USMB Coffee Shop IV

Tracy told me, in her own round about way, that I am not to come to class, even to watch. I have to stay home and keep warm and not go out in the cold. I have to miss a week of class even if it kills me, and come back next week.

I figure I will listen to the tough love she's dished out rather than my mums, lol. She cares about me.

I'm actually in masses of pain right now. I have zero strong painkillers left and I am really struggling with the pain. Have to wait several hours before I can take something stronger. Mum says she has something I can have but I have to wait until the last lot of painkillers wear off. Grr...

That is total BS, Noomi! You don't have to wait until the "last lot of painkillers wear off". You manage pain by being pro active about taking pain killers. When I was having gout attacks and I was using some serious pain killers my doctor told me to ignore the labels that said only take every 8 hours. Instead he said to take them whenever I could feel the pain building up again. As the pain started to recede so did my use of pain killers. Doing it that way always resulted in there being pain killers left over. I never became addicted either. It was simply a matter of responding to what my body needed. Yes, there are people with addictive personalities who are susceptible to addiction but anyone with the kind of self discipline that you have is more than capable of self medicating for the pain.

From what I can read, she's going to be taking her mother's painkillers, not something prescribed by her doctor. It's better to let them wear off than to mix pain killers. Normally, I'd say, yeah, stay ahead of the pain, but not when you're mixing medications.
In my haste to leave the yard this morning I forgot to close the window on my cabin, and when I came back to the yard to lock up my cabin/office was teaming with bloody farm cats. During the day I don't really mind them, and sometimes when I'm on the phone or at my computer I'll feel one rubbing itself up against my leg before I pick it up and throw it out the door, but left unattended they've made a complete mess of the place. I think I'll hook-up the hose pipe tomorrow.

PS. One of Jenna's favourite photos of me is when I'm in full contractor mode: feet up on the desk, phone pressed against my ear, wearing a hard hat, steel-toe'd boots and a hi-vis vest with a cigarette smouldering in the ashtray... and one of the local farm cats fast asleep in my lap.
It has been a humid early summer day. The thunderstorms have been boiling up from the south all day. They are acting like bad visitors, shaking leaves from the trees and upsetting old dogs and young children. The humid air can hold more aromas than dry air. I just got home from the park where Daisy the Mutt held court, flirting with everyone she encountered and getting the attention she craves. But the air was heavy with lilac and roses. If I didn't know any better, I'd sware that I was walking in a florist shop or a funeral parlor.

The radar tells me that we are about to get a little more rain, maybe a little more wind and certainly a little more thunder. Me and the water bill are getting a bit of a break. I don't have to drag out the hose and water the flowers. The tulip leaves are hanging on like someone drowning hangs on to a life ring. Meanwhile, two flats of marigolds are patiently waiting to take their rightful place in the garden. I've got a paper egg container filled with potting soil and tiny decorative pepper plants. I raised them from pups, little seeds that took about three weeks to germinate.
I believe that a ham and cheese sammich might be in order. What to wash it down with still has me puzzled. I'm thinking iced tea, Pepsi, water, coffee or maybe a beer. Too many decisions.

I've been thinking about those four left over brats in beer and onions I have in the fridge. I think I'm going to heat me those up, and wash them down with a cold Pabst.

Might as well, before someone else gets the same notion.....:D
Well, "someone else" around here would have to be my little black and white feline buddy, or a ghost... :eusa_shifty:

I live alone, you see... and the brats did disappear... ;)
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Sorry I've not been contributing much right now, but end of month is a busy time for me and since tomorrow is an official holiday where I live, I needed to squeeze four days of work into three.

I wonder if G-d is playing a trick with me. Everytime I get up to take poochie for one of her 4 daily walks, raindrops start to hit the window-panes.

I am starting to feel like that one dude in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"....

:grübel: :grübel:
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Busy day. Still lots to do, but I'm thinking I'll finish the milking and grab a nap before heading to the rat race. Ah, well, it pays the bills...and, I rather like my job. Got to change a hydraulic pump last week, shaft had sheared. It was a new pump, too. Worst thing about hydraulic systems is the damned hydraulic fluid. It stinks and anywhere you "apply" it burns like the dickens.
Well, I'm "out", at least for the summer. While having my house in the garage is not uncomfortable, now I can smell the outdoors and have light. As soon as I have the cat cage finished, they'll get to lounge outside, too. They do like their outside time. I just don't want them coming into contact with the feral cats. Ferals are a bit territorial and my cats are a bunch of wussie indoor kitties.
Have to pick up flowers and meet the family at Mom's grave today, for her Birthday.......

