USMB Coffee Shop IV

G-g-g-g-good morning, everyone!

OK, last night was a cold martha focker! Down to 8 degrees and a wind chill of -6 here in central Missouri. We still have most of the 3" of snow still stuck to the ground from Sunday's forecasted half inch. I don't know about you people, but this is incredibly early for this type of weather here. I've been saying all summer (or lack thereof) that this winter was going to be even worse than last year, and this is one of those times I really wish I could be wrong. I really hope I can get the wood stove installed soon.
That is really cold!! Hope you get your stove in soon and have wood to feed it. Keeping you and yours in my prayers. :smiliehug:
Zǎo ān everyone. Infusing the body with copious amounts of caffeine while looking out at mostly cloudy skies in the mid 30s. Grocery shopping day plus cleaning the house and restringing a couple of bamboo wind chimes the wife bought.
Picked up a couple of king size 100% cotton blankets via Overstock a couple of weeks ago, had to send one back because it was the wrong color, the replacement showed up yesterday.
When we received them I washed the correctly shipped one, took two hours for it t dry under the high heat setting and it shed almost a quarter pound of "lint" during the process....... Debating whether to wash the new one or just hang it out to air and fluff it in the drier. We're supposed to be in the upper 40s and lower 50s the rest of the week, might wash it and hang it outside to dry. I would have sent them back but they are very nice, huge blankets and combined with a light comforter are warm without being overly so.

We bought the Coral and Sage colors at around $30 each.

Morning all. I too am watching that incredible snowstorm in the northeast and can say I am NOT jealous at not getting five to six or more feet of snow all at once. Even our three footers up on the mountain would shut things down enough that it would be difficult for emergency vehicles to move or other emergencies to be taken care of. Otherwise it was neat being snowed in for a couple of days unless we lost power. In the infrequent times that happened, it got pretty old pretty quick.

Around 30 degrees and warming at our house at this hour--we're supposed to be in the mid 50's for highs the rest of the week.
We're looking at clear, windless day that should stay in the low 40s. It's 41F right now, but still dark. Sunrise will be between 9:15 and 9:20 am, sunset close to 4:15 pm, and we're still losing about five minutes of daylight daily. With the Winter Solstice a little over a month away, the loss of daylight starts to slow down and reverses at the Solstice. And so the world turns another few degrees...
Just had the TV serviceman out to look at our big flat screen TV in the great room--it has been developing pinpoint spots of light on the screen--one at first, and then more and more--16 as of last night and it will only get worse. Sure enough something called an 'optical block' is going bad and the part costs almost as much as replacing the TV and the part plus labor costs more than replacing the TV. So......I guess we'll be in the market for a new flat screen TV soon....and black Friday is coming up.
Just had the TV serviceman out to look at our big flat screen TV in the great room--it has been developing pinpoint spots of light on the screen--one at first, and then more and more--16 as of last night and it will only get worse. Sure enough something called an 'optical block' is going bad and the part costs almost as much as replacing the TV and the part plus labor costs more than replacing the TV. So......I guess we'll be in the market for a new flat screen TV soon....and black Friday is coming up.
I see I'm a long way behind here. I can't believe I haven't stopped in since Friday.

We've been having trouble getting the heat working at Doc's. It's not gotten below 66 in there, but 4 or 5 different people have been out to fix various things. We are down to a faulty (new) gas valve that can't be advanced past the pilot setting. Damned if anyone can figure it out. I guess I gotta call out the big guns and pay through the nose.
Had the previous owner called in an authorized service tech when the problem first arrose, it would have been fixed on warranty. Instead, she called in customers that knew a little and each one screwed it up a little more. I have about a grand in parts in it now and it's a matter of a simple switch somewhere that won't let me turn on the burners.
Freakin gas company sent out 2 guys for $122/hour to fix my heat. One SOB was testing the control board and shorted it out. They don't have a replacement for it. AND they want to charge me to replace it. I'm fit to be tied right now. It's going down to 25 here tonight and my only heat source is the ice machine and other refrigeration units.

It must be REALLY cold if you are using an ice machine and refrigerator for heat sources? :eusa_think:

Anyway, hope everything worked out well for you! :)
Refrigeration equipment puts out a lot of heat thank goodness. It got down to 22 overnight. It's up to 42 already. With any luck, they'll have the part for me just in time for temps rising back into the 70's this weekend.

