USMB Coffee Shop IV

Coffee with cream and sugar is getting accolades from medical nutritionists. A lot of people who diet aren't getting enough primary fats, and those who use other kinds of sweeteners may have some issues with ravenous hunger pains that makes them overeat.
I liked cream and a teaspoon of sugar better anyhow. :muahaha: Some days I have only coffee and supper after 5. And it helped me trim down without feeling hungry in the slightest.
You're right of course. I use Stevia, a little erythritol and monk fruit extracts and unrefined honey for sugar substitutes as they don't have the downside/side effects that the more common (and cheaper) sugar substitutes such as sucralose and aspertame have. I do much better keeping refined sugar intake to a minimum or not at all.

As for fat intake I don't overdo it but I don't avoid it either. Butter on my morning toast, a little milk in my coffee, and most days a smoothie made of flax oil blended into cottage cheese (that makes it water soluble and therefore digestible) plus some apple juice, maybe an orange or apple or blueberries and sweetened with a bit of raw honey. Maybe some ground flax seed. Great anti oxidant, cancer fighter, and generally makes me feel better.
(If anybody wants the recipe let me know.)
Actually the meme is spot on. Recent studies indicate that having a cup of coffee or three in the morning can significantly reduce depression in many people. Other benefits are that it can help stave off type II diabetes, is good for the heart and brain and can help with your daily workout.

Alas for Boe, they don't assign the same benefits to high calorie, high sugar, high fat cappuccinos, lattes and such but recommend that these special coffee concoctions use low fat milk, sugar substitutes and such. But certainly an occasional treat at Starbucks or other coffee bars could be okay?

I don't like sugar or sweeteners in coffee, but do use whole milk for my two daily cappuccinos. I'd rather have the real thing.

Many years ago, I went to a coffee shop that had a Caffeine Free, No Fat + fake Sugar substitute concoction they named "The Why Bother"...the most truthful advertising I've ever seen.
You're right of course. I use Stevia, a little erythritol and monk fruit extracts and unrefined honey for sugar substitutes as they don't have the downside/side effects that the more common (and cheaper) sugar substitutes such as sucralose and aspertame have. I do much better keeping refined sugar intake to a minimum or not at all.

As for fat intake I don't overdo it but I don't avoid it either. Butter on my morning toast, a little milk in my coffee, and most days a smoothie made of flax oil blended into cottage cheese (that makes it water soluble and therefore digestible) plus some apple juice, maybe an orange or apple or blueberries and sweetened with a bit of raw honey. Maybe some ground flax seed. Great anti oxidant, cancer fighter, and generally makes me feel better.
(If anybody wants the recipe let me know.)
That sounds really good, Foxfyre, and I'd love your recipe.
I don't like sugar or sweeteners in coffee, but do use whole milk for my two daily cappuccinos. I'd rather have the real thing.

Many years ago, I went to a coffee shop that had a Caffeine Free, No Fat + fake Sugar substitute concoction they named "The Why Bother"...the most truthful advertising I've ever seen.
I like the idea of learning to like coffee with no sweetener, so I'll have to give no sweetener a week's trial. However, I also may stick with the maple syrup as sweetener because it is a brain booster, and I'm at the age when it's really easy to forget where I put the keys, and it's really hard to find them. :laugh2: I got hooked on the taste of real maple syrup in 2006 when my late husband and I visited the East coast, Boston to Maine, and I got hooked on real maple syrup for breakfast. Later on, I read up on the benefits of maple syrup and was impressed that it helps people get over the senior year forgetful stuff, and they credit the syrup as to why so many healthy, bright older people live on the eastern board due to the abundance of two longevity and brain foods--maple syrup and blueberries. The maple syrup also has something in it that keeps the sugar blood level as well as blood pressure on a stable base. I ought to turn this place into a blueberry farm, but I'm allergic to too much sun as was my mother. Sombreros!!!
That sounds really good, Foxfyre, and I'd love your recipe.
Okay. It's two parts low fat cottage cheese to one part organic unrefined/cold pressed flax oil--1 use 1/2 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 cup flax oil to make a large smoothie for me and a smaller one for Hombre since he only drinks them to humor me. :)

Blend with a slow blender--I use an immersible wand blender--for about a minute until no more oil is visible. Now at this point you have a pudding like mixture that can be topped with fresh fruit or berries and eaten as a 'pudding'.

Since I prefer to drink mine as a smoothie, I put it in my blender, add 100% apple juice or other unsweetened juice--fresh or made from concentrate--add a cut up cored apple, peeled deseeded orange, fresh or frozen berries or whatever I have and looks good--a couple of tablespoons of freshly ground flax seed (optional), and a dollop of raw unrefined honey (optional).

If you like your smoothie really cold throw in some ice cubes or crushed ice.

Pulse to chop up the fruit and ice cubes, then blend just until drinkable. Best not to over blend.

Tastes good and makes me feel wonderful.

Sometimes if I have had sufficient fruit but are lacking in veggies, I'll toss in a bagful of frozen veggies instead of the fruit. Also good.

You can get a perfectly suitable immersible blender on Amazon for $12 or $13 or certainly for less than $25.

IMPORTANT: Do not skip the blending part of the cottage cheese and flax oil and think your big blender will suffice. It won't. The slow blending of the cottage cheese and flax oil changes the chemistry so that it is water soluble and therefore 100% digestible and useable for the the body. Your big blender cannot do that.

