USMB Coffee Shop IV

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He was in The Devil Wears Prada too. I really liked that movie. Chick Flick.

I like him, I grew tired of the Mentalist tho.

i saw that movie. It's not blue, it's cerulean. for some reason that line sticks in my head. did he play the guy who got the transcript for the harry potter book?

Yes, he played Christian Thompson, writer, and was making a major play for Andi, (Anne Hathaway). And he was absolutely perfect for the role as was Anne and Meryl Streep and Stanley Tucci and Emily Blunt. I disagree that it was a 'chick flick' though--Hombre and our son both love the movie--a comedy but an intelligent one with a feeling of reality about the brutal world of fashion and the cruel way it can affect people. "The Mentalist" has been one of those 'cult' phenomenons with its followers discussing and analyzing all the nuances. But I too became tired of the sameness of the plot lines and fell away from that.

i never would have watched the movie. it was on one cold day over the winter and my wife was watching it. i actually enjoyed it

Too funny!! I never thought about cats disliking the smell of coffee. Maybe I just never noticed? It is true they never tried to drink out of our coffee cups where some other beverages they were more interested.

I once had a little kitty cat, jet black, named BIKO. He loved my coffee. The moment I would put my mug down, he would jump onto the table and slurp coffee out of my mug. Crazy kitty, he was. I should have declawed him before he decided that using my behind as a scratching post at 6 in the morning was a good idea. :badgrin:
And good morning everybody. A beautiful bright blue day in Albuquerque with everything looking vibrant after a bit of rain--we're finally re-emerging from the last cold snap and temps should be in the mid to upper 80's today and I'm ready. I am tired of being chilly--you can't really wear winter clothes in late May but spring and summer attire just wasn't sufficient.

Happy that Noomi's surgery is finally behind her though I suspect it will be a few days before she will feel like it is. I am guessing the 'seizure' was probably due to Lidocaine--that is an uncommon but possible side effect--very rarely life threatening or with any lasting effect. All the information needs to be included in the permanent medical record though.

I luxuriously slept in this morning--really weird dreams but I felt good when I got up. And I was ready to get up. Now enjoying coffee and waiting for the naproxen to kick in and get me feeling like getting some chores done.

Ya'll all have a great Tuesday.
Morning !

Our memorial Day Service went very well yesterday. We had a very big crowd show up, the whole park was filled up and we served around 100 vets their free Memorial Day luncheon. As always our Axillary women out did themselves in their cooking.

Happy Tuesday!


That Harley cat is da bomb........:thup:
I never did see that one. I do love a good movie though. Maybe after I get moved this week, I'll buy that one.

It looks like they did a good job of the remake. I will definitely watch it when it comes on pay per view.
I really liked the original one with Danny Kaye.

Wow... I never knew there was an original. I'll have to look that old version up and watch it.

Thanks Peach!
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Well, I saw an ad on tv for some sort of ballet for fat ladies... Won't be watching it but it got me to thinking. I don't believe there has ever been a ballet on tv that featured hampsters. If I can find enough hampsters to train, I think I would like to put on a ballet for hampsters. I think a lot of people would watch it. You would, wouldn't you? if mean, if the hampsters were really cute ones.
Well, I saw an ad on tv for some sort of ballet for fat ladies... Won't be watching it but it got me to thinking. I don't believe there has ever been a ballet on tv that featured hampsters. If I can find enough hampsters to train, I think I would like to put on a ballet for hampsters. I think a lot of people would watch it. You would, wouldn't you? if mean, if the hampsters were really cute ones.

No... but I see what you did there... I wouldn't watch fat lady ballet either... :lol:
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>> This week Animal Place shared the story of one heartbroken little goat named Mr. G who had seemingly given up on life when his rescuers realized the problem was that he was overcome with grief over the loss of his best friend, a burro named Jellybean.

The two had lived together for years but were split up and taken in by two different sanctuaries after being confiscated from a neglectful situation. Mr. G was taken in by Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch in Grass Valley, Calif.

According to Animal Place, Mr. G was inconsolable, refusing to eat and spending his days lying in the corner of his stall with his head down. No treats were enough to entice him to eat or move. After health problems were ruled out, it became obvious to his rescuers that he was mourning the loss of his best friend. They decided a reunion was in order and a volunteer took a 14 hour roundtrip to get Jellybean. They describe the reunion:

When Jellybean entered Mr. G‘s stall, he could not believe his eyes. In fact, he did a double-take! It was only when he smelled Jellybean‘s unique scent that Mr. G realized the truth – his dearest friend had returned!

Mr. G erupted from his prone position, snorting and inhaling Jellybean‘s presence. He rushed after her into their outdoor pasture. The magical moment came when Mr. G began eating from Jellybean‘s bowl! <<

Fair warning: have tissue handy:


Morning greetings, everyone!
Raining this morning. I hope it's raining on the Kenai, too. They need some rain to help control that wildfire, yesterday they were reporting close to 255 square miles had been affected. Folks have been ordered to evacuate some areas, too.
It's good to know that Foxy's part of the world finally got some moisture, too. Probably not enough, by far, but welcome just the same.
Had an uneventful Memorial Day here, out in my woods. Unloaded another load of building materials for the shed we'll be building. I'm thinking one more load should get it all.
I thought about some of you yesterday, with the Harleys. Coming up here, a guy passed me on a truly beautifully tricked out Harley trike. As he passed, I noticed the wheelchair in its rack on the back of the Harley. Tough guy, cool.