That sucks, Ernie! Sorry to hear about your troubles.

I had a car once with no heat. It was awful. I would get out of work and have to scrape the ice off because there was no heat to warm the windshield. Then, I'd have to get in the car and freeze my butt off until I got home. The steering wheel would be especially cold I remember, and my hands would be numb. I would be SO cold that I would be literally shaking. People driving by who happened to look over at me must have thought I was having a seizure or something. :lol: Never again will I drive a car in the winter with no heat!!!
Just had the TV serviceman out to look at our big flat screen TV in the great room--it has been developing pinpoint spots of light on the screen--one at first, and then more and more--16 as of last night and it will only get worse. Sure enough something called an 'optical block' is going bad and the part costs almost as much as replacing the TV and the part plus labor costs more than replacing the TV. So......I guess we'll be in the market for a new flat screen TV soon....and black Friday is coming up.

Yes, we've been shopping on line. We're about to be off to Lowe's to look at side by side refrigerators as we fear our trust old refrigerator, probably approaching 30 years old now, is about to give up the ghost. We don't know exactly how old it is because it came with the house when we bought it in 1999 and it had some age on it then. Lowe's black Friday deals are already in effect so we'll go there.

And then to Baillos to see about replacing the TV.
I see I'm a long way behind here. I can't believe I haven't stopped in since Friday.

We've been having trouble getting the heat working at Doc's. It's not gotten below 66 in there, but 4 or 5 different people have been out to fix various things. We are down to a faulty (new) gas valve that can't be advanced past the pilot setting. Damned if anyone can figure it out. I guess I gotta call out the big guns and pay through the nose.
Had the previous owner called in an authorized service tech when the problem first arrose, it would have been fixed on warranty. Instead, she called in customers that knew a little and each one screwed it up a little more. I have about a grand in parts in it now and it's a matter of a simple switch somewhere that won't let me turn on the burners.
Freakin gas company sent out 2 guys for $122/hour to fix my heat. One SOB was testing the control board and shorted it out. They don't have a replacement for it. AND they want to charge me to replace it. I'm fit to be tied right now. It's going down to 25 here tonight and my only heat source is the ice machine and other refrigeration units.

It must be REALLY cold if you are using an ice machine and refrigerator for heat sources? :eusa_think:

Anyway, hope everything worked out well for you! :)
Refrigeration equipment puts out a lot of heat thank goodness. It got down to 22 overnight. It's up to 42 already. With any luck, they'll have the part for me just in time for temps rising back into the 70's this weekend.

That sucks, Ernie! Sorry to hear about your troubles.

I had a car once with no heat. It was awful. I would get out of work and have to scrape the ice off because there was no heat to warm the windshield. Then, I'd have to get in the car and freeze my butt off until I got home. The steering wheel would be especially cold I remember, and my hands would be numb. I would be SO cold that I would be literally shaking. People driving by who happened to look over at me must have thought I was having a seizure or something. :lol: Never again will I drive a car in the winter with no heat!!!

I dislike a cold car too and really appreciate the superb heater in my little Subaru that provides heat efficiently and fast. But on the flip side, in another car some years back, I was driving on territory and somewhere outside of Carlsbad, the A/C froze. And it was instant furnace--nothing to do but turn on the heater for a quick defrost. You can't imagine heat until you're running the car heater coming into Carlsbad NM when the bank clock was showing 114 degrees.
We have yet to have any cold weather in England. I have only had the heating on once this year and that was a couple of weeks ago. I think it is due to global warming, as a few years ago it got cold in September and I needed the heating on from September to April.

Same here, but now the weather patterns seem to be shifting back to the former patterns. I certainly hope so as it could signal the end to our interminable drought for a decade plus now. Weather changes, there have always been fluctuations in climate conditions, and we all keep on keeping on. The old timers remember the weird years of the past when the roses were budding in January as well as blizzard years, unusual cold, unusual heat. What 'feels' normal to us isn't always the way it is. :)

I saw on the news America is freezing and covered in snow. I think this is due to global warming causing a shift in the jet stream. It now comes down from the north pole and sweeps across America, before turning and crossing the Atlantic to Britain. Which means that America is cold and Britain gets the tail end of America's weather. But the Atlantic warms up the air so we get mild temperatures in Britain, but lots of rain storms.
We have yet to have any cold weather in England. I have only had the heating on once this year and that was a couple of weeks ago. I think it is due to global warming, as a few years ago it got cold in September and I needed the heating on from September to April.

