USMB Coffee Shop IV

So I made the little one a pinata for her birthday party, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. She wanted it to be a unicorn, and I tried to do that with her....but ugh, I am not a crafts-type person. It turned out pretty horribly. :(

Making the pinata was a lot harder than I expected, too. Plus, the little one didn't have much fun with trying to help and stopped pretty quickly, and I had hoped that making it would be an activity we could enjoy together.

So now I'm wondering how the hell I can try and save this and make a decent looking unicorn.

I'm also thinking about trying to take a fairly large box we have sitting around and trying to make a little castle for her to put some of her stuffed animals in. That should be a bit easier to accomplish; all I really need is to cut another box up to make towers on the top and do something to color the box. I'm thinking I might look for some gray colored paper at the dollar store or something like that. Otherwise I'll need to strip off the label covering the box and that looks to be a bit of a project.

This is what comes of not having money! I'm hesitant to spend what little I have and instead try to make things I don't have any aptitude for. :lol:

Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


I've often wondered if German potato salad in Germany is the same German potato salad we enjoy in New Mexico?
So I made the little one a pinata for her birthday party, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. She wanted it to be a unicorn, and I tried to do that with her....but ugh, I am not a crafts-type person. It turned out pretty horribly. :(

Making the pinata was a lot harder than I expected, too. Plus, the little one didn't have much fun with trying to help and stopped pretty quickly, and I had hoped that making it would be an activity we could enjoy together.

So now I'm wondering how the hell I can try and save this and make a decent looking unicorn.

I'm also thinking about trying to take a fairly large box we have sitting around and trying to make a little castle for her to put some of her stuffed animals in. That should be a bit easier to accomplish; all I really need is to cut another box up to make towers on the top and do something to color the box. I'm thinking I might look for some gray colored paper at the dollar store or something like that. Otherwise I'll need to strip off the label covering the box and that looks to be a bit of a project.

This is what comes of not having money! I'm hesitant to spend what little I have and instead try to make things I don't have any aptitude for. :lol:

Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


I've often wondered if German potato salad in Germany is the same German potato salad we enjoy in New Mexico?

Lots of different varieties. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, they like their Kartoffelsalat with lots of pickles and vinegar in it. Got a nice bite to it.

In Bavaria, they like it creamier, with more mayonnaise and such.

Send me some Kartoffelsalat from New Mexico and I will gladly make a comparison for you. I need an assistant, someone with a good appetite, like me.

Oh, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] ..... :lol:
Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


I've often wondered if German potato salad in Germany is the same German potato salad we enjoy in New Mexico?

Lots of different varieties. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, they like their Kartoffelsalat with lots of pickles and vinegar in it. Got a nice bite to it.

In Bavaria, they like it creamier, with more mayonnaise and such.

Send me some Kartoffelsalat from New Mexico and I will gladly make a comparison for you. I need an assistant, someone with a good appetite, like me.

Oh, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] ..... :lol:

My favorite is a hot german potato salad that I pretty well wing it but is pretty much this:

Boil 3 or 4 medium potatoes in salted water about 15 minutes or so to medium firm stage. Slice fairly thinly.

Brown 3 or 4 slices bacon to crumble stage and crumble them. Reserve bacon fat in the skillet.

Add roughly a tablespoon of flour, 2 or so tablespoons sugar, about a third cup of water and a fourth cup white or apple cider vinegar to the bacon fat in the skillet - stir and simmer until thickened.

Add crumbled bacon, potato slices and chopped green onions to skillet and stir until coated and heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.
I've often wondered if German potato salad in Germany is the same German potato salad we enjoy in New Mexico?

Lots of different varieties. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, they like their Kartoffelsalat with lots of pickles and vinegar in it. Got a nice bite to it.

In Bavaria, they like it creamier, with more mayonnaise and such.

Send me some Kartoffelsalat from New Mexico and I will gladly make a comparison for you. I need an assistant, someone with a good appetite, like me.

Oh, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] ..... :lol:

My favorite is a hot german potato salad that I pretty well wing it but is pretty much this:

Boil 3 or 4 medium potatoes in salted water about 15 minutes or so to medium firm stage. Slice fairly thinly.

Brown 3 or 4 slices bacon to crumble stage and crumble them. Reserve bacon fat in the skillet.

Add roughly a tablespoon of flour, 2 or so tablespoons sugar, about a third cup of water and a fourth cup white or apple cider vinegar to the bacon fat in the skillet - stir and simmer until thickened.

Add crumbled bacon, potato slices and chopped green onions to skillet and stir until coated and heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.

I would substitute turkey for the bacon :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

But it sounds good.

The funny part is: most of the Germans I know like their Kartoffelsalat cold.

Curious to know what @bloockrock44 and [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] remember from their days in the land of Beer, Bread, Bratwursts and Broads. :D
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Lots of different varieties. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, they like their Kartoffelsalat with lots of pickles and vinegar in it. Got a nice bite to it.

In Bavaria, they like it creamier, with more mayonnaise and such.

