USMB Coffee Shop IV

I think today I'm going to dig out a little grill I have in the shop that's still new in the box, hit the store and get a small bag of charcoal, and see if I can't burn a burger and a couple brats. Been awful busy the last couple of days so I'm going to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet at my own home.

Been up at my dad's place since yesterday going though tons of paperwork. He still had items from back in the 40s and I found a picture of my great, great, grandfather taken in 1917. He was with the Iron Brigade during the Civil War, also found some genealogy papers/history about the family he married into. They were doing research and had contacted my grandfather in 1947 for information as well as providing a short historical synopsis.
There are hundreds of family photos dating back to the early 1900s and we'll have to get all those photos transferred to a digital format.

Sounds similar to what I found when I was going through my mother's possessions. Pre-WW2 pictures, birth certificates for my great grandparents, my old school reports. We have transferred the photos into digital format since there weren't that many. Perhaps the most interesting was the poem my father wrote at the end of the war. This was one of the photos of my parents that I like the most.

$Unknown - Joyce and Ronnie smile.jpg
Happy Memorial Day everybody. Up and about and have had my coffee. Have to get moving and get downtown to get things set up for our American Legion Memorial Day service. Hope everybody has a great day and if you see one, thank a vet for all they've done to ensure your freedoms.
I think today I'm going to dig out a little grill I have in the shop that's still new in the box, hit the store and get a small bag of charcoal, and see if I can't burn a burger and a couple brats. Been awful busy the last couple of days so I'm going to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet at my own home.

That sounds delish, 007 and I am hopping on the next plane to come over there to help you dig in to some brats in some hot buns, topped with some sauerkraut. :woohoo: Then hopefully a wild ride on your Harley...:thup:
I think today I'm going to dig out a little grill I have in the shop that's still new in the box, hit the store and get a small bag of charcoal, and see if I can't burn a burger and a couple brats. Been awful busy the last couple of days so I'm going to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet at my own home.

Perfect! :)
Thank goodness for tomorrow. The weekend is winding down already and I don't feel as if I have had enough time away from work yet. How much better off would everyone be if we had 2 day work weeks and 5 day weekends? At least then we have enough time for all the chores and the festivals and the kids stuff and still be able to just relax with a good book too.

/puts away soap box

No more ranting at least for today. Have a nice evening folks. :)

I would happily settle for 4 10-hour work days with a 3 day weekend...but then again since I'm salaried, they know they'll often get 9-10 hours per day in a 5 day work week.:doubt: :D

I know ppl who do that. Many of them say they are so worn, it takes one of those three days, to get out of bed as they feel so tired during that first day. They do feel great the following two. :thup:

I prefer working three 8 hour days and having 4 off. That one is perfect for me.
Thank goodness for tomorrow. The weekend is winding down already and I don't feel as if I have had enough time away from work yet. How much better off would everyone be if we had 2 day work weeks and 5 day weekends? At least then we have enough time for all the chores and the festivals and the kids stuff and still be able to just relax with a good book too.

/puts away soap box

No more ranting at least for today. Have a nice evening folks. :)

I would happily settle for 4 10-hour work days with a 3 day weekend...but then again since I'm salaried, they know they'll often get 9-10 hours per day in a 5 day work week.:doubt: :D

I know ppl who do that. Many of them say they are so worn, it takes one of those three days, to get out of bed as they feel so tired during that first day. They do feel great the following two. :thup:

I prefer working three 8 hour days and having 4 off. That one is perfect for me.

I prefer to watch others work till I get bored with it..... Takes about 5 minutes........
Today I will be going to my friend's viewing. It has been raining and gloomy since yesterday, just the way I feel. Tomorrow will be her funeral. I've been praying for rain and now I hope it won't be raining will be so sad.
I think today I'm going to dig out a little grill I have in the shop that's still new in the box, hit the store and get a small bag of charcoal, and see if I can't burn a burger and a couple brats. Been awful busy the last couple of days so I'm going to just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet at my own home.

That sounds delish, 007 and I am hopping on the next plane to come over there to help you dig in to some brats in some hot buns, topped with some sauerkraut. :woohoo: Then hopefully a wild ride on your Harley...:thup:
Sounds like the perfect day... I'll keep an eye out for ya... :D
Used to be able to foxtrot, but DAMN! It's been 40 years or more.

You don't forget's like riding a bike. I probably danced FoxTrot and didn't know it, although the couple in the video look like their legs are glued together......not sure I could do that without stepping all over my partner...:D

When it comes to dancing, I can do the hokey pokey and a little bit of the waltz. Anything other than that makes me look like a fish flopping around on the dry ground.

Several of my uncles and cousins (that part of the family that stayed in Philly), have played in those big marching bands. Several times a year, the bands get together and have one hellacious polka party. I love to polka, not quite a foxtrot, but not the seizures that young people portray as "dancing".
Good morning, everyone. I've been up for a while Just roasted a sweet potato in aluminum foil for a whole hour, and it's pretty good for being only $0.60. Burlington WI has its Chocolatefest going on today, so I'm thinking of going to the fair. Do you guys have any fairs like this in your necks of the wood?

The Festival of Chocolate - January 18, 19 and 20, 2014 in Tampa, FL at MOSI (Museum of Science and Industry)

Tampa is about an hour south of me...a little closer in some neighboring towns we have a Strawberry Festival in March and a Blueberry Festival in April.

We have a Blues Festival, and a Moose-dropping Festival. Do those count? Not much to eat on offer, but the first is notorious for the participants' copious consumption of booze and pot.

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