USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:
10 years??? Piker! This July 9th will be 42 years since I shaved off the beard.

OK dilemma at Doc's.
Last night was poker night. 20 people in the first tournament. Once the 2 tables have combined, some of those out of the tournament get involved in what we call "quick 20" with unlimited buy backs.
We have one player that plays fast and loose. Last night, no one was letting him get off on bluffs and he lost over $100. He eventually left the table in disgust and sat with his wife at the bar. They got into an argument and he slapped her HARD at MY bar.
My bartender came over and told me and I went to him and told him "good night"
He replied, "We'll be leaving soon".
I repeated "Good night", stepped back, leaving him room to stand. He ignored me and continued a conversation with another customer. I told my bartender to take their drinks off the bar.
He got the idea that I was serious, maybe while staring at the bulge near my waist band and they left.
I love the man's wife and his money. I'm leaning towards permanently banning him, but that will accomplish nothing for the wife. Another idea is to bar him for a month with the stipulation that if it ever happens again, the law will be there to remove him along with all the trouble that would cause.
Morning everybody !

Here is this years Christmas Presents for everybody.
Choose the one you want. ENJOY!!!!!! :biggrin:


You know what Peach? Every year we all agree that none of us needs anything and we'll keep gift giving simple, affordable, and stress free by everybody exercising restraint. And nevertheless, we wind up with our tree looking like that mostly because everybody loves to wrap stuff--even a bottle opener or something silly--and put it under the tree.

Sorry if I offend you it was meant to be fun just like I did last year.
Bye bye
Lol.. that was hilarious. Glad I'm not the only fucked up individual this morning.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!

Ah, you've never met my state's hockey team...
Your state has a hockey team?

Who knew, right? I actually had to Google it just to make the joke.

The part I don't get is -- Texas has a hockey team too.
And Florida.... Alabama has more sense than that. (one of the reasons I settled here)
Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:
10 years??? Piker! This July 9th will be 42 years since I shaved off the beard.

OK dilemma at Doc's.
Last night was poker night. 20 people in the first tournament. Once the 2 tables have combined, some of those out of the tournament get involved in what we call "quick 20" with unlimited buy backs.
We have one player that plays fast and loose. Last night, no one was letting him get off on bluffs and he lost over $100. He eventually left the table in disgust and sat with his wife at the bar. They got into an argument and he slapped her HARD at MY bar.
My bartender came over and told me and I went to him and told him "good night"
He replied, "We'll be leaving soon".
I repeated "Good night", stepped back, leaving him room to stand. He ignored me and continued a conversation with another customer. I told my bartender to take their drinks off the bar.
He got the idea that I was serious, maybe while staring at the bulge near my waist band and they left.
I love the man's wife and his money. I'm leaning towards permanently banning him, but that will accomplish nothing for the wife. Another idea is to bar him for a month with the stipulation that if it ever happens again, the law will be there to remove him along with all the trouble that would cause.

I can't honestly say for sure what I would do in that case as I don't know the parties involved. But with the information you provided, I think I would take him aside and privately tell him that you are very disappointed with that behavior from him and it makes him look like an asshole. Make him aware that you appreciate his business and his friendship, but if it happens again he will no longer be welcome.

You put it in the category of every dog is allowed one bite, but one bite only. The second makes it a pattern.
Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:
10 years??? Piker! This July 9th will be 42 years since I shaved off the beard.

OK dilemma at Doc's.
Last night was poker night. 20 people in the first tournament. Once the 2 tables have combined, some of those out of the tournament get involved in what we call "quick 20" with unlimited buy backs.
We have one player that plays fast and loose. Last night, no one was letting him get off on bluffs and he lost over $100. He eventually left the table in disgust and sat with his wife at the bar. They got into an argument and he slapped her HARD at MY bar.
My bartender came over and told me and I went to him and told him "good night"
He replied, "We'll be leaving soon".
I repeated "Good night", stepped back, leaving him room to stand. He ignored me and continued a conversation with another customer. I told my bartender to take their drinks off the bar.
He got the idea that I was serious, maybe while staring at the bulge near my waist band and they left.
I love the man's wife and his money. I'm leaning towards permanently banning him, but that will accomplish nothing for the wife. Another idea is to bar him for a month with the stipulation that if it ever happens again, the law will be there to remove him along with all the trouble that would cause.

I can't honestly say for sure what I would do in that case as I don't know the parties involved. But with the information you provided, I think I would take him aside and privately tell him that you are very disappointed with that behavior from him and it makes him look like an asshole. Make him aware that you appreciate his business and his friendship, but if it happens again he will no longer be welcome.

You put it in the category of every dog is allowed one bite, but one bite only. The second makes it a pattern.
There is ample evidence that this is not an isolated occurrence. The wife is frequently bruised and or cut.

No proof, because she blames it on clumsiness, but I'd have to be a fool at this point to think this or worse doesn't happen at home. After talking with my partners, we will not be allowing him back to Doc Holliday's.
Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:
10 years??? Piker! This July 9th will be 42 years since I shaved off the beard.

OK dilemma at Doc's.
Last night was poker night. 20 people in the first tournament. Once the 2 tables have combined, some of those out of the tournament get involved in what we call "quick 20" with unlimited buy backs.
We have one player that plays fast and loose. Last night, no one was letting him get off on bluffs and he lost over $100. He eventually left the table in disgust and sat with his wife at the bar. They got into an argument and he slapped her HARD at MY bar.
My bartender came over and told me and I went to him and told him "good night"
He replied, "We'll be leaving soon".
I repeated "Good night", stepped back, leaving him room to stand. He ignored me and continued a conversation with another customer. I told my bartender to take their drinks off the bar.
He got the idea that I was serious, maybe while staring at the bulge near my waist band and they left.
I love the man's wife and his money. I'm leaning towards permanently banning him, but that will accomplish nothing for the wife. Another idea is to bar him for a month with the stipulation that if it ever happens again, the law will be there to remove him along with all the trouble that would cause.

