USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just made my list for the grocery store tomorrow. Mr Gracie is eager to get those large freezer bags full of yummies for the crock pot!

Beef stew cubes
4 lbs Hamburger meat
3 pkgs chicken breasts
2 pkgs boneless pork chops thick cut
2 tenderloins
Baby back ribs
2 small hams

and all the ingredients I don't currently have in the pantry.

Okay Ben your up at the check out lane. $$$
Yesterday we saw the first measurable snow of the season. It was wet, sloppy and made slush out of itself within a minute of hitting the ground. It was wonderful to see it fall and sometimes stick to noses and eyelashes, or so said Oscar Hammerstein. It made everything on lawns white and even. It acted in the best attribute of snow; it makes a marvelous sound insulator. The local bumpkins with poor mufflers could not rumble by making a grand din because of the insulating snowfall. It proved that God's plan for us contains bitter and sweet, and His plan is infallible.

But today...

Have you ever thought of the possibility that our universe is, in reality, just an apple seed inside one apple and one apple tree in a vast apple orchard in some other universe? And then you realize that our apple is falling! And it has been falling for a million years and today is the day it will finally hit the frozen ground in the winter of that other, vaster universe. And when it hits, it splits open, exposed and vulnerable beneath our particular apple tree. And along comes a black bear and it gobbles us up so we are swallowed into the black pit of that bear.

That's what Tuesday felt like.

I went from the comfort of God's great plan to atheistic nihilism. Fall can be a powerful season.

The temperatures barely made it over 20 today. My trusty car failed to start after work, succumbed by a dead battery. My Sister-in-Law's birthday is Thursday and I have yet to get a gift for her. And now my gift budget will get rocked by $100 after I buy a new battery.

And so, I adopt he Scarlet O'Hara philosophy: I'll worry about it tomorrow for, after all, tomorrow is another day!

Well we'll hope the sun comes out tomorrow while you think about it Nosmo. :) Seriously, all our mothers told us there would be days like that. They blessedly didn't tell us how many of them there would be. :) But you'll enjoy shopping for for your SIL's birthday I am guessing when you get to it, and I wish our current problems could be fixed with a $100 battery. Don't mean to make light of your difficulties, but I just found out I'm facing two root canals and crowns totaling $1,700 uninsured. So it's hard to be sympathetic.

But I'll try.
OUCH! Dang, Foxy...that's a lot of money if you don't just have it laying around.
I don't have dental insurance either. Figure when my back teeth root canals and no crowns. Just yank the damn things. FRONT teeth though..thats another whole ballgame. I'd have to dig up the money somewhere. But I am lucky with my dentist. He takes payments.
I'm cooking up some ginger-garlic ground turkey with glass noodles. Low carb, no sugar...just the way I like it.

What are glass noodles?? I thought that all pasta was high in carbs.

Not as high carb as typical pasta, but yes, they still have some carbs. I first encountered glass noodles in Vietnamese cuisine. I understand they are fairly common in some Asian foods. They work well with dishes that just don't fit with other types of pasta.
What are Glass Noodles with pictures
Sedona Az is where I would head if I were to move to that state. Been there before and it is just gorgeous.

I agree that Sedona is beautiful. It would sort of be like living in Monument Valley. One of the more expensive places to live in Arizona though I think.


Very beautiful! :)
I don't know if anyone in here enjoys MMA, but I DVR'd the preliminary fights to the latest UFC and a couple of the fights have been unexpectedly entertaining, if gross. In one, a woman with cauliflower ear had her ear practically cut in half by a punch. It looked horrible, and she wanted to keep going! In another, a man had the shit literally knocked out of him.

While I do enjoy football and hockey which are rough sports, I don't really like watching two people fight. They're just trying to hurt each other, it kind of makes me wince. :)

Thank you for that. I dislike boxing for the same reason even though one of my beloved brother-in-laws was a boxing coach as well as a football coach before he became a superintendent of schools. He maintained it is better for two bozos to duke it out in the boxing ring rather than take aggressions out on each other outside the ring. Hombre loves boxing and watches almost every Friday night. But like you, it is just too personal for me. Any sport in which you have to hurt somebody in order to score just doesn't do it for me. But I can appreciate the skill and beauty of the sport too.

