USMB Coffee Shop IV

Merry Christmas everyone! :smiliehug:

I got a slow cooker!!

Had Christmas dinner at around two and I even let Jenna invite the farm cats into the kitchen and gave them a saucepan full of single cream for brownie points, but when she went to answer the phone I poured a healthy measure of brandy into the cream to keep them docile as opposed to when they ran riot after Jenna let them in during a storm in the Autumn. They're all fast asleep now (ha ha!) and the missus is dozing in my lap. Turkey sandwiches at around seven, then we're going to the farm across the way for an evening of wine, conversation and, if I have anything to do with it, mischief. Going to see the horse racing at Fontwell on Boxing Day.

Merry Christmas, America!
I was up at 7:30 (imagine that!) and at Max's by 8:30 for (from scratch) cinnamon rolls, coffee and to watch the kids tear into Christmas presents Santa left for them.

THAT made my day! Mine are all grown up and our grands are in Florida (my wife is down there with all 6) so I was missing the joy of Christmas morning until I walk through Max's door.

I hope y'all have the merriest of days!
Happy, Merry, Greetings, etc.

Did Christmas with the little one today. Almost had a minor disaster with the elf on the shelf, but thankfully it was averted. The dog didn't mess in the house while we went out, which was nice. Now it's time for some clean up!

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