USMB Coffee Shop IV

Seems everyone had a great holiday.
Alan, don't feel strange that you like the season. Most people are in a really good mood and lots of families use it as an excuse to get together and enjoy each other. Although not a Christian, either, I also have a great time during the Thanksgiving-to-New Year season. And "Merry Christmas" hasn't yet become anathema in my vocabulary. And remember, it was not a Christian holiday for much longer than it has been such.
We got a white Christmas, after all. I started snowing just after 9 yesterday morning and put a couple of inches down before it stopped. Of course, the temps rose to 36-37 degrees and are still in that range. Now things are a sodden mess, but for a few hours...
I visited some friends and we always have a great time, just chatting and enjoying the lady of the house's culinary artistry. Then a couple of hours shuteye at the partner's place in town and off to work. A quiet night, one uneventful flight only. I suppose I could leave early, but that won't pay the bills or buy goat hay. And I haven't much to go home to, the cats don't care about holidays.
Now, preparations for 2015 begin in earnest. Who has made any resolutions, and what might they be?
Why Miss Sherry, you sure are looking beautiful this fine mornin...:smiliehug:

I know what you're up want to butter me up so you can get your hands on my snickerdoodles.:D


Sherry sure does have some mighty fine snickerdoodles!

Roll over and I'll rub your belly.;)

I've been a very good doggie. *** tail wagging wildly ***
Dang it, missed those snickerdoodles by only thaaat much...:eusa_doh:
Seems everyone had a great holiday.
Alan, don't feel strange that you like the season. Most people are in a really good mood and lots of families use it as an excuse to get together and enjoy each other. Although not a Christian, either, I also have a great time during the Thanksgiving-to-New Year season. And "Merry Christmas" hasn't yet become anathema in my vocabulary. And remember, it was not a Christian holiday for much longer than it has been such.
We got a white Christmas, after all. I started snowing just after 9 yesterday morning and put a couple of inches down before it stopped. Of course, the temps rose to 36-37 degrees and are still in that range. Now things are a sodden mess, but for a few hours...
I visited some friends and we always have a great time, just chatting and enjoying the lady of the house's culinary artistry. Then a couple of hours shuteye at the partner's place in town and off to work. A quiet night, one uneventful flight only. I suppose I could leave early, but that won't pay the bills or buy goat hay. And I haven't much to go home to, the cats don't care about holidays.
Now, preparations for 2015 begin in earnest. Who has made any resolutions, and what might they be?
GW, I don't feel strange about it, I didn't even feel uncomfortable when we all held hands and my son-in-law's father said grace.

As far as resolutions for the new year, about 25 years ago my new years resolution was to never make another new years resolution. I've kept that resolution and I don't intend to break it this year.
Good morning folks. I hope everyone had a lovely and meaningful Christmas. Happy Boxing Day!

Boxing Day? This must be another tradition I'm not familiar with! :D

It's an English holiday that my
Good morning folks. I hope everyone had a lovely and meaningful Christmas. Happy Boxing Day!

Boxing Day? This must be another tradition I'm not familiar with! :D
It's roots are from England/Great Britain, I think it is still celebrated in Great Britain, Canada and Australia.

My Grandfather picked the tradition while serving during WWII.
BBD, do you have any upcoming RV trips planned??

No, not just yet. Mrs. BBD is having troubles with her right knee and most likely will be getting a knee replacement sometime in the spring. We go to the Mayo Clinic to have it evaluated in late January. Waiting to see how all of this pans out before we make any solid travel plans.
BBD, do you have any upcoming RV trips planned??

No, not just yet. Mrs. BBD is having troubles with her right knee and most likely will be getting a knee replacement sometime in the spring. We go to the Mayo Clinic to have it evaluated in late January. Waiting to see how all of this pans out before we make any solid travel plans.