>> This week Animal Place shared the story of one heartbroken little goat named Mr. G who had seemingly given up on life when his rescuers realized the problem was that he was overcome with grief over the loss of his best friend, a burro named Jellybean.

The two had lived together for years but were split up and taken in by two different sanctuaries after being confiscated from a neglectful situation. Mr. G was taken in by Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch in Grass Valley, Calif.

According to Animal Place, Mr. G was inconsolable, refusing to eat and spending his days lying in the corner of his stall with his head down. No treats were enough to entice him to eat or move. After health problems were ruled out, it became obvious to his rescuers that he was mourning the loss of his best friend. They decided a reunion was in order and a volunteer took a 14 hour roundtrip to get Jellybean. They describe the reunion:

When Jellybean entered Mr. G‘s stall, he could not believe his eyes. In fact, he did a double-take! It was only when he smelled Jellybean‘s unique scent that Mr. G realized the truth – his dearest friend had returned!

Mr. G erupted from his prone position, snorting and inhaling Jellybean‘s presence. He rushed after her into their outdoor pasture. The magical moment came when Mr. G began eating from Jellybean‘s bowl! <<

Fair warning: have tissue handy:


Goats are pretty remarkable critters. Thanks!

>> This week Animal Place shared the story of one heartbroken little goat named Mr. G who had seemingly given up on life when his rescuers realized the problem was that he was overcome with grief over the loss of his best friend, a burro named Jellybean.

The two had lived together for years but were split up and taken in by two different sanctuaries after being confiscated from a neglectful situation. Mr. G was taken in by Animal Place’s Rescue Ranch in Grass Valley, Calif.

According to Animal Place, Mr. G was inconsolable, refusing to eat and spending his days lying in the corner of his stall with his head down. No treats were enough to entice him to eat or move. After health problems were ruled out, it became obvious to his rescuers that he was mourning the loss of his best friend. They decided a reunion was in order and a volunteer took a 14 hour roundtrip to get Jellybean. They describe the reunion:

When Jellybean entered Mr. G‘s stall, he could not believe his eyes. In fact, he did a double-take! It was only when he smelled Jellybean‘s unique scent that Mr. G realized the truth – his dearest friend had returned!

Mr. G erupted from his prone position, snorting and inhaling Jellybean‘s presence. He rushed after her into their outdoor pasture. The magical moment came when Mr. G began eating from Jellybean‘s bowl! <<

Fair warning: have tissue handy:


Goats are pretty remarkable critters. Thanks!

Yup. Buttermilk's having fun.

[ame=]Buttermilk "plays" with her "friends" - YouTube[/ame]
Morning greetings, everyone!
Raining this morning. I hope it's raining on the Kenai, too. They need some rain to help control that wildfire, yesterday they were reporting close to 255 square miles had been affected. Folks have been ordered to evacuate some areas, too.
It's good to know that Foxy's part of the world finally got some moisture, too. Probably not enough, by far, but welcome just the same.
Had an uneventful Memorial Day here, out in my woods. Unloaded another load of building materials for the shed we'll be building. I'm thinking one more load should get it all.
I thought about some of you yesterday, with the Harleys. Coming up here, a guy passed me on a truly beautifully tricked out Harley trike. As he passed, I noticed the wheelchair in its rack on the back of the Harley. Tough guy, cool.

Everyone is getting some rain...that's wonderful. We got 3 inches yesterday and some more today. The sun is trying really hard to come out....but the clouds won't let it...:D
Morning greetings, everyone!
Raining this morning. I hope it's raining on the Kenai, too. They need some rain to help control that wildfire, yesterday they were reporting close to 255 square miles had been affected. Folks have been ordered to evacuate some areas, too.
It's good to know that Foxy's part of the world finally got some moisture, too. Probably not enough, by far, but welcome just the same.
Had an uneventful Memorial Day here, out in my woods. Unloaded another load of building materials for the shed we'll be building. I'm thinking one more load should get it all.
I thought about some of you yesterday, with the Harleys. Coming up here, a guy passed me on a truly beautifully tricked out Harley trike. As he passed, I noticed the wheelchair in its rack on the back of the Harley. Tough guy, cool.

Everyone is getting some rain...that's wonderful. We got 3 inches yesterday and some more today. The sun is trying really hard to come out....but the clouds won't let it...:D

Got sunshine and thunder here simultaneously. :dunno:

And this is CS IV post number 1000. Guess we'll be moving soon...

Anyone but me notice that when you see the name of this thread in your CP it looks like "Coffee Shop IV (as in intravenous)"?

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