Send me some Kartoffelsalat from New Mexico and I will gladly make a comparison for you. I need an assistant, someone with a good appetite, like me.

Oh, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] ..... :lol:

My favorite is a hot german potato salad that I pretty well wing it but is pretty much this:

Boil 3 or 4 medium potatoes in salted water about 15 minutes or so to medium firm stage. Slice fairly thinly.

Brown 3 or 4 slices bacon to crumble stage and crumble them. Reserve bacon fat in the skillet.

Add roughly a tablespoon of flour, 2 or so tablespoons sugar, about a third cup of water and a fourth cup white or apple cider vinegar to the bacon fat in the skillet - stir and simmer until thickened.

Add crumbled bacon, potato slices and chopped green onions to skillet and stir until coated and heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.

I would substitute turkey for the bacon :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

But it sounds good.

The funny part is: most of the Germans I know like their Kartoffelsalat cold.

Curious to know what @bloockrock44 and [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] remember from their days in the land of Beer, Bread, Bratwursts and Broads. :D
Mein alt Frau is the best German cook alive. I eat like a Burgermeister all the time. Jul 15-Aug 15 we will be in Bavaria and I'll gain 15 pounds. Can't wait. As for Kartoffel salat, nobody makes it better than Bavarians.
So I made the little one a pinata for her birthday party, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. She wanted it to be a unicorn, and I tried to do that with her....but ugh, I am not a crafts-type person. It turned out pretty horribly. :(

Making the pinata was a lot harder than I expected, too. Plus, the little one didn't have much fun with trying to help and stopped pretty quickly, and I had hoped that making it would be an activity we could enjoy together.

So now I'm wondering how the hell I can try and save this and make a decent looking unicorn.

I'm also thinking about trying to take a fairly large box we have sitting around and trying to make a little castle for her to put some of her stuffed animals in. That should be a bit easier to accomplish; all I really need is to cut another box up to make towers on the top and do something to color the box. I'm thinking I might look for some gray colored paper at the dollar store or something like that. Otherwise I'll need to strip off the label covering the box and that looks to be a bit of a project.

This is what comes of not having money! I'm hesitant to spend what little I have and instead try to make things I don't have any aptitude for. :lol:

Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


I've often wondered if German potato salad in Germany is the same German potato salad we enjoy in New Mexico?

Well I can tell you from when I was living in France as an au pair boy, after we all went to see the American movie "Kramer vs. Kramer" which includes a scene of Dustin Hoffman making French toast, all the French were asking me what the hell French Toast is.

So I made it for them.

I can't quite remember what we did for maple syrup, if I took it that far -- would have been expensive.

(Stat, what's the going price for maple syrup in Germany? Any idea?)
My favorite is a hot german potato salad that I pretty well wing it but is pretty much this:

Boil 3 or 4 medium potatoes in salted water about 15 minutes or so to medium firm stage. Slice fairly thinly.

Brown 3 or 4 slices bacon to crumble stage and crumble them. Reserve bacon fat in the skillet.

Add roughly a tablespoon of flour, 2 or so tablespoons sugar, about a third cup of water and a fourth cup white or apple cider vinegar to the bacon fat in the skillet - stir and simmer until thickened.

Add crumbled bacon, potato slices and chopped green onions to skillet and stir until coated and heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.

I would substitute turkey for the bacon :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

But it sounds good.

The funny part is: most of the Germans I know like their Kartoffelsalat cold.

Curious to know what @bloockrock44 and [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] remember from their days in the land of Beer, Bread, Bratwursts and Broads. :D
Mein alt Frau is the best German cook alive. I eat like a Burgermeister all the time. Jul 15-Aug 15 we will be in Bavaria and I'll gain 15 pounds. Can't wait. As for Kartoffel salat, nobody makes it better than Bavarians.
Oh yes, and after dinner we go for a walk and this is one of the songs we sing.

[ame=]1954 HITS ARCHIVE: The Happy Wanderer - Frank Weir - YouTube[/ame]

Two of our fur babies. Trevor and Suki. :)

They are so cute....That Trevor with the black/white mask, very unique.
I don't know why I bothered coming back here... the SHIT going on with the blatant bias is as bad as ever.

This board sucks to high heaven.

Because you can ignore the drama and ugliness and concentrate on the nice people that are here to have a good rapport with others and share our good times and our bad times...sometimes the only ones willing to listen.....:)
Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


I've often wondered if German potato salad in Germany is the same German potato salad we enjoy in New Mexico?

Lots of different varieties. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, they like their Kartoffelsalat with lots of pickles and vinegar in it. Got a nice bite to it.

In Bavaria, they like it creamier, with more mayonnaise and such.

Send me some Kartoffelsalat from New Mexico and I will gladly make a comparison for you. I need an assistant, someone with a good appetite, like me.

