USMB Coffee Shop IV


Cold weather is upon us. I am not in favor of this. That is all.

Well thank goodness you're back on the job. Most of the rest of us have pretty well sucked at it. I actually am enjoying some real winter weather (for us) with seasonal temps in the 30's and low 40's and below freezing temperatures at night. Seems like this is always necessary for all the seasons to be normal. We need a LOT more snow though so ya'll who don't want yours, shoo it down here, okay?

Meanwhile it is summer in Noomi's part of the world and your photos are lovely, Noomi. You have a good eye.

And good morning everybody. I slept in one more morning though the last hour or two I've just enjoyed the warm covers and watching TV. But I feel good today and feeling good sure feels better than not feeling good.

Wishing everybody a great Monday. Probably most of you with jobs will have another short week yes?

As a member of the procrastinator's club (well, actually, I haven't submitted my membership form quite yet) I had planned on taking the reins of the bitch about the weather club.....eventually.
Speaking of snow, it's baaaack........

Was just looking at the radar and there is a HUGE area of snow north of you extending across all of the eastern half of Colorado and into Kansas. But you are at the southern edge and it appears to be moving east/northeast. So unless it builds back over you, the snow should be pretty short lived.

We just have a few clouds around but what there are do seem to be spitting out a few snowflakes--not enough coverage to matter at all. Looking for measurable snow probably mid week but we'll see. They still forecast by looking out the window here.

Cold weather is upon us. I am not in favor of this. That is all.

Well thank goodness you're back on the job. Most of the rest of us have pretty well sucked at it. I actually am enjoying some real winter weather (for us) with seasonal temps in the 30's and low 40's and below freezing temperatures at night. Seems like this is always necessary for all the seasons to be normal. We need a LOT more snow though so ya'll who don't want yours, shoo it down here, okay?

Meanwhile it is summer in Noomi's part of the world and your photos are lovely, Noomi. You have a good eye.

And good morning everybody. I slept in one more morning though the last hour or two I've just enjoyed the warm covers and watching TV. But I feel good today and feeling good sure feels better than not feeling good.

Wishing everybody a great Monday. Probably most of you with jobs will have another short week yes?

As a member of the procrastinator's club (well, actually, I haven't submitted my membership form quite yet) I had planned on taking the reins of the bitch about the weather club.....eventually.

As President of the Procrastinators Club, I will be happy to receive your application and will almost certainly process it eventually.
Speaking of snow, it's baaaack........

Was just looking at the radar and there is a HUGE area of snow north of you extending across all of the eastern half of Colorado and into Kansas. But you are at the southern edge and it appears to be moving east/northeast. So unless it builds back over you, the snow should be pretty short lived.

We just have a few clouds around but what there are do seem to be spitting out a few snowflakes--not enough coverage to matter at all. Looking for measurable snow probably mid week but we'll see. They still forecast by looking out the window here.
For today..... maybe, there's a front moving down the Sierra Nevadas and when it hit's southern California it's expected to pick up Pacific moisture and hear our way. That is expected to dump another batch of snow over us. We're supposed to get upwards of another 6 inches by tomorrow afternoon.
Already have a couple of inches of snow but it's the light fluffy powder so it pushes easy with just a broom. Woke up from a long nap, yup the Flexeril has finally been making me drowsy but at least I can finally lay flat without too much pain.
I'm going to have to hold back a few car deals until next week or face lots of taxes out of this check coming up. Sometimes problems are a good thing. :)

Made four pounds of sausage and gravy along with 32 biscuits. Hopefully that will feed the gang at work (29?) tomorrow morning.
Hope everyone is well. Just dropping by. I hope everyone had a good Xmas. I got myself a new digital camera which is what I wanted. Has great zoom and takes some awesome photos.

I have quite a few hours at work this week but sadly, as always happens, the bills come in, so no treats for me this week. Just new tyres for my car.

I hope everyone is well, I hear that some loved ones are a bit ill so here is hoping they recover. My thoughts are with you all.
We do expect to see some of those photos, gal!
Sorry about Max, Ernie. I sure hope his treatment brings him around soon.
Nice pics, Noomi.
I hope Ringel recovers in time to shovel the next mess of snow.
Presumably, everyone is recovering from the holidays.
While it's been overcast and fairly warm here (mid 20's to high 30's), we still haven't much snow. A couple of inches accumulated and they are making snow up at the ski slopes. Pretty dire for the cross country ski trails around town, too. There are more bicycles out and about than skiers.
Bottled another batch of mead today, racked a second batch into a new carboy. I have about 4 dozen bottles of mead in the cellar and another five dozen bottles of braggot (mead made with hops, similar to beer).
I was hoping to get some wood working projects taken care of this weekend but my landlord has taken the week off and I won't be able to set up my saws and such. Next week I plan on going up to my "country" place one last time before the next semester starts at the university. I'm teaching again and it takes up most of my weekends for several months.
My daughter spent Christmas with her surrogate mother and friend, Sachenda, and her family. The daughter is very concerned because Sachenda's brain cancer has taken a turn for the worse and the treatment leaves her in pretty bad shape, apparently. She's worried that Sachenda's husband is not dealing very well with being the "strong" person, protecting everyone else from the ugly reality of what is going on, and the inevitable outcome. Thank you, Foxy for keeping her on the vigil list. While I hope this all comes out for the best, I fear that life is not always as cooperative as we would like.
Everyone stays on the list until there has been no report for so long there doesn't seem any point, GW, and of course your daughter's beloved friend will stay there as long as it is helpful. Received a call yesterday from a lady who is two months post her husband of 54 years death and she seemed desperate to talk to somebody. She picked my name off the internet associated with a Senior Saints activity and I spent maybe an hour with her on the phone. She has never attended our church but I am hoping she will where she will find the support she needs. And if that takes she would find a lot of empathy and support in Senior Saints too. She doesn't live far from me. Sounds like a very lovely person but having a tough time right now.