I can't honestly say for sure what I would do in that case as I don't know the parties involved. But with the information you provided, I think I would take him aside and privately tell him that you are very disappointed with that behavior from him and it makes him look like an asshole. Make him aware that you appreciate his business and his friendship, but if it happens again he will no longer be welcome.

You put it in the category of every dog is allowed one bite, but one bite only. The second makes it a pattern.
There is ample evidence that this is not an isolated occurrence. The wife is frequently bruised and or cut.

No proof, because she blames it on clumsiness, but I'd have to be a fool at this point to think this or worse doesn't happen at home. After talking with my partners, we will not be allowing him back to Doc Holliday's.
Classic case of abuse, if it's constant. Report it to the police though without proof there's not much they can do. You can also report it to someone like the Coalition Against Domestic Violence and let them handle it.
About Alabama Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Just popping in to wish everybody a Merry Christmas and best wishes for a Happy New Year.

(((BBD!!!!!!)))) So happy to see you. Hope all is wonderful for you and Mrs BBD and a most Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too. It would make a lot of us very happy if you made these popping things more frequent. :)
Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:
10 years??? Piker! This July 9th will be 42 years since I shaved off the beard.

OK dilemma at Doc's.
Last night was poker night. 20 people in the first tournament. Once the 2 tables have combined, some of those out of the tournament get involved in what we call "quick 20" with unlimited buy backs.
We have one player that plays fast and loose. Last night, no one was letting him get off on bluffs and he lost over $100. He eventually left the table in disgust and sat with his wife at the bar. They got into an argument and he slapped her HARD at MY bar.
My bartender came over and told me and I went to him and told him "good night"
He replied, "We'll be leaving soon".
I repeated "Good night", stepped back, leaving him room to stand. He ignored me and continued a conversation with another customer. I told my bartender to take their drinks off the bar.
He got the idea that I was serious, maybe while staring at the bulge near my waist band and they left.
I love the man's wife and his money. I'm leaning towards permanently banning him, but that will accomplish nothing for the wife. Another idea is to bar him for a month with the stipulation that if it ever happens again, the law will be there to remove him along with all the trouble that would cause.

I can't honestly say for sure what I would do in that case as I don't know the parties involved. But with the information you provided, I think I would take him aside and privately tell him that you are very disappointed with that behavior from him and it makes him look like an asshole. Make him aware that you appreciate his business and his friendship, but if it happens again he will no longer be welcome.

You put it in the category of every dog is allowed one bite, but one bite only. The second makes it a pattern.
There is ample evidence that this is not an isolated occurrence. The wife is frequently bruised and or cut.

No proof, because she blames it on clumsiness, but I'd have to be a fool at this point to think this or worse doesn't happen at home. After talking with my partners, we will not be allowing him back to Doc Holliday's.

Well again you know the people involved and the circumstances and I certainly am in no position to evaluate your first hand experience.

Having run an agency that, among many other things, was actively involved in dealing with domestic violence, we had a weekly group session for the abusers--some voluntarily but most of them there at the order of the court. And we found there were two distinct groups. Those who are sociopathic abusers and unlikely to be reformed. And there are those who simply have never been taught any principles of anger management. Many, maybe most, in this latter group have been helped and their relationships with their loved ones restored simply by being taught that anger is inevitable and it is okay, but anger and hitting are two separate things. That never occurred to them before.
Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:
10 years??? Piker! This July 9th will be 42 years since I shaved off the beard.

OK dilemma at Doc's.
Last night was poker night. 20 people in the first tournament. Once the 2 tables have combined, some of those out of the tournament get involved in what we call "quick 20" with unlimited buy backs.
We have one player that plays fast and loose. Last night, no one was letting him get off on bluffs and he lost over $100. He eventually left the table in disgust and sat with his wife at the bar. They got into an argument and he slapped her HARD at MY bar.
My bartender came over and told me and I went to him and told him "good night"
He replied, "We'll be leaving soon".
I repeated "Good night", stepped back, leaving him room to stand. He ignored me and continued a conversation with another customer. I told my bartender to take their drinks off the bar.
He got the idea that I was serious, maybe while staring at the bulge near my waist band and they left.
I love the man's wife and his money. I'm leaning towards permanently banning him, but that will accomplish nothing for the wife. Another idea is to bar him for a month with the stipulation that if it ever happens again, the law will be there to remove him along with all the trouble that would cause.

You're more refined than I. His indicator that things were not right would have been trying to find his teeth. The level of respect generated usually returns the friendship to where it belongs.
Okay my Christmas present I bought for myself (the Tulle flintlock) arrived today, much earlier than expected. Well pretty disappointed, looks like there's a lot more work involved than I was lead to believe, work that I'm not sure I can do without screwing it up. Basically lots of inletting and drilling as well as a little more than the expected metal filing and "furniture" finishing. It may go back........
Okay my Christmas present I bought for myself (the Tulle flintlock) arrived today, much earlier than expected. Well pretty disappointed, looks like there's a lot more work involved than I was lead to believe, work that I'm not sure I can do without screwing it up. Basically lots of inletting and drilling as well as a little more than the expected metal filing and "furniture" finishing. It may go back........

So there's a limit how much challenge you want?

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