We took $200 of what Dad left and I put it in my savings account, so every year I buy the flowers and keep a log of it....Should be good for many more years....

I've been telling people that when I pass and they get the urge to bring be flowers, to buy a bouquet and leave one on my grave, then take the rest to a nursing home and give them to an old lady who hasn't had a visitor in awhile. That way, maybe I can make some people happy even after I'm gone.

when i go i want my ashes spread and turned into the garden so i become part of the soil and help fertilize future generations of flowers and plants

That brought to mind a skit from Dane Cook.:D I think the whole thing is funny, but I'm specifically thinking about a part that starts at 7:30...don't watch if easily offended.

[ame=]Dane Cook- Athiest Sneeze - YouTube[/ame]
It's National Hamburger Day. Raise your hand if you had some form of hamburger today. I would have much rather had a burger but Mrs. BBD threw together some sort of noodles with hamburger in it for supper. It was pretty good but I was wishing for a hamburger. Can't complain. Way back when I was praying to the Good Lord to send me a wife. I told him in my prayers that a solid "7" would be ok but instead he sent me a "10".
It's National Hamburger Day. Raise your hand if you had some form of hamburger today. I would have much rather had a burger but Mrs. BBD threw together some sort of noodles with hamburger in it for supper. It was pretty good but I was wishing for a hamburger. Can't complain. Way back when I was praying to the Good Lord to send me a wife. I told him in my prayers that a solid "7" would be ok but instead he sent me a "10".

Someone should have given me advance warning to make the appropriate plans...I had a tuna wrap for lunch and grilled chicken salad for dinner.
It's National Hamburger Day. Raise your hand if you had some form of hamburger today. I would have much rather had a burger but Mrs. BBD threw together some sort of noodles with hamburger in it for supper. It was pretty good but I was wishing for a hamburger. Can't complain. Way back when I was praying to the Good Lord to send me a wife. I told him in my prayers that a solid "7" would be ok but instead he sent me a "10".

Someone should have given me advance warning to make the appropriate plans...I had a tuna wrap for lunch and grilled chicken salad for dinner.

Tuna rap? Is there a dance that goes with that?
We should have our own secret handshake here in the Coffee Shop. That way, if we meet each other on the street or someplace else we will instantly know they are Coffee Shop members. Also, maybe we could get a 10% discount at Walmart.
Scrappin Gramma

A young guy from North Dakota moves to Florida and goes to a big "everything under one roof" department store looking for a job.
The Manager says, "Do you have any sales experience?" The kid says "Yeah. I was a vacuum salesman back in North Dakota."

Well, the boss was unsure, but he liked the kid and figured he'd give him a shot, so he gave him the job.

"You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did."

His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it. After the store was locked up, the boss came down to the sales floor.

"How many customers bought something from you today?" The kid frowns and looks at the floor and mutters, "One". The boss says "Just one?!!? Our sales people average sales to 20 to 30 customers a day.

That will have to change, and soon, if you'd like to continue your employment here. We have very strict standards for our sales force here in Florida. One sale a day might have been acceptable in North Dakota, but you're not on the farm anymore, son."
The kid took his beating, but continued to look at his shoes, so the boss felt kinda bad for chewing him out on his first day. He asked (semi-sarcastically), "So, how much was your one sale for?"
The kid looks up at his boss and says "$101,237.65".

The boss, astonished, says $101,237.65?!? What the heck did you sell?"

The kid says, "Well, first, I sold him some new fish hooks. Then I sold him a new fishing rod to go with his new hooks. Then I asked him where he was going fishing and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition."

The boss said "A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a boat and a TRUCK!?"
The kid said "No, the guy came in here to buy tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing
It's National Hamburger Day. Raise your hand if you had some form of hamburger today. I would have much rather had a burger but Mrs. BBD threw together some sort of noodles with hamburger in it for supper. It was pretty good but I was wishing for a hamburger. Can't complain. Way back when I was praying to the Good Lord to send me a wife. I told him in my prayers that a solid "7" would be ok but instead he sent me a "10".

