USMB Coffee Shop IV

We're supposed to get rain today but nothing so far. Zero. 60% chance this afternoon and tonight. It's just hot and muggy right now.

I just keep working through it but I'm pissed and I want to get this moving business overwith now. I'm exhausted.
Those goat videos and the bighorn sheep one were great. Never tire of watching it. The one about the billy goat terrorizing the town reminded me of when I was little, the folks across the street raised goats and had one old billy goat that was just that mean and aggressive and who was a true escape artist who frequently figured out how to get out of the goat pen. Mrs. Lively was a local school teacher who lived next door to us and who always dressed crisp and proper in high heels, hoisery, a stiffly starched prim and proper stylish dress--even when she was home. One of my fondest memories was her high stepping sprint, her skirt hiked all the way up to her knees, the billy goat in hot pursuit as she desperate bolted for the fence.

I was just reading a story about an African lion, a black bear, and a Bengal tiger cub who were found in the basement of a drug dealer some years ago. They were in pitiful shape and were taken to the Noah's Ark rescue center where it was noted that the three were good friends and the decision was made to allow them to stay together. They remained fast friends, very affectionate with each other, and if one was taken out for medical treatment or whatever, the other two would become very upset.

The story captioned them as nature's first and only known "BLT":

Morning greetings, everyone!
Raining this morning. I hope it's raining on the Kenai, too. They need some rain to help control that wildfire, yesterday they were reporting close to 255 square miles had been affected. Folks have been ordered to evacuate some areas, too.
It's good to know that Foxy's part of the world finally got some moisture, too. Probably not enough, by far, but welcome just the same.
Had an uneventful Memorial Day here, out in my woods. Unloaded another load of building materials for the shed we'll be building. I'm thinking one more load should get it all.
I thought about some of you yesterday, with the Harleys. Coming up here, a guy passed me on a truly beautifully tricked out Harley trike. As he passed, I noticed the wheelchair in its rack on the back of the Harley. Tough guy, cool.

Everyone is getting some rain...that's wonderful. We got 3 inches yesterday and some more today. The sun is trying really hard to come out....but the clouds won't let it...:D

Got sunshine and thunder here simultaneously. :dunno:

And this is CS IV post number 1000. Guess we'll be moving soon...

Anyone but me notice that when you see the name of this thread in your CP it looks like "Coffee Shop IV (as in intravenous)"?

Yes, and it was brought up and must have missed it....:D
Last good movie I saw was "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" with Ben Stiller. I've heard mixed reactions but I thought it was good.

Liked it so much I bought the sound track too.

I never did see that one. I do love a good movie though. Maybe after I get moved this week, I'll buy that one.

I even like bad movies. Sometimes the bad is so funny :lol:

I am an absolutely avid movie fan fanatic but it has to be a certain kind of movie. Necessary and/or effective sex, violence, language etc. is okay, but gratuitous sex, violence, and language etc. is a huge turn off for me. But the one genre I love most of all is natural disaster movies--floods, avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteor threats, etc.-- and that genre is the largest group in my private collection.

One of my favorites is "Tornado Warning" Even the excellent cast of Gerald McRaney, Thea Gill, David Millbern, and Joan Van Ark couldn't salvage what is wrong with this definitely sub par B movie. But there is just something about it that is compelling. Even Hombre, who mostly doesn't like this particular genre, watched it with me one night and commented: "It is so hokey it is interesting. . . ." That about sums it up. But I love the movie anyway. :)
Morning greetings, everyone!
Raining this morning. I hope it's raining on the Kenai, too. They need some rain to help control that wildfire, yesterday they were reporting close to 255 square miles had been affected. Folks have been ordered to evacuate some areas, too.
It's good to know that Foxy's part of the world finally got some moisture, too. Probably not enough, by far, but welcome just the same.
Had an uneventful Memorial Day here, out in my woods. Unloaded another load of building materials for the shed we'll be building. I'm thinking one more load should get it all.
I thought about some of you yesterday, with the Harleys. Coming up here, a guy passed me on a truly beautifully tricked out Harley trike. As he passed, I noticed the wheelchair in its rack on the back of the Harley. Tough guy, cool.