I agree with you. I've got nothing against it, and your brother in law is probably right. I would just prefer personally not to watch two people beat the crap out of one another. :D
I see I'm a long way behind here. I can't believe I haven't stopped in since Friday.

We've been having trouble getting the heat working at Doc's. It's not gotten below 66 in there, but 4 or 5 different people have been out to fix various things. We are down to a faulty (new) gas valve that can't be advanced past the pilot setting. Damned if anyone can figure it out. I guess I gotta call out the big guns and pay through the nose.
Had the previous owner called in an authorized service tech when the problem first arrose, it would have been fixed on warranty. Instead, she called in customers that knew a little and each one screwed it up a little more. I have about a grand in parts in it now and it's a matter of a simple switch somewhere that won't let me turn on the burners.
Freakin gas company sent out 2 guys for $122/hour to fix my heat. One SOB was testing the control board and shorted it out. They don't have a replacement for it. AND they want to charge me to replace it. I'm fit to be tied right now. It's going down to 25 here tonight and my only heat source is the ice machine and other refrigeration units.
I don't like being particularly cold or hot, but if I have to choose between the two weathers, I'll go with cold. It's just easier to get warm generally, plus I hate getting sweaty. My fashion choices might also have something to do with it; I wear jeans no matter the weather, I favor black, I've got fairly long hair. The one big problem with the colder weather is I think it may be worse on my psoriasis. I hate getting these cuts on my knuckles all the time!
Have you tried TriDerma Psoriasis Control? Works like a charm on mine.
As for hot and cold, give me cold any day especially at bedtime, I hate trying to sleep in hot weather.

I have not tried that. I have tried another OTC psoriasis medication that was salicylic acid based and did not like it, though. I've done better with a coal tar base. The next time I get some I'll try to remember that though and give it a shot, thanks. :)
If salicylic base doesn't work for you than this won't work, it's base is salicylic acid. Yours is obviously more acute than mine so you may have to stick with the col tar ones.

I don't think the one I've used had much in the way of useful inactive ingredients; I figure it's possible that the salicylic acid would work OK with certain inactive ingredients, and the one you recommended had beezewax, aloe, etc. I've actually been using coconut oil lately; someone gave it to me and, while it hasn't been anything special, it at least moisturizes some. :p
I was getting some spots on my eyelids of all places, but I have been putting cocoa butter LIGHTLY on it and it went away. When I told the dermatologist, she said that was a great plan. On my scalp, not so much since I hve long hair. She gave me some kind of RX shampoo for that. Its under control now but dayum...I have to use this shampoo forever now I guess. And thank goodness cocoa butter (helene curtis) is cheap and lasts forever.

I've actually got a spot on one of my eyebrows that has been there for a long time. It can get very annoying when flakes of skin get on my glasses, or my eyelashes. The worst is my ears, though. I've had it there for years and they always seem to want to itch just as I am laying down to sleep. :mad:
I don't like being particularly cold or hot, but if I have to choose between the two weathers, I'll go with cold. It's just easier to get warm generally, plus I hate getting sweaty. My fashion choices might also have something to do with it; I wear jeans no matter the weather, I favor black, I've got fairly long hair. The one big problem with the colder weather is I think it may be worse on my psoriasis. I hate getting these cuts on my knuckles all the time!
Have you tried TriDerma Psoriasis Control? Works like a charm on mine.
As for hot and cold, give me cold any day especially at bedtime, I hate trying to sleep in hot weather.

I have not tried that. I have tried another OTC psoriasis medication that was salicylic acid based and did not like it, though. I've done better with a coal tar base. The next time I get some I'll try to remember that though and give it a shot, thanks. :)
If salicylic base doesn't work for you than this won't work, it's base is salicylic acid. Yours is obviously more acute than mine so you may have to stick with the col tar ones.

I don't think the one I've used had much in the way of useful inactive ingredients; I figure it's possible that the salicylic acid would work OK with certain inactive ingredients, and the one you recommended had beezewax, aloe, etc. I've actually been using coconut oil lately; someone gave it to me and, while it hasn't been anything special, it at least moisturizes some. :p
Yeah, the reason I chose this one was the "inactive" ingredients and it didn't have coal tar which some people have a problem with (reactive). It's also better than the prescription steroidal crap the doc gave me.
Have you tried TriDerma Psoriasis Control? Works like a charm on mine.
As for hot and cold, give me cold any day especially at bedtime, I hate trying to sleep in hot weather.