I'm sorry to hear that...I hope it all turns out well. No doubt you are being the wonderful husband as always, and assisting wherever you can.:thup:
Seems everyone had a great holiday.
Alan, don't feel strange that you like the season. Most people are in a really good mood and lots of families use it as an excuse to get together and enjoy each other. Although not a Christian, either, I also have a great time during the Thanksgiving-to-New Year season. And "Merry Christmas" hasn't yet become anathema in my vocabulary. And remember, it was not a Christian holiday for much longer than it has been such.
We got a white Christmas, after all. I started snowing just after 9 yesterday morning and put a couple of inches down before it stopped. Of course, the temps rose to 36-37 degrees and are still in that range. Now things are a sodden mess, but for a few hours...
I visited some friends and we always have a great time, just chatting and enjoying the lady of the house's culinary artistry. Then a couple of hours shuteye at the partner's place in town and off to work. A quiet night, one uneventful flight only. I suppose I could leave early, but that won't pay the bills or buy goat hay. And I haven't much to go home to, the cats don't care about holidays.
Now, preparations for 2015 begin in earnest. Who has made any resolutions, and what might they be?
GW, I don't feel strange about it, I didn't even feel uncomfortable when we all held hands and my son-in-law's father said grace.

As far as resolutions for the new year, about 25 years ago my new years resolution was to never make another new years resolution. I've kept that resolution and I don't intend to break it this year.
I know what you mean. I do plan on losing another 15-20 lbs before my next annual preventive maintenance check, though. After losing 40 lbs this past summer and having kept it off for almost 6 months, I am encouraged. My goal is to get down to the weight I was when I retired. Not really a New Year's resolution, per se, just an achievable goal, now. I cannot believe how much better I feel, and how much more I can do, since I lost that weight!
I find nothing wrong with being respectful of others' harmless practices. If it makes them feel happy, and does not harm anyone else, why not?
BBD, do you have any upcoming RV trips planned??

No, not just yet. Mrs. BBD is having troubles with her right knee and most likely will be getting a knee replacement sometime in the spring. We go to the Mayo Clinic to have it evaluated in late January. Waiting to see how all of this pans out before we make any solid travel plans.
It's very important that you don't let Mrs BBD drive the RV right after a knee replacement, wait for a full recovery first. Once her knee has healed enough to dig ditches or shovel snow she can probably drive.
BBD, do you have any upcoming RV trips planned??

No, not just yet. Mrs. BBD is having troubles with her right knee and most likely will be getting a knee replacement sometime in the spring. We go to the Mayo Clinic to have it evaluated in late January. Waiting to see how all of this pans out before we make any solid travel plans.
I sure hope your Mrs. treasures you for the gem you appear to be, BBD...and gives you lots of good belly rubs.
Seems everyone had a great holiday.
Alan, don't feel strange that you like the season. Most people are in a really good mood and lots of families use it as an excuse to get together and enjoy each other. Although not a Christian, either, I also have a great time during the Thanksgiving-to-New Year season. And "Merry Christmas" hasn't yet become anathema in my vocabulary. And remember, it was not a Christian holiday for much longer than it has been such.
We got a white Christmas, after all. I started snowing just after 9 yesterday morning and put a couple of inches down before it stopped. Of course, the temps rose to 36-37 degrees and are still in that range. Now things are a sodden mess, but for a few hours...
I visited some friends and we always have a great time, just chatting and enjoying the lady of the house's culinary artistry. Then a couple of hours shuteye at the partner's place in town and off to work. A quiet night, one uneventful flight only. I suppose I could leave early, but that won't pay the bills or buy goat hay. And I haven't much to go home to, the cats don't care about holidays.
Now, preparations for 2015 begin in earnest. Who has made any resolutions, and what might they be?
GW, I don't feel strange about it, I didn't even feel uncomfortable when we all held hands and my son-in-law's father said grace.

As far as resolutions for the new year, about 25 years ago my new years resolution was to never make another new years resolution. I've kept that resolution and I don't intend to break it this year.

A lot of people probably make their resolutions when they're drunk on New Year's Eve anyway! :lol:
I know what you mean. I do plan on losing another 15-20 lbs before my next annual preventive maintenance check, though. After losing 40 lbs this past summer and having kept it off for almost 6 months, I am encouraged. My goal is to get down to the weight I was when I retired. Not really a New Year's resolution, per se, just an achievable goal, now. I cannot believe how much better I feel, and how much more I can do, since I lost that weight!
I find nothing wrong with being respectful of others' harmless practices. If it makes them feel happy, and does not harm anyone else, why not?
I'm fortunate to have the genes and the metabolism that I've never gained excessive weight in my years. I'm 2 inches taller than when I graduated high school and about 20 lbs heavier than that graduation day. Both my brother and sister are about the same, our bodies don't gain weight. I call it good genes.

Yep, as for the grace before christmas dinner, it's good for them and no harm to anybody. I say carry on to my extended family.

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