Someone should have given me advance warning to make the appropriate plans...I had a tuna wrap for lunch and grilled chicken salad for dinner.

We're down to eggs and lunchmeat. I'm not buying anymore food until after we move on Saturday..
Happy National Hamburger Day folks! :D



National Hamburger Day - May 28 2014
Hamburger Day

My timing sucks, we had hamburgers yesterday.
On the contrary, your timing was right on. In my book, every day is Hamburger Day, and I do indeed have hamburgers almost every day, either for lunch or for an after dinner snack from the drive thru. We all have to do our part to support the cattle industry. :D

My timing sucks, we had hamburgers yesterday.
On the contrary, your timing was right on. In my book, every day is Hamburger Day, and I do indeed have hamburgers almost every day, either for lunch or for an after dinner snack from the drive thru. We all have to do our part to support the cattle industry. :D

You know that sig pic is so you!
Tracy told me, in her own round about way, that I am not to come to class, even to watch. I have to stay home and keep warm and not go out in the cold. I have to miss a week of class even if it kills me, and come back next week.

I figure I will listen to the tough love she's dished out rather than my mums, lol. She cares about me.

I'm actually in masses of pain right now. I have zero strong painkillers left and I am really struggling with the pain. Have to wait several hours before I can take something stronger. Mum says she has something I can have but I have to wait until the last lot of painkillers wear off. Grr...

That is total BS, Noomi! You don't have to wait until the "last lot of painkillers wear off". You manage pain by being pro active about taking pain killers. When I was having gout attacks and I was using some serious pain killers my doctor told me to ignore the labels that said only take every 8 hours. Instead he said to take them whenever I could feel the pain building up again. As the pain started to recede so did my use of pain killers. Doing it that way always resulted in there being pain killers left over. I never became addicted either. It was simply a matter of responding to what my body needed. Yes, there are people with addictive personalities who are susceptible to addiction but anyone with the kind of self discipline that you have is more than capable of self medicating for the pain.

I'm going to disagree with this. We don't know what painkillers Noomi's using, and some of them have dangerous side effects and interactions. Even something non-addicting, like ibuprofin (my personal favorite) can cause excessive bleeding.

Cold drinks and ice packs can help, but don't use the ice for more than 5 minutes, and only when the pain's getting bad. Keep your head elevated, even when sleeping. Meditate.
I have been drugged up for the past four days, so much so that I haven't even been able to go outside, let alone drive. I haven't been myself since early in the week. Mum gave me one of her super strong painkillers last night as I was in major pain. All it did was make me dizzy and sleep.

I seem to be taking a little longer to recover than others. Oh well. I am going to miss the best class of the week tonight and I'm not happy. Can't wait until I can go back next week. :)
Tracy told me, in her own round about way, that I am not to come to class, even to watch. I have to stay home and keep warm and not go out in the cold. I have to miss a week of class even if it kills me, and come back next week.

I figure I will listen to the tough love she's dished out rather than my mums, lol. She cares about me.

I'm actually in masses of pain right now. I have zero strong painkillers left and I am really struggling with the pain. Have to wait several hours before I can take something stronger. Mum says she has something I can have but I have to wait until the last lot of painkillers wear off. Grr...

That is total BS, Noomi! You don't have to wait until the "last lot of painkillers wear off". You manage pain by being pro active about taking pain killers. When I was having gout attacks and I was using some serious pain killers my doctor told me to ignore the labels that said only take every 8 hours. Instead he said to take them whenever I could feel the pain building up again. As the pain started to recede so did my use of pain killers. Doing it that way always resulted in there being pain killers left over. I never became addicted either. It was simply a matter of responding to what my body needed. Yes, there are people with addictive personalities who are susceptible to addiction but anyone with the kind of self discipline that you have is more than capable of self medicating for the pain.
Your doctor told you! You followed your doctors advice.

I understand you mean well, but please stop it! You neither know her medical and emotional prognosis or shortcomings. Just, please, stop being an armchair advisor. Her life's situation is unique, not simply a hobby for online friends best intentions.

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