Same here, but now the weather patterns seem to be shifting back to the former patterns. I certainly hope so as it could signal the end to our interminable drought for a decade plus now. Weather changes, there have always been fluctuations in climate conditions, and we all keep on keeping on. The old timers remember the weird years of the past when the roses were budding in January as well as blizzard years, unusual cold, unusual heat. What 'feels' normal to us isn't always the way it is. :)

I saw on the news America is freezing and covered in snow. I think this is due to global warming causing a shift in the jet stream. It now comes down from the north pole and sweeps across America, before turning and crossing the Atlantic to Britain. Which means that America is cold and Britain gets the tail end of America's weather. But the Atlantic warms up the air so we get mild temperatures in Britain, but lots of rain storms.

Maybe so Dajjal, but also maybe not. I'm old enough to have seen weather patterns come and go. Our interminable drought seems endless but we know for a fact that it is not unprecedented. So who knows? Weather in our area is pretty seasonal--the western third of the USA is having a warm spell, and the cold in the east isn't unprecedented either. We'll leave global warming to the scientists to figure out and meanwhile, with BBD's departure for now, we'll all share the duties of president of the bitch about the weather club.
Oh hayell no on those ugly leggings!

Meanwhile, I just got back from the grocery store with all the goodies to start my crock pot freezer bag prepping. A small ham was 11 bucks but a HUGE ham was only 12 so Mr Gracie said get the HUGE one and he would saw the bone out. I said ask the meat guy if he can saw it in half and the guy said yes, he could. But he commenced to help everyone and their uncle, even letting people butt in ahead of us so after 15 minutes of waiting for him to saw it in half, I said enough. My hip was hurting and Mr Gracies knee was yelping and this guy STILL had not cut the ham which was still sitting there as he talked to other people, answered the phone, etc. So I said fuck it, lets go. We got another ham from the pile and headed to checkout. The gal asked if we found everything all right and I said yeah, but the meat guy ignoring us after saying he would help us kinda annoyed me. In face, it annoyed me A LOT, I stated. So she said she would go talk to him. I said all I wanted from him was acknowledgement, "sorry, I'll get to it asap, hey folks give me a minute more please" or SOMETHING to validate he planned on still helping us...but we got nothing. She said there are ways to deal with customers and he was wrong for putting others in front of us and I said yes..he was. So, she gave us the ham.

Well, the weather prognosticators were half right. The temps have been in the high 30s, low 40s. But the clear weather has mutated to low overcast, raining clouds. Unfortunately, the ground is cold enough that the rain falls on it and freezes after sitting a spell. If this keeps up, the drive into work is going to present a challenge. Driving on an ice rink always thrills me. I'll just make a little extra time for the drive in.
Oh hayell no on those ugly leggings!

Meanwhile, I just got back from the grocery store with all the goodies to start my crock pot freezer bag prepping. A small ham was 11 bucks but a HUGE ham was only 12 so Mr Gracie said get the HUGE one and he would saw the bone out. I said ask the meat guy if he can saw it in half and the guy said yes, he could. But he commenced to help everyone and their uncle, even letting people butt in ahead of us so after 15 minutes of waiting for him to saw it in half, I said enough. My hip was hurting and Mr Gracies knee was yelping and this guy STILL had not cut the ham which was still sitting there as he talked to other people, answered the phone, etc. So I said fuck it, lets go. We got another ham from the pile and headed to checkout. The gal asked if we found everything all right and I said yeah, but the meat guy ignoring us after saying he would help us kinda annoyed me. In face, it annoyed me A LOT, I stated. So she said she would go talk to him. I said all I wanted from him was acknowledgement, "sorry, I'll get to it asap, hey folks give me a minute more please" or SOMETHING to validate he planned on still helping us...but we got nothing. She said there are ways to deal with customers and he was wrong for putting others in front of us and I said yes..he was. So, she gave us the ham.

Score one ham! Least they could do. Hopefully, the meat guy might receive one of the "come to jesus meetings" about his lack of customer service.
I don't think the second toe is supposed to be longer than the big toe.:eusa_eh:

That's Morton's toe syndrome. I have it too--loved the pointy toe high heels of my youth because they fit me so well because of that....BUT...otherwise can make it somewhat difficult to fit with some shoes. In retrospect though, I think the first photo is a guy and not a gal.

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