USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. Trying to drink coffee unobtrusively here so as not to torture Hombre who is NPO awaiting an ultra sound later this morning. And because he has to fast, so am I. The ultra sound is of his aorta or something like that. He has no symptoms and no problems, but it seems that our medical group has a policy that if a person has EVER smoked, at some point when they are a senior citizen, they should have this particular test. So why did he make an appointment for late morning when he is required to fast for this test? He didn't want to fight morning rush hour traffic. Hombre was a moderate smoker some 30 years ago. But oh well. He never questions these things.

So hope everybody is looking forward to a great weekend.
Greetings, y'all!
Dreary, overcast morning here. We really needed this rain, though. It would be ironic if, after the beautiful weather we've been having, this rain kept up while my girls are here. I was hoping to get a few things done and spend some time outdoors with them.

They might be girls, GW, and made of sugar and spice but I can promise you that they won't melt in the rain! :D

Righteous you are . They are both born Alaskans and we get used to doing things in the rain (or snow), otherwise we'd never get outside.
Greetings, y'all!
Dreary, overcast morning here. We really needed this rain, though. It would be ironic if, after the beautiful weather we've been having, this rain kept up while my girls are here. I was hoping to get a few things done and spend some time outdoors with them.

They might be girls, GW, and made of sugar and spice but I can promise you that they won't melt in the rain! :D

Righteous you are . They are both born Alaskans and we get used to doing things in the rain (or snow), otherwise we'd never get outside.
Sounds as if you and your family would do well here in the perpetually cloud shrouded Ohio River valley. We endure rain, snow and hail too. But those are the reasons our hardwood forests are so verdant. Why our creeks and streams offer kayakers and canoeists all they can handle. Getting wet here is part and parcel of our lifestyle. There's always more water to bathe in!
Good morning everybody. Trying to drink coffee unobtrusively here so as not to torture Hombre who is NPO awaiting an ultra sound later this morning. And because he has to fast, so am I. The ultra sound is of his aorta or something like that. He has no symptoms and no problems, but it seems that our medical group has a policy that if a person has EVER smoked, at some point when they are a senior citizen, they should have this particular test. So why did he make an appointment for late morning when he is required to fast for this test? He didn't want to fight morning rush hour traffic. Hombre was a moderate smoker some 30 years ago. But oh well. He never questions these things.

So hope everybody is looking forward to a great weekend.

Sounds like an echo chamber test...Squishy nasty thing.......But painless and non intrusive...
It's Friday. We should all show up at Ollie's house tonight for a big party. Say, maybe 1830. I'll bring a bunch of those red plastic cups and a bag of chips. Somebody else bring something too. Oh, I'm bringing Taco along.
They might be girls, GW, and made of sugar and spice but I can promise you that they won't melt in the rain! :D

Righteous you are . They are both born Alaskans and we get used to doing things in the rain (or snow), otherwise we'd never get outside.
Sounds as if you and your family would do well here in the perpetually cloud shrouded Ohio River valley. We endure rain, snow and hail too. But those are the reasons our hardwood forests are so verdant. Why our creeks and streams offer kayakers and canoeists all they can handle. Getting wet here is part and parcel of our lifestyle. There's always more water to bathe in!

Go Buckeyes!!!
I don't know why I bothered coming back here... the SHIT going on with the blatant bias is as bad as ever.

This board sucks to high heaven.

Sounds like you need a vacation my friend! Somewhere fun. I recommend Bermuda. Lock up the house, pull the plug on the electric, pack your bag and hit the road for a week or so. Oh, leave your computer at home. Time for some fun, sun, and those funny looking little drinks that make you see double. I'm thinking I need a vacation too but sadly I don't think I will be able to go until September.
Good morning everybody. Trying to drink coffee unobtrusively here so as not to torture Hombre who is NPO awaiting an ultra sound later this morning. And because he has to fast, so am I. The ultra sound is of his aorta or something like that. He has no symptoms and no problems, but it seems that our medical group has a policy that if a person has EVER smoked, at some point when they are a senior citizen, they should have this particular test. So why did he make an appointment for late morning when he is required to fast for this test? He didn't want to fight morning rush hour traffic. Hombre was a moderate smoker some 30 years ago. But oh well. He never questions these things.

So hope everybody is looking forward to a great weekend.

Sounds like an echo chamber test...Squishy nasty thing.......But painless and non intrusive...

What he described was an ultra sound -- said it took about 5 minutes. It is called an abdominal aortic ultra sound and he was at the doctor's office, sign in, waiting time, and all less than 30 minutes. And then he went to buy tacos for our lunch. And they were good. :)
I have a confession to make to you all.
I am not 24 (or whatever) as I claim in my profile, rather, I am 15.
Sorry for lying about my age.

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