USMB Coffee Shop IV

It can be grueling. Hombre says the same thing after having his hip replaced. He says he'll never ever allow the second one to be done.

But others bounce right back and say they didn't have unbearable pain. But Hombre's threshhold for pain is pretty low where I can endure a lot more so it seems.

I think we're all different.
Agree. The only pain I ever had that was worse for me beside the knee operation was twice when I had sciatica. About 25 years ago and this past spring. I lost 50-60 pounds each time and I couldn't sleep and would pass out from exhaustion. Plus I never, ever take any pain meds. After the knee op, they gave me oxycodone and I gave it to a neighbor.
So today I posted this meme on Facebook along with my comments that chile roasting is a serious part of New Mexico culture and our chiles are the absolute best in the world.
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So my son chimes in with did I know Yoda has a last name?
I admitted that despite being a huge Star Wars fan, I did not.
He then advised us that it is "lay hee ho."
Yoga’s Swiss? .. 😕
Agree. The only pain I ever had that was worse for me beside the knee operation was twice when I had sciatica. About 25 years ago and this past spring. I lost 50-60 pounds each time and I couldn't sleep and would pass out from exhaustion. Plus I never, ever take any pain meds. After the knee op, they gave me oxycodone and I gave it to a neighbor.
Well yeah. If you don't take the pain meds the pain will certainly be excruciating. Doesn't necessarily have to be narcotics. I don't take anything other than Tylenol and that works for me.
Mrs. Liberty had a total knee replacement on Monday. Had her first physical therapy session today. Going pretty well. I took Family Medical Leave for two weeks. Been very busy keeping up on everything here.
Hope Mrs. Liberty has good luck with her total knee replacement. My left knee was scoped years ago by a Dr. Barrasso in Casper Wyoming, and a year or so ago, I had the total replacement. The total replacement is okay except for going upstairs and down, but the scoped knee is like new. He's now Senator Barrasso, who is still a kind and careful man who helps people of the great State of Wyoming in every way he can.
I had a knee replacement in 2017. When I saw the surgeon at his final check he told me that the other knee would probably need replacing in a few years. I informed him that before I would go through the pain and misery again That I would get my leg cut off above the knee and get a government issued leg. I meant it too.
Dr. Barrasso told me the surgeries would be better in 5 years, that I would need a knee replacement and that would be an optimal time since so far, they were still working on it. Even though we had moved to Texas, and I got my replacement here, it's a little stiff, but I can get up and down the staircase to my bedroom with a lesser pain, and the belated surgery was worth the wait. Small pain is better than not having a leg. Please change your mind, my dear friend Hossfly. I care for what's best for you and so does everyone else here. You the best. <grouphug!>
Cute.. and hello .. I’m surprised you’re up so late..
I don't stay up all night like I used to but I'm usually up until around midnight., sometimes later. Comes from years of doing paper work and writing after everybody else goes to bed and things are quiet and I can concentrate better.
I don't stay up all night like I used to but I'm usually up until around midnight., sometimes later. Comes from years of doing paper work and writing after everybody else goes to bed and things are quiet and I can concentrate better.
I prefer being a night owl and enjoying my alone time. My wife enjoys her morning alone time. It all works out.
The estimate from the hospital is $50,000 for the replacement. That doesn't include the MRI, pain management clinic visit, anesthesiologist, or physical therapy. About two weeks before the surgery Mrs. Liberty went to a pain management clinic. There they located eight different nerves in her leg and injected liquid nitrogen onto each nerve. This effectively blocks the nerve for up to 90 days. She said it hurt a lot. Hopefully it helps with the recovery process.
Mrs. Liberty is under the care of a postal clerk. I have family medical leave for two weeks. So far, the marriage is holding. Sort of confirming I should keep working a long time though. Separate interests and locations are the key to a great marriage imo.
The estimate from the hospital is $50,000 for the replacement. That doesn't include the MRI, pain management clinic visit, anesthesiologist, or physical therapy. About two weeks before the surgery Mrs. Liberty went to a pain management clinic. There they located eight different nerves in her leg and injected liquid nitrogen onto each nerve. This effectively blocks the nerve for up to 90 days. She said it hurt a lot. Hopefully it helps with the recovery process.
Full spectrum CBD helps A LOT with inflammation that comes from healing....It completely wiped out my plantar fasciitis, when everything else failed.
Full spectrum CBD helps A LOT with inflammation that comes from healing....It completely wiped out my plantar fasciitis, when everything else failed.
I take CBD oil capsules along with acetaminophen (Tylenol) when I need an anti-inflammatory with a pain killer. I can't take the nsaids like Ibuprophen or naproxen anymore and that works for me. Some say caution is warranted because it can cause a false positive for THC on a drug test but Web MD says no it won't.
I take CBD oil capsules along with acetaminophen (Tylenol) when I need an anti-inflammatory with a pain killer. I can't take the nsaids like Ibuprophen or naproxen anymore and that works for me. Some say caution is warranted because it can cause a false positive for THC on a drug test but Web MD says no it won't.
There's a risk of a hot UA with full spectrum CBD....But if you're not someone with a corporate job that tests, the downside is next to zero.
Happy Saturday Coffee Shop IV Peeps! It's good to know that Batman has his priorities straight:

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Miss Songie got into it with a venemous snake earlier today, and my only clue was to notice a huge swollen pouch under her jaws, so I made a record time to the vets before closing time this SaturDay. She got two shots and a blood draw because it is not known if she is expecting again, although I kept her away from the boy dogs as best I could while she was heated. Tomorrow, I'm scheduled to do a pill regimen for two medications. She's still swollen and look like a different breed of dog all of a sudden. At least we got her treated well. They couldn't give her steroids, because if she is expecting, the vet said she would be having a rough time if she had steroids in her system, so at my request they ran a test to see whether she is expecting or not, and we won't know until next week since tomorrow's Sunday. I had just put her out into the front yard half an hour or so earlier, and didn't notice the pouch that was swelling under her chin right away. She saved 2 girl puppies and the neighbor's chaweenie from certain death. She's the best mama doggie in the world, imho, and not afraid to put herself in a devil's path to save her puppies. She has some kind of aversion for going out in the back yard where I installed a fense to keep the dogs from annoying another neighbor's livestock. I guess I'll have to get a leash to put her out back due to her reluctance to visit the boy dogs who are twice the size of the girl puppies. I guess she'll get used to it in the near future, because of the snake population preferring the lake as does she and her minions. Time to give sweet Songie some TLC. Bless all of you dear coffee shop dwellers with a great weekend. :grouphug:
Is there a thread about the natural world?

Can’t find one, and l want to ask about kingfishers.
Is there a thread about the natural world?

Can’t find one, and l want to ask about kingfishers.
You might find one under "Hobbies."

If you can't find a thread, start one, and get a friend who shares your interests to join and talk on the thread you start (or found)
You can also try to simply use "Search". Type in a word or two that interests you, and you might find the right thread. If not, start a Kingfisher thread under the Hobbies threads.

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