I have not tried that. I have tried another OTC psoriasis medication that was salicylic acid based and did not like it, though. I've done better with a coal tar base. The next time I get some I'll try to remember that though and give it a shot, thanks. :)
If salicylic base doesn't work for you than this won't work, it's base is salicylic acid. Yours is obviously more acute than mine so you may have to stick with the col tar ones.

I don't think the one I've used had much in the way of useful inactive ingredients; I figure it's possible that the salicylic acid would work OK with certain inactive ingredients, and the one you recommended had beezewax, aloe, etc. I've actually been using coconut oil lately; someone gave it to me and, while it hasn't been anything special, it at least moisturizes some. :p
I was getting some spots on my eyelids of all places, but I have been putting cocoa butter LIGHTLY on it and it went away. When I told the dermatologist, she said that was a great plan. On my scalp, not so much since I hve long hair. She gave me some kind of RX shampoo for that. Its under control now but dayum...I have to use this shampoo forever now I guess. And thank goodness cocoa butter (helene curtis) is cheap and lasts forever.

I've actually got a spot on one of my eyebrows that has been there for a long time. It can get very annoying when flakes of skin get on my glasses, or my eyelashes. The worst is my ears, though. I've had it there for years and they always seem to want to itch just as I am laying down to sleep. :mad:
Try the cocoa butter. It is very greasy so use it sparingly. Another thing to try that I SWEAR by is bagbalm. If it soothes cow udders from chapping it will soothe your eyebrow. Just don't get it in yer eye. SPARINGLY. Try both.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Tresha and hubby,
Gracie and Moki,
Mr. H and his friend,
strollingbones & hubby,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
I see I'm a long way behind here. I can't believe I haven't stopped in since Friday.

We've been having trouble getting the heat working at Doc's. It's not gotten below 66 in there, but 4 or 5 different people have been out to fix various things. We are down to a faulty (new) gas valve that can't be advanced past the pilot setting. Damned if anyone can figure it out. I guess I gotta call out the big guns and pay through the nose.
Had the previous owner called in an authorized service tech when the problem first arrose, it would have been fixed on warranty. Instead, she called in customers that knew a little and each one screwed it up a little more. I have about a grand in parts in it now and it's a matter of a simple switch somewhere that won't let me turn on the burners.
Freakin gas company sent out 2 guys for $122/hour to fix my heat. One SOB was testing the control board and shorted it out. They don't have a replacement for it. AND they want to charge me to replace it. I'm fit to be tied right now. It's going down to 25 here tonight and my only heat source is the ice machine and other refrigeration units.

It must be REALLY cold if you are using an ice machine and refrigerator for heat sources? :eusa_think:

Anyway, hope everything worked out well for you! :)
Good morning! Stay warm out there today folks. My heart aches for those in the Great Lakes region, their amount of snow accumulation is insane. I am not going to pretend not to be a little jealous though, I love when we get smacked with a crazy amount of snow.

Funny side note: During the last large snowstorm we got the city experienced a rather medium sized baby boom 9 months later. Go figure. lol
I see I'm a long way behind here. I can't believe I haven't stopped in since Friday.

We've been having trouble getting the heat working at Doc's. It's not gotten below 66 in there, but 4 or 5 different people have been out to fix various things. We are down to a faulty (new) gas valve that can't be advanced past the pilot setting. Damned if anyone can figure it out. I guess I gotta call out the big guns and pay through the nose.
Had the previous owner called in an authorized service tech when the problem first arrose, it would have been fixed on warranty. Instead, she called in customers that knew a little and each one screwed it up a little more. I have about a grand in parts in it now and it's a matter of a simple switch somewhere that won't let me turn on the burners.
Freakin gas company sent out 2 guys for $122/hour to fix my heat. One SOB was testing the control board and shorted it out. They don't have a replacement for it. AND they want to charge me to replace it. I'm fit to be tied right now. It's going down to 25 here tonight and my only heat source is the ice machine and other refrigeration units.

It must be REALLY cold if you are using an ice machine and refrigerator for heat sources? :eusa_think:

Anyway, hope everything worked out well for you! :)
Refrigeration equipment puts out a lot of heat thank goodness. It got down to 22 overnight. It's up to 42 already. With any luck, they'll have the part for me just in time for temps rising back into the 70's this weekend.

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