The updates we are getting on Ernie's friend Max are very encouraging indeed. I don't know if the 'list' has helped in that situation or not, but I sure wouldn't risk taking him off of it for awhile. :)

Dajjal, what about Pix? Any news on that situation?

I'm headed to bed earlier than usual tonight and probably can't sleep right away, but I'm trying to watch the marathon movie "Texas" and I might get through a good bit of it. So....

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I meant 20 people, not 29...

How come the computer didn't recognize that as a typo?

32 biscuits would not be enough for 20 people around here unless they are ENORMOUS biscuits. Everybody we feed biscuits and gravy to will want a minimum of two and most want three or four. Sure sounds good though. . .
You can probably take my nana off the list now, Foxy. She still suffers the normal aches and pains of aging, but since moving into a hostel, she is more happy and is being well cared for.

Auntie Marj can stay on indefinately - I saw her a couple of months ago, the dementia is so bad she doesn't know where she is or even who I am. She says only a few sentences over and over, but her heart is good and she keeps on truckin', despite nearly dying several times over the past couple of years. :)
Everyone stays on the list until there has been no report for so long there doesn't seem any point, GW, and of course your daughter's beloved friend will stay there as long as it is helpful. Received a call yesterday from a lady who is two months post her husband of 54 years death and she seemed desperate to talk to somebody. She picked my name off the internet associated with a Senior Saints activity and I spent maybe an hour with her on the phone. She has never attended our church but I am hoping she will where she will find the support she needs. And if that takes she would find a lot of empathy and support in Senior Saints too. She doesn't live far from me. Sounds like a very lovely person but having a tough time right now.

The updates we are getting on Ernie's friend Max are very encouraging indeed. I don't know if the 'list' has helped in that situation or not, but I sure wouldn't risk taking him off of it for awhile. :)

Dajjal, what about Pix? Any news on that situation?

I'm headed to bed earlier than usual tonight and probably can't sleep right away, but I'm trying to watch the marathon movie "Texas" and I might get through a good bit of it. So....

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Good night, Foxy. Enjoy your movie!

Cold weather is upon us. I am not in favor of this. That is all.

Well thank goodness you're back on the job. Most of the rest of us have pretty well sucked at it. I actually am enjoying some real winter weather (for us) with seasonal temps in the 30's and low 40's and below freezing temperatures at night. Seems like this is always necessary for all the seasons to be normal. We need a LOT more snow though so ya'll who don't want yours, shoo it down here, okay?

Meanwhile it is summer in Noomi's part of the world and your photos are lovely, Noomi. You have a good eye.

And good morning everybody. I slept in one more morning though the last hour or two I've just enjoyed the warm covers and watching TV. But I feel good today and feeling good sure feels better than not feeling good.

Wishing everybody a great Monday. Probably most of you with jobs will have another short week yes?

As a member of the procrastinator's club (well, actually, I haven't submitted my membership form quite yet) I had planned on taking the reins of the bitch about the weather club.....eventually.

I would have no problems with you taking over as the President of the Bitch About the Weather Club as long as you were sincere...
Mrs. BBD has left to go quilting at the church with the rest of the hens that group up there on Tuesdays to quilt. They all gather there at 0900 and stay until 1700 working on a quilt, chatting, and whatever else it is that they do there. No big plans here for today. It's cold outside so most likely Taco and I will drink us some coffee, mess around on the computer for a bit, and take a nap in the recliner a little bit later on. It's a good day for staying inside near the fire - also maybe have a nip of Jack Daniels a little later this afternoon.
Loud electrical chirp coming from the ceiling just a few minutes ago. Smoke detector battery was dying. How absolutely wonderful it decided to do that during the day when I was home, instead of the middle of the night.
I called my son from the office once to do me a favor, he claimed he wasn't home so couldn't help me. But there was chirping in the background from the detector that went out in the night....BUSTED :lol:

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