USMB Coffee Shop IV

I never want to fly commercial again.

Monday I flew out to visit the corp headquarters of the company that is buying the company I work for. Today I flew back. I flew on one of the corporate jets both times.
No TSA, no long term parking, no lines. Instruction was to arrive at the airport 15 minutes before the flight departs, and yes, the plane was taxiing down the runway 15 minutes after I arrived at the airport.
I wish I could afford to fly by private jet for my personal vacation travel.

I really liked the personal jet service when flying here or there on leave in the Army.
Uuummmm, my military hops were a C130 from Panama to Columbus Ohio then a return trip in a C130 from Langley to Panama then a C130 from Panama to Charleston for out processing.
Good morning everybody. I just got up--slept in. Yesterday's shopping foray was more strenuous than I thought I think. It is mid November and we were out mid morning to mid afternoon on a Wednesday. And there was bumper to bumper traffic everywhere!!! Why? Where were all those people going? They weren't in the stores we were in. Oh well. I don't have to know why.

A chilly 29 at our house but will be into the mid 50's for highs again today. No precip forecast for us but apparently a major winter storm is brewing for the north and west for the weekend? But where are you guys getting the snow? I can't remember when the weather map was this empty: Looks like a bit of rain in northern California and a few flurries in the extreme east and that's it.

I never want to fly commercial again.

Monday I flew out to visit the corp headquarters of the company that is buying the company I work for. Today I flew back. I flew on one of the corporate jets both times.
No TSA, no long term parking, no lines. Instruction was to arrive at the airport 15 minutes before the flight departs, and yes, the plane was taxiing down the runway 15 minutes after I arrived at the airport.
I wish I could afford to fly by private jet for my personal vacation travel.

When I was running a large social agency in Kansas, one of the ladies on our board of directors was the wife of one of, if not THE richest man in Kansas. And she had her pilots and private plane fly us to meetings everywhere. It was super neat.
Amazing the weather elsewhere! There seems to be an arc from AquaAthena's home on the Oregon coast curving southeast just above Salt Lake City to Ringel's Trinidad that seems to avoid 95% of the weather drama in the country.
Yeah, we could all be experiencing what Buffalo is right now.........


No kidding. I have lived where there was major snow, but Buffalo's storm was one of those once in a century things:


Gives clearing the streets a whole new context:

Amazing the weather elsewhere! There seems to be an arc from AquaAthena's home on the Oregon coast curving southeast just above Salt Lake City to Ringel's Trinidad that seems to avoid 95% of the weather drama in the country.
Yeah, we could all be experiencing what Buffalo is right now.........

By the way, I believe these are two story homes.........
I remember when I lived in Minnesota they had about a 7 foot snow storm in the northwestern part of the State. Because there are no trees the wind howls in the winter.

Long story short.....A few people could not get out of their houses for a few days. Snow drifts went up over 2nd story roofs. The snow just kept piling up against anything that would stop it.....(like a home).

Now that is messed up.

I never want to fly commercial again.

Monday I flew out to visit the corp headquarters of the company that is buying the company I work for. Today I flew back. I flew on one of the corporate jets both times.
No TSA, no long term parking, no lines. Instruction was to arrive at the airport 15 minutes before the flight departs, and yes, the plane was taxiing down the runway 15 minutes after I arrived at the airport.
I wish I could afford to fly by private jet for my personal vacation travel.

I really liked the personal jet service when flying here or there on leave in the Army.
Uuummmm, my military hops were a C130 from Panama to Columbus Ohio then a return trip in a C130 from Langley to Panama then a C130 from Panama to Charleston for out processing.

I flew KC 135s back and forth from Alaska. Once landed at Fort Yukon's strip in the middle of the night in the middle of a raging snow storm. Thought I was in Russia's Gulag.

The personal jet was a seven seater from Arizona to the Desert Training Center near Barstow into LAX. Two noncoms sat with three generals and two full colonels. We were very quiet.
I never want to fly commercial again.

Monday I flew out to visit the corp headquarters of the company that is buying the company I work for. Today I flew back. I flew on one of the corporate jets both times.
No TSA, no long term parking, no lines. Instruction was to arrive at the airport 15 minutes before the flight departs, and yes, the plane was taxiing down the runway 15 minutes after I arrived at the airport.
I wish I could afford to fly by private jet for my personal vacation travel.

I really liked the personal jet service when flying here or there on leave in the Army.
Uuummmm, my military hops were a C130 from Panama to Columbus Ohio then a return trip in a C130 from Langley to Panama then a C130 from Panama to Charleston for out processing.

I flew KC 135s back and forth from Alaska. Once landed at Fort Yukon's strip in the middle of the night in the middle of a raging snow storm. Thought I was in Russia's Gulag.

The personal jet was a seven seater from Arizona to the Desert Training Center near Barstow into LAX. Two noncoms sat with three generals and two full colonels. We were very quiet.
My flight back to Panama I sat towards the back, feet propped up on a large oxygen tank, smoking cigarettes, inwardly chuckling at the officers getting airsick.......
The first flight I made the mistake of sitting just inside by the the right inboard motor....... Ten hours..... Couldn't hear for an hour after we landed. :lol:
Morning everyone! Nothing new to report, except that my baby girl just turned two today. She's gonna be 18 before I know it. :(

That is soooooo true SixFoot. Cherish every moment of even the terrible two's because the time is fleeting. And Happy Birthday to your little one.
Went and got a haircut. Wife acting like I am Johnny Depp or something. Every time I look up she is in the same room, sidling ever closer. Lucky me. We are going to the gym in a bit to work out.
Good late afternoon ya'll! I hope everyone is having a great day. I went for a nice long run today and I stopped at the bakery for some bread. I ended up buying a pineapple coffee cake as well. It's mostly gone now. lol. All that running for naught.
Good late afternoon ya'll! I hope everyone is having a great day. I went for a nice long run today and I stopped at the bakery for some bread. I ended up buying a pineapple coffee cake as well. It's mostly gone now. lol. All that running for naught.

Nay. All that running minimized the effect of that coffee cake so it certainly wasn't for naught. :) Anyhow it's the season we all can re-set the bathroom scales to reflect 10 pounds less weight. It makes the holidays a lot more fun. :)
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I can't believe Thanksgiving is a week from today...that means 3 more days of work, and then a 5 day vacation. The following Monday I will be flying to DC on business for the week...sure wish it was on a private plane like you guys have been talking about. I haven't been on a commercial plane since I went to Hawaii in '07. Also, I know I shouldn't bitch about the weather in my neck of the woods, but I've had enough of this cold happy that the high on Saturday will be 78.:banana:
I can't believe Thanksgiving is a week from today...that means 3 more days of work, and then a 5 day vacation. The following Monday I will be flying to DC on business for the week...sure wish it was on a private plane like you guys have been talking about. I haven't been on a commercial plane since I went to Hawaii in '07. Also, I know I shouldn't bitch about the weather in my neck of the woods, but I've had enough of this cold happy that the high on Saturday will be 78.:banana:

Seems like a whole lot of loved ones, both friends and family, have been visiting in DC in recent days/weeks. My great niece is our state "Out of the Darkness" suicide prevention chairman and has had several trips to DC to participate in events there, meet with members of Congress, etc. Other friends and relatives are there on personal business or vacationing. Beautiful city and we have enjoyed visiting there but no way in heck I would want to live there. Daughter is soooooo happy to move back to California after working in DC for a number of years.

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