Everyone is getting some rain...that's wonderful. We got 3 inches yesterday and some more today. The sun is trying really hard to come out....but the clouds won't let it...:D
I don't mind the rain, not at all. It's great for the vegetable garden. Nothing beats having a garden salad with fresh vegetables when having a cookout.
Good afternoon everyone. :smiliehug:

Yesterday for Memorial Day mom got to work making a massive feast. Because multiple people live in one house, she started by taking a whole ham and placing it in the slow-cooker, again. With sharp knives she diamoned a nice pattern into the meat, and then rubbed in a blend of brown sugar and honey Dijon mustard. 10 hours later it was magnificent, fall-off-the-bone goodness. Being around so much food and people makes you feel like a little kid again. :D

She wasn't the only one working hard to feed the group. I took a box of chocolate brownie mix, added in bittersweet chocolate morsels and 2 tbsps. into the mix. Then used an olive oil spray on a metal cupcake tray and spooned the chocolate lava into them. Then baked them for 26 minutes at 350F. Apparently it was a hit, and they enjoyed the gooey chocolate part on the inside of the brownie-cupcake. My sister tends to take it one step further by mixing cheesecake into the mix, chilling them, and then ladling cold cherry preserves onto them. If health concerns weren't an issue I'd become a sugar baron. :badgrin:
Morning greetings, everyone!
Raining this morning. I hope it's raining on the Kenai, too. They need some rain to help control that wildfire, yesterday they were reporting close to 255 square miles had been affected. Folks have been ordered to evacuate some areas, too.
It's good to know that Foxy's part of the world finally got some moisture, too. Probably not enough, by far, but welcome just the same.
Had an uneventful Memorial Day here, out in my woods. Unloaded another load of building materials for the shed we'll be building. I'm thinking one more load should get it all.
I thought about some of you yesterday, with the Harleys. Coming up here, a guy passed me on a truly beautifully tricked out Harley trike. As he passed, I noticed the wheelchair in its rack on the back of the Harley. Tough guy, cool.

Everyone is getting some rain...that's wonderful. We got 3 inches yesterday and some more today. The sun is trying really hard to come out....but the clouds won't let it...:D
I don't mind the rain, not at all. It's great for the vegetable garden. Nothing beats having a garden salad with fresh vegetables when having a cookout.

From the looks of my garden where I gave up on some things last year, I may never need to buy a carrot again :woohoo:

And a few other things...
Loooooonnnnngggggg day in a courtroom! :( Just a civil foreclosure matter (not mine). There was a reasonable offer on the table and the judge wanted the matter settled. The hold up was all one sided because the person who could make the decision wasn't available (in spite of the judge's order that they be there) so it dragged on and on. Got to give the judge credit for tenacity and a willingness to call a spade a spade. She laid out the alternatives and essentially told them to get the person on the phone and come to an agreement. No one was entirely happy with the final outcome but that is what a settlement is all about. No one gets everything they want but a compromise that everyone can live with is reached.

One down, two more to go! Glad to know that there are some judges out there who will fight for doing what is right instead of what is expedient.
Seth Myers? Really?

No, not really... Ben Stiller.

I do not believe I would enjoy the remake. Somehow, I like the first version of the movies I see, even if they aren't the first version of the movie.
I tend to like the version that comes out on bluray, in 1080p, with DD Master HD Theater Surround sound... :D

I never did see that one. I do love a good movie though. Maybe after I get moved this week, I'll buy that one.

I even like bad movies. Sometimes the bad is so funny :lol:

I am an absolutely avid movie fan fanatic but it has to be a certain kind of movie. Necessary and/or effective sex, violence, language etc. is okay, but gratuitous sex, violence, and language etc. is a huge turn off for me. But the one genre I love most of all is natural disaster movies--floods, avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteor threats, etc.-- and that genre is the largest group in my private collection.

