USMB Coffee Shop IV

That spice part always confuses me. Is it like nutmeg, cinnamon or all spice?

By the way, my rack needs to be to lend a hand??:tongue:


I'm the handiest....

No spice tasting?

Ok, but it's more fun if you're blindfolded.
The muscle pull kept getting worse yesterday, couldn't lay down was too painful. Got 4 1/2 hours of sleep in the Ikea chair/ottoman, called the VA this morning and they told me to go to the ER. Just got back, have a sever muscle pull but thankfully no tear, picked up some Flexeril and the Doc said I'll be sore for at least a week. The Doc I saw was from Northern Virgina so it was like old home week.
Good news, no pull!!
Eh? Yes there was a pull but no tear or if it did tear it was only a few muscle fibers and not the whole muscle.
The muscle pull kept getting worse yesterday, couldn't lay down was too painful. Got 4 1/2 hours of sleep in the Ikea chair/ottoman, called the VA this morning and they told me to go to the ER. Just got back, have a sever muscle pull but thankfully no tear, picked up some Flexeril and the Doc said I'll be sore for at least a week. The Doc I saw was from Northern Virgina so it was like old home week.
Good news, no pull!!

Flexeril, that's potent stuff. Most loopy drug I ever had. I just remember clinging to a railing with both hands was the only way I could stand up. Did that for about two minutes and then flopped into bed to sleep it off, which probably took days.

They gave it to me for wisdom teeth surgery pain.
Not for me. For me so far it's like taking a couple of sugar pills but I've only had one...... We'll see, hopefully it'll help.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
That spice part always confuses me. Is it like nutmeg, cinnamon or all spice?

By the way, my rack needs to be to lend a hand??:tongue:


I'm the handiest....

No spice tasting?

Ok, but it's more fun if you're blindfolded.

Your rack, your rules.

Last time I said that, I ended up married.

Sherry is a great internet friend and I would never lose that by going beyond a little flirt and kidding. Why risk a good thing?
By the way, my rack needs to be to lend a hand??:tongue:


I'm the handiest....

No spice tasting?

Ok, but it's more fun if you're blindfolded.

Your rack, your rules.

Last time I said that, I ended up married.

Sherry is a great internet friend and I would never lose that by going beyond a little flirt and kidding. Why risk a good thing?

By the way, my rack needs to be to lend a hand??:tongue:


I'm the handiest....

No spice tasting?

Ok, but it's more fun if you're blindfolded.

Your rack, your rules.

Last time I said that, I ended up married.

Sherry is a great internet friend and I would never lose that by going beyond a little flirt and kidding. Why risk a good thing?

Besides which you are already married. :)
And gooooood morning everybody. Hombre and I are being naughty one more week and he let me sleep in this morning which is the first full night's sleep I've had in days and days. And I feel wonderful now!!! A beautiful bright blue day out there this week but we are finally having seasonal temperatures with highs in the 30's to low 40's. No precip expected until mid week when we could get a bit more snow. Actually GW's weather and ours has sounded a lot alike--which isn't really good for Alaska.

Daughter has been keeping us advised of her trip home--posted a video yesterday of her beagle/fox hound mix running in the snow at Gallup NM--she stops at dog parks along the way to let the pups run and that dog does love to run--takes off going as hard as she can go running the perimeter of whatever park they're at. And she obviously loved the snow. The beagle/pug mix was much less impressed with the snow though.

The grand dogs:
I'm the handiest....

No spice tasting?

Ok, but it's more fun if you're blindfolded.

Your rack, your rules.

Last time I said that, I ended up married.

Sherry is a great internet friend and I would never lose that by going beyond a little flirt and kidding. Why risk a good thing?

Besides which you are already married. :)

Always the detail person Foxfyre ;)

Love you too.
The pesky beavers returned to their favorite culvert. Third time in as many years I have been called to remove the dam. This time it was further in the tunnel and I had to perch on top of the culvert and bend over as far as I could without ending up in 35 degree water.
76 in Foley at 11:52. The wife made it home about 9 last night and Becki and Josh spent the night. They left at 9:30.

Max is doing pretty well. They've been giving him something in the IV to counteract the nausea he's been getting from the IV antibiotics. We're all pretty confident that surgery will be avoided.

Yesterday morning, his appointment for the IV was at 6 AM. One would think that that would be an ungodly hour for someone in my business, but when you stop serving drinks at 2AM, get everyone out by 3 and then count out and clean up, it's usually 4:30 before you lock up.
Waffle House for breakfast and after the early appointment with the meds for nausea that tend to knock you out, the 6 AM seems just about right. He's in bed by 7 and gets 5 or 6 uninterrupted hours. He was back behind the bar at 8PM. Today will be tough. He has to be in by about 1:30 for a 14 hour shift.
76 in Foley at 11:52. The wife made it home about 9 last night and Becki and Josh spent the night. They left at 9:30.

Max is doing pretty well. They've been giving him something in the IV to counteract the nausea he's been getting from the IV antibiotics. We're all pretty confident that surgery will be avoided.

Yesterday morning, his appointment for the IV was at 6 AM. One would think that that would be an ungodly hour for someone in my business, but when you stop serving drinks at 2AM, get everyone out by 3 and then count out and clean up, it's usually 4:30 before you lock up.
Waffle House for breakfast and after the early appointment with the meds for nausea that tend to knock you out, the 6 AM seems just about right. He's in bed by 7 and gets 5 or 6 uninterrupted hours. He was back behind the bar at 8PM. Today will be tough. He has to be in by about 1:30 for a 14 hour shift.

The body is capable of doing amazing things to repair itself and that is such good news Ernie. He definitely stays on the list. Have ya'll considered maybe closing on Sundays to give everybody some quality R&R time?
Slept in the chair for another 5 hours, was up for 4 hours then back to sleep in the chair for another couple of hours. Not only am I dealing with the the muscle strain I seem to have picked up something, running a temp so I'm pretty cold and head-achy.
With the Flexeril and ibuprofen plus the rest I'm getting the pull seems to be easing up some, hopefully I'll be able to sleep in my bed tonight.
When I got up at 5 this morning I feed the cats, I was asleep when the wife got up....... she fed the cats again...... not that they complained.......
Loud electrical chirp coming from the ceiling just a few minutes ago. Smoke detector battery was dying. How absolutely wonderful it decided to do that during the day when I was home, instead of the middle of the night.

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