USMB Coffee Shop IV

And, today's coffee funnies!!




Tracy told me, in her own round about way, that I am not to come to class, even to watch. I have to stay home and keep warm and not go out in the cold. I have to miss a week of class even if it kills me, and come back next week.

I figure I will listen to the tough love she's dished out rather than my mums, lol. She cares about me.

I'm actually in masses of pain right now. I have zero strong painkillers left and I am really struggling with the pain. Have to wait several hours before I can take something stronger. Mum says she has something I can have but I have to wait until the last lot of painkillers wear off. Grr...

That is total BS, Noomi! You don't have to wait until the "last lot of painkillers wear off". You manage pain by being pro active about taking pain killers. When I was having gout attacks and I was using some serious pain killers my doctor told me to ignore the labels that said only take every 8 hours. Instead he said to take them whenever I could feel the pain building up again. As the pain started to recede so did my use of pain killers. Doing it that way always resulted in there being pain killers left over. I never became addicted either. It was simply a matter of responding to what my body needed. Yes, there are people with addictive personalities who are susceptible to addiction but anyone with the kind of self discipline that you have is more than capable of self medicating for the pain.
Your doctor told you! You followed your doctors advice.

I understand you mean well, but please stop it! You neither know her medical and emotional prognosis or shortcomings. Just, please, stop being an armchair advisor. Her life's situation is unique, not simply a hobby for online friends best intentions.

With all due respect I spent five long years in constant pain with the last two of them bedridden (not related to gout) so I have first hand experience with dealing it and I have done a lot of research into the topic too.

So no, real pain is "not simply a hobby" under any circumstances. It can be debilitating and even life threatening because it can lead to depression and even in extreme cases suicide. Pain management is part of the healing process. Someone who is suffering from pain takes longer to heal.

To Help Healing, Doctors Pay More Attention To Pain : NPR

So when I hear that someone I have come to care about is in pain I will reach out and try to help them because that is who I am. Noomi is an adult and would need to have this discussion with her own doctor. But at least she would be aware that there is an alternative to needless suffering. If trying to alleviate the suffering of others offends you then sobeit. I will not stop trying to help others when I know that there is a solution that might help them.

That is total BS, Noomi! You don't have to wait until the "last lot of painkillers wear off". You manage pain by being pro active about taking pain killers. When I was having gout attacks and I was using some serious pain killers my doctor told me to ignore the labels that said only take every 8 hours. Instead he said to take them whenever I could feel the pain building up again. As the pain started to recede so did my use of pain killers. Doing it that way always resulted in there being pain killers left over. I never became addicted either. It was simply a matter of responding to what my body needed. Yes, there are people with addictive personalities who are susceptible to addiction but anyone with the kind of self discipline that you have is more than capable of self medicating for the pain.
Your doctor told you! You followed your doctors advice.

I understand you mean well, but please stop it! You neither know her medical and emotional prognosis or shortcomings. Just, please, stop being an armchair advisor. Her life's situation is unique, not simply a hobby for online friends best intentions.

With all due respect I spent five long years in constant pain with the last two of them bedridden (not related to gout) so I have first hand experience with dealing it and I have done a lot of research into the topic too.

So no, real pain is "not simply a hobby" under any circumstances. It can be debilitating and even life threatening because it can lead to depression and even in extreme cases suicide. Pain management is part of the healing process. Someone who is suffering from pain takes longer to heal.

To Help Healing, Doctors Pay More Attention To Pain : NPR

So when I hear that someone I have come to care about is in pain I will reach out and try to help them because that is who I am. Noomi is an adult and would need to have this discussion with her own doctor. But at least she would be aware that there is an alternative to needless suffering. If trying to alleviate the suffering of others offends you then sobeit. I will not stop trying to help others when I know that there is a solution that might help them.

I know you're kind and your heart is in the right place. Years of constant pain is a far cry from recovering from surgery. Noomi is in a very delicate state right now, both emotionally and physically. Making her, or anyone, aware of alternative measures is a far cry from offering up medical advice, advocating moving out, calling the police on her caregivers etc etc etc

Friends being supportive and helpful has to be within the boundaries of whats practical to the situation.

I apologize to you and anyone one else I offended and I'll get off my soap box now :eusa_silenced:
Good morning, everybody. A little overcast here in northwestern Illinois. Feels and looks like rain but the weatherman says it's going to be a nice day. Guess I'll have another cup of coffee and sit around and see if he's being on the level.
Well Colonel had his annual check up this morning. Could be his last one at his age... He has some lumps that in a younger dog would be a problem but at his age the Vet isn't real worried about them, They checked one of them and it was nothing to be concerned with.

he got his distemper and 3 year rabies.....

I think he was a bit upset because he saw Dr Wolfe instead of Dr Prentise, Both are pretty women but Dr Prentise is his sweetheart....
Well Colonel had his annual check up this morning. Could be his last one at his age... He has some lumps that in a younger dog would be a problem but at his age the Vet isn't real worried about them, They checked one of them and it was nothing to be concerned with.

he got his distemper and 3 year rabies.....

I think he was a bit upset because he saw Dr Wolfe instead of Dr Prentise, Both are pretty women but Dr Prentise is his sweetheart....

Glad Colonel is okay. Still missing my Snoopy. :(
We should have our own secret handshake here in the Coffee Shop. That way, if we meet each other on the street or someplace else we will instantly know they are Coffee Shop members. Also, maybe we could get a 10% discount at Walmart.