One of my favorites is "Tornado Warning" Even the excellent cast of Gerald McRaney, Thea Gill, David Millbern, and Joan Van Ark couldn't salvage what is wrong with this definitely sub par B movie. But there is just something about it that is compelling. Even Hombre, who mostly doesn't like this particular genre, watched it with me one night and commented: "It is so hokey it is interesting. . . ." That about sums it up. But I love the movie anyway. :)
I guess I'd have to say I like the scifi the best, like all the Star Wars, Harry Potter, Avatar... along that line. OH... can't forget a good a western. I love those too. There just isn't that many nowadays. There is that movie with Liam Neelson coming out soon, 'A Million Ways To Die In The West'.... I'll have to see that...

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Everyone is getting some rain...that's wonderful. We got 3 inches yesterday and some more today. The sun is trying really hard to come out....but the clouds won't let it...:D
I don't mind the rain, not at all. It's great for the vegetable garden. Nothing beats having a garden salad with fresh vegetables when having a cookout.

From the looks of my garden where I gave up on some things last year, I may never need to buy a carrot again :woohoo:

And a few other things...



Has anybody else beside me been having trouble with the site? If I use the quote function I have to re-log in, often I have to re-log in if I try to post something. Sometimes if I go to the "new posts" section I have to re-log in and in most cases when I do that I am stuck in some sort of cycle where I have to keep trying to log in. Gremlins?
Well, I saw an ad on tv for some sort of ballet for fat ladies... Won't be watching it but it got me to thinking. I don't believe there has ever been a ballet on tv that featured hampsters. If I can find enough hampsters to train, I think I would like to put on a ballet for hampsters. I think a lot of people would watch it. You would, wouldn't you? if mean, if the hampsters were really cute ones.

Well it was done once in the 50's.


It didn't do so well back then. :D
But we have color TV now and a band new audience.
I still don't know though......... :doubt:
Well, I saw an ad on tv for some sort of ballet for fat ladies... Won't be watching it but it got me to thinking. I don't believe there has ever been a ballet on tv that featured hampsters. If I can find enough hampsters to train, I think I would like to put on a ballet for hampsters. I think a lot of people would watch it. You would, wouldn't you? if mean, if the hampsters were really cute ones.

Well it was done once in the 50's.


It didn't do so well back then. :D
But we have color TV now and a band new audience.
I still don't know though......... :doubt:

Well, there goes a perfectly great idea.
Has anybody else beside me been having trouble with the site? If I use the quote function I have to re-log in, often I have to re-log in if I try to post something. Sometimes if I go to the "new posts" section I have to re-log in and in most cases when I do that I am stuck in some sort of cycle where I have to keep trying to log in. Gremlins?

I'm not having that kind of trouble.
I have been kicked off a couple of times.
Sometimes I get games that pop up and then kick me off.
Has anybody else beside me been having trouble with the site? If I use the quote function I have to re-log in, often I have to re-log in if I try to post something. Sometimes if I go to the "new posts" section I have to re-log in and in most cases when I do that I am stuck in some sort of cycle where I have to keep trying to log in. Gremlins?

I'm not having that kind of trouble.
I have been kicked off a couple of times.
Sometimes I get games that pop up and then kick me off.

Games like "Spin the Bottle"?
I never did see that one. I do love a good movie though. Maybe after I get moved this week, I'll buy that one.

I even like bad movies. Sometimes the bad is so funny :lol:

I am an absolutely avid movie fan fanatic but it has to be a certain kind of movie. Necessary and/or effective sex, violence, language etc. is okay, but gratuitous sex, violence, and language etc. is a huge turn off for me. But the one genre I love most of all is natural disaster movies--floods, avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes, meteor threats, etc.-- and that genre is the largest group in my private collection.

One of my favorites is "Tornado Warning" Even the excellent cast of Gerald McRaney, Thea Gill, David Millbern, and Joan Van Ark couldn't salvage what is wrong with this definitely sub par B movie. But there is just something about it that is compelling. Even Hombre, who mostly doesn't like this particular genre, watched it with me one night and commented: "It is so hokey it is interesting. . . ." That about sums it up. But I love the movie anyway. :)

If ya like great B movies see "Ice Pirates". It's full of stars from the 80s. Just watch out for the space herpes........
(Sorry Spoonie, it's not a porno.......) :D

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