USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally finished clearing the 4 inches of snow off the drive and sidewalk about an hour ago, as I was finishing up the sun came out....... Ten minutes later it clouded back up and started snowing again and yes, my groin is very sore.........
Clearing two-three inches of snow was easy here, just waited for it to melt. 37 degrees will do that, you know. Unfortunately, we are getting freezing rain right now. I figure the drive into work will be...challenging.
Actually ended up getting about 6" to 8" up on the northwest side of town, in town they got a foot, we're in the foot hills and the storm was coming up from the southwest through the pass and along the river valley, they got the brunt of it. As for melting it stayed cloudy the rest of the day, temps never got above 32 degrees and it's supposed to get down to 2 degrees tonight, sunny and upper 20s tomorrow, upper thirties over the weekend before the next front moves in.
Biggest problem was I pulled a groin muscle this morning when I slipped on some ice, finishing the shoveling was a painful challenge.
I always appreciate when others get the brunt of a storm that leaves work behind. It's still above freezing here, downright balmy, actually. It sucks when you pull anything, but groin pulls are particularly painful. And you want to refrain from applying BenGay. Hope it gets better soon.
18 degrees right now. Will get about low thirties. Snow tomorrow after through Monday.

Low teens and single digits for most of next weeks lows.
Really chilly in Albuquerque this morning - 17 degrees when I got up and it hasn't improved much since then. Daughter is packing to go home today--sure hate to see her go. Has been a great visit. So off to rustle up some breakfast and then see what the day will bring. It's Saturday isn't it? Doesn't feel like Saturday. . .
46 degrees here in Jersey. We can't seem to get the chill here :(
Didn't seem seasonally festive with the windows open as I cooked so much these last few days. I'm exhausted, getting old isn't for sissies :lol:

It's 18 out here right now and it's 7:34 a.m.

Been too busy to get my iPhone to the Sprint store. The screen is out. I think it is a programming glitch that they corrected about a year ago, so no new phone required. Thing is, the phone is worthless at the moment. Glad I downloaded all the pictures off of it last week!
It's Saturday!!! The last Saturday in the year of our Lord, 2014. If there is anything that you wanted to get done or do in 2014 and you haven't done it yet I recommend you get busy on it. This year is almost history. Now, time for another cup of coffee. Got to come alive because Mrs. BBD and I are meeting some friends for lunch and have to leave before too much longer.
It's Saturday!!! The last Saturday in the year of our Lord, 2014. If there is anything that you wanted to get done or do in 2014 and you haven't done it yet I recommend you get busy on it. This year is almost history. Now, time for another cup of coffee. Got to come alive because Mrs. BBD and I are meeting some friends for lunch and have to leave before too much longer.

Thanks for returning to our neck of the woods to post BBD!

I always spend New Year's Day with an annual corporate meeting, which is just me. After that thirty minutes, I haul out the pile of 2014 paid personal bills and shred all those I no longer need and sort the rest for taxes and such. Then I complete all the federal the state corporate tax forms and get the checks around. This year I'm ahead on that part. Even have the W-2s all ready.
Going to the movies with the family males in the clan here, 13 of us. Concessions will be busy.
Upper 70's today.:banana: I love it when a vacation stretches out so long...I've really enjoyed my time off this week, and I still have the rest of the weekend. Next week I only go into the office on Monday and Tuesday, and then another mini vacation.:thup:
The muscle pull kept getting worse yesterday, couldn't lay down was too painful. Got 4 1/2 hours of sleep in the Ikea chair/ottoman, called the VA this morning and they told me to go to the ER. Just got back, have a sever muscle pull but thankfully no tear, picked up some Flexeril and the Doc said I'll be sore for at least a week. The Doc I saw was from Northern Virgina so it was like old home week.
House is quiet now, the family has dispersed. We all reassemble in an hour at my parents house for round two. It involves white elephant bingo and more eating.
I'm crying like a fool...I just finished watching the Downton Abbey Christmas special, and it was simply beautiful.:) I think Anna and Bates will make a baby now.:clap:

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