Oh, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] ..... :lol:
I never turn down an invitation for food. I like my Kartoffelsalat ... er ... potato salad seasoned with extra mustard, and extra sugar. All this talk of potato salad makes me want to have a picnic. Can't have a picnic without potato salad ... and fried chicken! :D
Lots of different varieties. In Nordrhein-Westfalen, they like their Kartoffelsalat with lots of pickles and vinegar in it. Got a nice bite to it.

In Bavaria, they like it creamier, with more mayonnaise and such.

Send me some Kartoffelsalat from New Mexico and I will gladly make a comparison for you. I need an assistant, someone with a good appetite, like me.

Oh, [MENTION=45739]Jughead[/MENTION] ..... :lol:

My favorite is a hot german potato salad that I pretty well wing it but is pretty much this:

Boil 3 or 4 medium potatoes in salted water about 15 minutes or so to medium firm stage. Slice fairly thinly.

Brown 3 or 4 slices bacon to crumble stage and crumble them. Reserve bacon fat in the skillet.

Add roughly a tablespoon of flour, 2 or so tablespoons sugar, about a third cup of water and a fourth cup white or apple cider vinegar to the bacon fat in the skillet - stir and simmer until thickened.

Add crumbled bacon, potato slices and chopped green onions to skillet and stir until coated and heated through. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve warm.

I would substitute turkey for the bacon :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

But it sounds good.

The funny part is: most of the Germans I know like their Kartoffelsalat cold.

Curious to know what @bloockrock44 and [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] remember from their days in the land of Beer, Bread, Bratwursts and Broads. :D

Yes, most Americans usually think of cold potato salad before hot too I think. You probably wouldn't take hot potato salad to a picnic, but the cold potato salad has to be there. But my cold potato salad is a house specialty too. :)
It was a great all my new plants in the ground, good day's work....and now I'm off to bed...

I misread that. I thought you got all your new pants in the ground. Had me wondering for a minute.:lol:

Ha,ha, I do that sometimes....misread and then go....whoa! I do need to get some new pants...seems like my clothes last forever but I get tired of the same old same old...:D
Walmart gives discounts? Cool....discounts upon discounts...:thup: Everybody wins at Walmart. I love our spotlessly clean and pleasant to look at, super-center, but only if I go in very early and miss the crowds. Around 7 or 8 am up to about 10:am. I was told something recently by a retired Walmart employee: the clerks start marking down the items for sale that day, around 10 in the morning. Sure enough, chicken breasts, boneless and skinless...1.99 lb instead of 3.99. :thup:
I very rarely go shopping, but when I have to, there's a good chance that it's at Walmart. Not too fond of the crowds, so the 24 hour super centers are great. I go at night so I'm in and out fast.

Yup, in the evening is good or first thing in the morning.
Just after midnight for me. No lines to wait in, plus it's cooler outside, and nice to drive with the windows down for a change.
I like the traditional mustard potato salad - cold. I can't stand hot potato salad or German potato salad either. My poor old departed mother couldn't make potato salad worth a hoot. Got to give her credit for trying but her potato salad always ended up being something like mashed potatoes with a bunch of junk it it and she always served it warm. Yuck.
I heard picnic mentioned... This is all you need for a terrific picnic:


1. A six pack of ice cold beer.
2. Half a loaf of white bread.
3. Mustard.
4. Some sort of lunch meat.
5. Some cheese if you're trying to impress somebody.

Find a shady tree to sit under and it's picnic time.
So I made the little one a pinata for her birthday party, which is coming up in a couple of weeks. She wanted it to be a unicorn, and I tried to do that with her....but ugh, I am not a crafts-type person. It turned out pretty horribly. :(

Making the pinata was a lot harder than I expected, too. Plus, the little one didn't have much fun with trying to help and stopped pretty quickly, and I had hoped that making it would be an activity we could enjoy together.

So now I'm wondering how the hell I can try and save this and make a decent looking unicorn.

I'm also thinking about trying to take a fairly large box we have sitting around and trying to make a little castle for her to put some of her stuffed animals in. That should be a bit easier to accomplish; all I really need is to cut another box up to make towers on the top and do something to color the box. I'm thinking I might look for some gray colored paper at the dollar store or something like that. Otherwise I'll need to strip off the label covering the box and that looks to be a bit of a project.

This is what comes of not having money! I'm hesitant to spend what little I have and instead try to make things I don't have any aptitude for. :lol:

Necessity is often the mother of invention. Sounds like you are doing very well!

My little one is spending an extra day with Papa. Today is Father's Day (also Corpus Christi - a national holiday here) where I live and schools are closed tomorrow to allow a
"bridge day" ("Brückentag") between the holiday and the actual weekend. So, she came today and I told her I wanted to eat steak for Father's day. So, we fired up the grill and she helped me to grill steaks. It ends up that the little one has quite a hankering for a good steak and good German potato salad and corn. One happy little camper. We then played 4 different board games and told each other ghost stories and now she is snoozing like there is no tomorrow.

Being a Papa is the best thing in the world, imo. Wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.


Yeah, just wait until you become an Opa! You'll trade that Papa hat in quickly enough.

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