USMB Coffee Shop IV

Never mind with the link at youtube. It's in russian, no subtitles. :(
Thanks. I'll deal with it. There was another movie a couple of weeks ago on Sunday evening. It was in Russian and German with English subtitles. I was pleased I still understood most of what was being said. (I am familiar with both Russian and German.)
Definitely not Christmas but if you like well made war movies, the Russian made film The Brest Fortress.

First, explain that Brest is a place, for those whose minds hover at lower levels...
I am so going to download both those movies. My Russian is so rusty, I'll have to watch a couple of times, but they both look well worth the time and effort.
Thank you!

Your Russian? Did you learn Russian because you live so close to it? Or for some other reason?

I learned Russian because I was actually scheduled to learn Polish and found out that Polish uses eight cases and Russian only six. Plus, a good friend of mine was going to learn Russian and it's always easier if you have someone to study with. The Army taught me Russian because back in my time and place, Russians were the "bad guys".
I think GW was in the military, hence the linguistic abilities. He will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Most likely, but most people who study a second language usually pick Spanish or French or German. Not too many choose Russian, so that is interesting to me.
I think GW was in the military, hence the linguistic abilities. He will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Most likely, but most people who study a second language usually pick Spanish or French or German. Not too many choose Russian, so that is interesting to me.
Russian was my third language. I learned German ten years before I tried Russian.
I think GW was in the military, hence the linguistic abilities. He will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Most likely, but most people who study a second language usually pick Spanish or French or German. Not too many choose Russian, so that is interesting to me.
Russian was my third language. I learned German ten years before I tried Russian.

I have often wished I had made time to study some different languages. I have enough Spanish to barely get by the simple stuff, but never got good at it because of a disability--I can't roll my r's. I say that's why I never became an opera singer. (Never mind that I don't sing well enough to do opera. :)) But I think I could handle French or German reasonably well--but. . . didn't make the time to do it.
I think GW was in the military, hence the linguistic abilities. He will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Most likely, but most people who study a second language usually pick Spanish or French or German. Not too many choose Russian, so that is interesting to me.
Russian was my third language. I learned German ten years before I tried Russian.

I have often wished I had made time to study some different languages. I have enough Spanish to barely get by the simple stuff, but never got good at it because of a disability--I can't roll my r's. I say that's why I never became an opera singer. (Never mind that I don't sing well enough to do opera. :)) But I think I could handle French or German reasonably well--but. . . didn't make the time to do it.
Languages that use the same alphabet are easier to learn, by far. Languages that incorporate the same concepts and thought processes (Slavic languages) are also easier to learn. It's those languages that have an entirely different thought process, as well as a foreign form of writing (Chinese, Japanese, etc), that get difficult. My SIL is supposed to learn Chinese, I'm not sure which dialect. My daughter has already acquired a Rosetta Stone Chinese program. I'm thinking, the whole family, daughter, granddaughters, papa, and even myself, should study Chinese together. It really is easier when you have someone to study with.
I think GW was in the military, hence the linguistic abilities. He will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Most likely, but most people who study a second language usually pick Spanish or French or German. Not too many choose Russian, so that is interesting to me.
Russian was my third language. I learned German ten years before I tried Russian.

I have often wished I had made time to study some different languages. I have enough Spanish to barely get by the simple stuff, but never got good at it because of a disability--I can't roll my r's. I say that's why I never became an opera singer. (Never mind that I don't sing well enough to do opera. :)) But I think I could handle French or German reasonably well--but. . . didn't make the time to do it.
Languages that use the same alphabet are easier to learn, by far. Languages that incorporate the same concepts and thought processes (Slavic languages) are also easier to learn. It's those languages that have an entirely different thought process, as well as a foreign form of writing (Chinese, Japanese, etc), that get difficult. My SIL is supposed to learn Chinese, I'm not sure which dialect. My daughter has already acquired a Rosetta Stone Chinese program. I'm thinking, the whole family, daughter, granddaughters, papa, and even myself, should study Chinese together. It really is easier when you have someone to study with.
My nieces had an even easier row to hoe...papa is Puerto Rican, my sister is...well, American. When the girls were young, Papi spoke Spanish, Mami spoke English. All three of my nieces are bi-lingual.
Took Spanish in HS because I had to take a language and it was easy. Picked up some Chinese while living in Taiwan and learned some German when I started doing WWII reenacting. Had a friend eons ago that was studying Russian who taught me some but I remember very little of it.
Crap! Forget I mentioned it, because you know I'm not really a cat. some other reason if you like.

