treat at Starbucks or other coffee bars could be okay?
Coffee with cream and sugar is getting accolades from medical nutritionists. A lot of people who diet aren't getting enough primary fats, and those who use other kinds of sweeteners may have some issues with ravenous hunger pains that makes them overeat.
I liked cream and a teaspoon of sugar better anyhow. :muahaha: Some days I have only coffee and supper after 5. And it helped me trim down without feeling hungry in the slightest.
Actually the meme is spot on. Recent studies indicate that having a cup of coffee or three in the morning can significantly reduce depression in many people. Other benefits are that it can help stave off type II diabetes, is good for the heart and brain and can help with your daily workout.

Alas for Boe, they don't assign the same benefits to high calorie, high sugar, high fat cappuccinos, lattes and such but recommend that these special coffee concoctions use low fat milk, sugar substitutes and such. But certainly an occasional treat at Starbucks or other coffee bars could be okay?
Too bad coffee is bad for my gut 😩

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