Also if you use the flax seed and there all kinds of benefits doing it, buy it organic and as fresh as you can and grind it in a coffee grinder just before you use it. Ground flax seed needs to be used when you ground it as it will lose a lot of its potency within as short a time as 30 minutes to an hour. The whole flax seeds stored in the fridge last a very long time.

Benefits: strong cancer fighter and also can greatly help with other auto immune maladies, high in anti-oxidants, energy booster among other things.

Also many suggest if you use high lignan flax oil you can skip adding the flax seed. Don't know if that's really kosher on the true Budwig protocol though.
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I like the idea of learning to like coffee with no sweetener, so I'll have to give no sweetener a week's trial. However, I also may stick with the maple syrup as sweetener because it is a brain booster, and I'm at the age when it's really easy to forget where I put the keys, and it's really hard to find them. :laugh2: I got hooked on the taste of real maple syrup in 2006 when my late husband and I visited the East coast, Boston to Maine, and I got hooked on real maple syrup for breakfast. Later on, I read up on the benefits of maple syrup and was impressed that it helps people get over the senior year forgetful stuff, and they credit the syrup as to why so many healthy, bright older people live on the eastern board due to the abundance of two longevity and brain foods--maple syrup and blueberries. The maple syrup also has something in it that keeps the sugar blood level as well as blood pressure on a stable base. I ought to turn this place into a blueberry farm, but I'm allergic to too much sun as was my mother. Sombreros!!!

I vote for Maple Syrup as a sweetener!
I found a recipe for a maple blueberry syrup, good on a waffle or pancake for when you start forgetting stuff and want to have a better memory. I'm going to try it.

Delicious over pancakes or waffles, this blueberry maple syrup is just bursting with intense blueberry flavor.

Delicious over regular pancakes, blueberry buttermilk pancakes or waffles, this blueberry maple syrup is just bursting with intense blueberry flavor.

To make it, simply combine the maple syrup, lemon juice and 2/3 of the blueberries in a medium saucepan. Boil the mixture for about ten minutes, then set aside to cool a bit. When the syrup is lukewarm, stir in the remaining blueberries.
I can tell it's the holiday season. I just received my annual summons for jury duty for the week before Christmas. It really gets me in the mood.....
So did I. But I got out of it. I'm finally old enough I am not required to serve if I don't want to. Since both my husband and my Aunt Betty need the car and/or rides to necessary places it would have been horrible having to take the bus from our house all the way downtown to the court house. Especially with Albuquerque's undecipherable bus system.
So did I. But I got out of it. I'm finally old enough I am not required to serve if I don't want to. Since both my husband and my Aunt Betty need the car and/or rides to necessary places it would have been horrible having to take the bus from our house all the way downtown to the court house. Especially with Albuquerque's undecipherable bus system.

I wish I could get out of it. mr. boe never gets called; I get called every year. I wonder if it has something to do with his Guilty Guilty Guilty t-shirt. And I have to say, jury duty in Oakland is not a treat - but that's a bit too political for here.

I am planning a bit of vacay over the holidays, so I hope this doesn't get in the way!
I wish I could get out of it. mr. boe never gets called; I get called every year. I wonder if it has something to do with his Guilty Guilty Guilty t-shirt. And I have to say, jury duty in Oakland is not a treat - but that's a bit too political for here.

I am planning a bit of vacay over the holidays, so I hope this doesn't get in the way!
I used to couldn't get out of it and here in Albuquerque I was required to show up and wait around all day though my job and nephew who is a cop pretty much disqualified me from getting on a jury.

This year it was fun though. I called up the lady at the court house, gave her my name and said I had a jury summons and she immediately said oh yes Mrs. -- you're excused. I said that's it? I don't have to plead my case? She laughed and said I should receive my dismissal letter in a few days.
I used to couldn't get out of it and here in Albuquerque I was required to show up and wait around all day though my job and nephew who is a cop pretty much disqualified me from getting on a jury.

This year it was fun though. I called up the lady at the court house, gave her my name and said I had a jury summons and she immediately said oh yes Mrs. -- you're excused. I said that's it? I don't have to plead my case? She laughed and said I should receive my dismissal letter in a few days.

I was a nephew cop for Christmas. Actually, before Christmas.
Oops - too tired when I typed that. "want" not was.
Ah okay. :) That makes sense. I'm usually fluent in typo but that one stumped me. :) Everybody should get what they want for Christmas. But you'll have to get your own. I really really like my nephew. :)
Ah okay. :) That makes sense. I'm usually fluent in typo but that one stumped me. :) Everybody should get what they want for Christmas. But you'll have to get your own. I really really like my nephew. :)

Hi have a niece who would make a kick-ass cop. I'm going to suggest it to her.
{has been} It was a dark rainy night (all sob stories start out w/that) , and the tone went out for Mrs. 'eff (name w/held via hippa) , who was having (yet again) reaction to her meds. Mrs 'eff was a soft spoken kind soul pushing 90 who was less than what most considered mobile, however had it going on upstairs.

Per usual, we found her on her back, phone in hand, doing the 'turtle' , after some time & consideration , was placed on the gurney, and escorted out to the rig

The problem was the ice, which had built up considerably, which after a white knuckle ride resulted in the rig not only becoming immobile, but actually starting to slide backwards into the ditch 100 yards from the hospital

Keep in mind this was a 4wd qwigly , rather loaded w/patient , 2 responders and one driver (yours truly)

So, sliding backwards into what would have totalled 100K worth of equipment , i blurted 'brace for impact' , to which Mrs 'eff (in O2 mask) could audibly be heard to say 'sh*t'

One of the many many memories.....

{/has been}

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