I forgot you're not suppose to know cats are aliens. France, yes we originally all came from France.
I think GW was in the military, hence the linguistic abilities. He will correct me if I am wrong. :)

Most likely, but most people who study a second language usually pick Spanish or French or German. Not too many choose Russian, so that is interesting to me.
Russian was my third language. I learned German ten years before I tried Russian.

I have often wished I had made time to study some different languages. I have enough Spanish to barely get by the simple stuff, but never got good at it because of a disability--I can't roll my r's. I say that's why I never became an opera singer. (Never mind that I don't sing well enough to do opera. :)) But I think I could handle French or German reasonably well--but. . . didn't make the time to do it.

Ah but then you'll need the uvular R. At least if you want to sound sophisticated like them highfalutin' city slickers of Paris and Berlin.

Remember that old SNL skit -- "it'll behoove ya -- to care for your uvula".
Good late afternoon ya'll! I hope everyone is having a great day. I went for a nice long run today and I stopped at the bakery for some bread. I ended up buying a pineapple coffee cake as well. It's mostly gone now. lol. All that running for naught.

Nay. All that running minimized the effect of that coffee cake so it certainly wasn't for naught. :) Anyhow it's the season we all can re-set the bathroom scales to reflect 10 pounds less weight. It makes the holidays a lot more fun. :)

Why Foxy, I wouldn't expect such a plan from you.

Would you call it.... De-light Savings Time Weight?
Whats up folks? getting ready for winter? it's hitting here. this week is going to be down in the teens.

Do you have all your firewood cut and stacked??
most of it. I have about 3 more chords to pull up to the house still.

Hombre would approve of your woodpile. It drives him nuts to see wood stacked directly against the house.

Could be a tough aftermath after a layup though.......
Never mind with the link at youtube. It's in russian, no subtitles. :(
Thanks. I'll deal with it. There was another movie a couple of weeks ago on Sunday evening. It was in Russian and German with English subtitles. I was pleased I still understood most of what was being said. (I am familiar with both Russian and German.)
Definitely not Christmas but if you like well made war movies, the Russian made film The Brest Fortress.

First, explain that Brest is a place, for those whose minds hover at lower levels...
I am so going to download both those movies. My Russian is so rusty, I'll have to watch a couple of times, but they both look well worth the time and effort.
Thank you!

It is online with English subtitles.

This one:

Just finished. Excellent movie.
I don't think the second toe is supposed to be longer than the big toe.:eusa_eh:

That's Morton's toe syndrome. I have it too--loved the pointy toe high heels of my youth because they fit me so well because of that....BUT...otherwise can make it somewhat difficult to fit with some shoes. In retrospect though, I think the first photo is a guy and not a gal.
I noticed my toes looked weird a year ago. And they hurt. I figured it was the RA. Still do, but I also think it is morton's toe as well. There is a big gap between the second and third toe with the third and fourth toes snug so tight against each other I feel like I need a crow bar to separate them. And when I hurts further up my foot.

Growing old sucks.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Tresha and hubby,
Gracie and Moki,
Mr. H and his friend,
strollingbones & hubby,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
Good morning folks! Happy Friday! Does anybody have any fun plans this weekend? It's Light Up Night here but I usually avoid the event because it gets so crowded, plus it's supposed to be bitterly cold tonight. I am attending a board game tourny tomorrow hosted by my best friend, it starts fairly early in the morning and lasts all day. Mimosas and board games sounds exactly what the doctor ordered.
Maybe you're part cat Chris. Sleeping at night is unnatural. Try finding a spider or mouse to play with.

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