USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's still white around here from our last storm. Got down to 6 degrees last night though it's supposed to get up to the high 40s today, yeah we'll have a bunch of snow melt.
Okay my Christmas present I bought for myself (the Tulle flintlock) arrived today, much earlier than expected. Well pretty disappointed, looks like there's a lot more work involved than I was lead to believe, work that I'm not sure I can do without screwing it up. Basically lots of inletting and drilling as well as a little more than the expected metal filing and "furniture" finishing. It may go back........

So there's a limit how much challenge you want?
When ya plop down almost $900 for a musket kit yeah, there's a fear of really screwing it up and having an ugly $900 club. As it is no diagram (plan) came with the kit but I did get a book on building flintlocks and I found a video series where a guy builds a similar kit. Combine that with the help I'm already getting on the muzzelloading forum I'm on my initial shock is wearing off and my confidence is returning. Most of the tools I'll need I already have but there are a few items I'll have to purchase, they won't cost much.
Ya have to realize the only other kit I ever did was a 1861 Colt revolver and it was easy, required much, much less wok than this one will, it was almost "plug and play" this one I'll have to cut in mortises, work the inletting so the hardware fits properly, drill for bolts and pins and drill the touch hole (the hole in the barrel at the flash pan).


I tried building a flintlock pistol years ago. I made the barrel out of brass and went to night school so I could turn it on a lathe. I purchased the lock mechanism ready made, and made a trigger guard. I made the handle out of a piece of mahogany. But in the end I never finished it. I still have all the bits though.
Not sure I would want to fire a brass barrel pistol, even a flinter. To be safe your barrel would have to be exorbitantly thick which would make it unwieldy.
I guess it's time for the time honored Christmas/New Years greeting started so long ago by my dad.

Merry Syphilis!!!

Clappy New Year!!!
CD players are being phased out of vehicles starting in 2015...

Any reason why? I love playing CD's in the car.

Yes my entire music collection is on CDs except for a few albums on cassette that I just couldn't bear to part with (and we have some old boom boxes that still play them.) My great Bose radio and CD player in my office is one of my most favorite things in the house and the sound quality is soooooo good. . . .

I wouldn't have a clue how to go about getting MP3s or how to get them into something that would play them. And I don't want to have to buy all that music again.

Oh and the reason I read is that the CD player in your car weighs 5 pounds and they are trying to build cars lighter and more fuel efficient. Plus the kids aren't going for CDs much any more.
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CD players are being phased out of vehicles starting in 2015...

Any reason why? I love playing CD's in the car.

Yes my entire music collection is on CDs except for a few albums on cassette that I just couldn't bear to part with (and we have some old boom boxes that still play them.) My great Bose radio and CD player in my office is one of my most favorite things in the house and the sound quality is soooooo good. . . .

I wouldn't have a clue how to go about getting MP3s or how to get them into something that would play them. And I don't want to have to buy all that music again.

Oh and the reason I read is that the CD player in your car weighs 5 pounds and they are trying to build cars lighter and more fuel efficient. Plus the kids aren't going for CDs much any more.

You can easily rip your CDs to mp3 on the computer if you so desire. CDs do take up a lot of space. It's a lot like the difference between paper books and an e-reader. It takes getting used to, but wow, the space you save! :lol:

Of course, I still have all of my books and CDs in boxes in a closet......
CD players are being phased out of vehicles starting in 2015...

Any reason why? I love playing CD's in the car.

Yes my entire music collection is on CDs except for a few albums on cassette that I just couldn't bear to part with (and we have some old boom boxes that still play them.) My great Bose radio and CD player in my office is one of my most favorite things in the house and the sound quality is soooooo good. . . .

I wouldn't have a clue how to go about getting MP3s or how to get them into something that would play them. And I don't want to have to buy all that music again.

Oh and the reason I read is that the CD player in your car weighs 5 pounds and they are trying to build cars lighter and more fuel efficient. Plus the kids aren't going for CDs much any more.
You can convert your cd's to mp3 quite easily on your computer. A 16 Gb flash drive will hold 5 or 6 thousand songs.
CD players are being phased out of vehicles starting in 2015...

Any reason why? I love playing CD's in the car.

Yes my entire music collection is on CDs except for a few albums on cassette that I just couldn't bear to part with (and we have some old boom boxes that still play them.) My great Bose radio and CD player in my office is one of my most favorite things in the house and the sound quality is soooooo good. . . .

I wouldn't have a clue how to go about getting MP3s or how to get them into something that would play them. And I don't want to have to buy all that music again.

Oh and the reason I read is that the CD player in your car weighs 5 pounds and they are trying to build cars lighter and more fuel efficient. Plus the kids aren't going for CDs much any more.
You can convert your cd's to mp3 quite easily on your computer. A 16 Gb flash drive will hold 5 or 6 thousand songs.

But I don't know where to get a 16 Gb flash drive, what that is, how to install one, or how to convert our cds to mp3s on it. (Really low tech here)
CD players are being phased out of vehicles starting in 2015...

Really? What do we do with our hundreds of CDs on long trips?
Download them onto your on-board computer. The truck I bought in 2012 has quite a sophisticated system. I can upload pictures from my iPhone, plug the iPhone in and play music from that, download CDs, all kinds of things (which I mostly haven't done).
CD players are being phased out of vehicles starting in 2015...

Any reason why? I love playing CD's in the car.

Yes my entire music collection is on CDs except for a few albums on cassette that I just couldn't bear to part with (and we have some old boom boxes that still play them.) My great Bose radio and CD player in my office is one of my most favorite things in the house and the sound quality is soooooo good. . . .

I wouldn't have a clue how to go about getting MP3s or how to get them into something that would play them. And I don't want to have to buy all that music again.

Oh and the reason I read is that the CD player in your car weighs 5 pounds and they are trying to build cars lighter and more fuel efficient. Plus the kids aren't going for CDs much any more.

You can easily rip your CDs to mp3 on the computer if you so desire. CDs do take up a lot of space. It's a lot like the difference between paper books and an e-reader. It takes getting used to, but wow, the space you save! :lol:

Of course, I still have all of my books and CDs in boxes in a closet......

We are slowly culling out the books and giving them away or donating to libraries when we are reasonably certain we won't read or use them again. But I still have hundreds that I am not ready to part with. I love my Kindle too as a portable library - BUT - it really isn't the same as holding a book or easily going back to a previous chapter to check something and then resuming where you left off - having page numbers etc.

If finding a specific mp3 among the herd is as difficult as finding a particular name or other information among the wall of text on an e-reader, I won't like the transition.

I will miss the illustrations on the CD jackets and the list of all the songs and artists. But then I still miss the ambiance of playing my favorite vinyl records and yes, we still have some of our favorites of those along with a turn table to play them on.

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