Now ya tell me. I just bought a new Hoppe's shotgun cleaning kit on Maybe I could have saved myself a couple bucks at walmart with my discount...

Walmart gives discounts? Cool....discounts upon discounts...:thup: Everybody wins at Walmart. I love our spotlessly clean and pleasant to look at, super-center, but only if I go in very early and miss the crowds. Around 7 or 8 am up to about 10:am. I was told something recently by a retired Walmart employee: the clerks start marking down the items for sale that day, around 10 in the morning. Sure enough, chicken breasts, boneless and skinless...1.99 lb instead of 3.99. :thup:
I've been busily reading the board and dealing with my Inbox this morning, and I don't think I have said good morning. So good morning everybody!!!

We had an unusually warm day yesterday--may have reached our first 90 of the year depending on which weather report you watch. Today and the rest of the week is supposed to be in the comfortable low to mid 80's range. We are almost into June though which typically is the hottest month on average for us. If we have a 'normal' pattern this year, in early July through August the monsoonal moisture will come up from Mexico and that usually results in afternoon clouds that help modify the afternoon temperatures.
I've been busily reading the board and dealing with my Inbox this morning, and I don't think I have said good morning. So good morning everybody!!!

We had an unusually warm day yesterday--may have reached our first 90 of the year depending on which weather report you watch. Today and the rest of the week is supposed to be in the comfortable low to mid 80's range. We are almost into June though which typically is the hottest month on average for us. If we have a 'normal' pattern this year, in early July through August the monsoonal moisture will come up from Mexico and that usually results in afternoon clouds that help modify the afternoon temperatures.

we dropped into the 40's again last night. its like what is going on here
So I made the little one a pinata for her birthday party, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. She wanted it to be a unicorn, and I tried to do that with her....but ugh, I am not a crafts-type person. It turned out pretty horribly. :(

Making the pinata was a lot harder than I expected, too. Plus, the little one didn't have much fun with trying to help and stopped pretty quickly, and I had hoped that making it would be an activity we could enjoy together.

So now I'm wondering how the hell I can try and save this and make a decent looking unicorn.

I'm also thinking about trying to take a fairly large box we have sitting around and trying to make a little castle for her to put some of her stuffed animals in. That should be a bit easier to accomplish; all I really need is to cut another box up to make towers on the top and do something to color the box. I'm thinking I might look for some gray colored paper at the dollar store or something like that. Otherwise I'll need to strip off the label covering the box and that looks to be a bit of a project.

This is what comes of not having money! I'm hesitant to spend what little I have and instead try to make things I don't have any aptitude for. :lol:
So I made the little one a pinata for her birthday party, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. She wanted it to be a unicorn, and I tried to do that with her....but ugh, I am not a crafts-type person. It turned out pretty horribly. :(

Making the pinata was a lot harder than I expected, too. Plus, the little one didn't have much fun with trying to help and stopped pretty quickly, and I had hoped that making it would be an activity we could enjoy together.

So now I'm wondering how the hell I can try and save this and make a decent looking unicorn.

I'm also thinking about trying to take a fairly large box we have sitting around and trying to make a little castle for her to put some of her stuffed animals in. That should be a bit easier to accomplish; all I really need is to cut another box up to make towers on the top and do something to color the box. I'm thinking I might look for some gray colored paper at the dollar store or something like that. Otherwise I'll need to strip off the label covering the box and that looks to be a bit of a project.

This is what comes of not having money! I'm hesitant to spend what little I have and instead try to make things I don't have any aptitude for. :lol:

Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

We should have our own secret handshake here in the Coffee Shop. That way, if we meet each other on the street or someplace else we will instantly know they are Coffee Shop members. Also, maybe we could get a 10% discount at Walmart.

Now ya tell me. I just bought a new Hoppe's shotgun cleaning kit on Maybe I could have saved myself a couple bucks at walmart with my discount...

Walmart gives discounts? Cool....discounts upon discounts...:thup: Everybody wins at Walmart. I love our spotlessly clean and pleasant to look at, super-center, but only if I go in very early and miss the crowds. Around 7 or 8 am up to about 10:am. I was told something recently by a retired Walmart employee: the clerks start marking down the items for sale that day, around 10 in the morning. Sure enough, chicken breasts, boneless and skinless...1.99 lb instead of 3.99. :thup:
I very rarely go shopping, but when I have to, there's a good chance that it's at Walmart. Not too fond of the crowds, so the 24 hour super centers are great. I go at night so I'm in and out fast.
Now ya tell me. I just bought a new Hoppe's shotgun cleaning kit on Maybe I could have saved myself a couple bucks at walmart with my discount...

Walmart gives discounts? Cool....discounts upon discounts...:thup: Everybody wins at Walmart. I love our spotlessly clean and pleasant to look at, super-center, but only if I go in very early and miss the crowds. Around 7 or 8 am up to about 10:am. I was told something recently by a retired Walmart employee: the clerks start marking down the items for sale that day, around 10 in the morning. Sure enough, chicken breasts, boneless and skinless...1.99 lb instead of 3.99. :thup:
I very rarely go shopping, but when I have to, there's a good chance that it's at Walmart. Not too fond of the crowds, so the 24 hour super centers are great. I go at night so I'm in and out fast.

Yup, in the evening is good or first thing in the morning.

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