USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just process of elimination, sort of figured you didn't shave your chest. You didn't shave your chest right?
Missed you guys! I've been sicker this past week than I have been in a long time. Some stomach thing that even kept me away from work. Good thing the school semester ended a week before it struck. I couldn't even find the energy to get on line...that's bad. But I'm up and running again, although slowly. But there's just too much for me to catch up on, so I will rudely launch myself into the current melee.
While the weather elsewhere appears to have been unpleasant, it's still been warm-ish here, and still no snow! Lot's of heavy frost, but the snow is MIA. Wonder whether we'll have our usual white Christmas this year?
Being on a budget means my gift recipients will receive baskets of baked goodies and homemade treats. Fortunately, I have three days off just before Christmas, although I actually go to work Christmas night. I also have to finish the giant-sized cribbage board for my buddy. Lots to do, and not really enough time to do it all. At least life is not boring.
Hope to visit more now. Everyone enjoy their weekend.

Sorry to hear that. It seems as though everybody is coming down sick lately! Take care. Drink lots of orange juice! :)
Too much sugar and acid in OJ for me right now. All I've had to eat the past two days was a small salad and some Campbell's Tomato soup. Nice and bland. Two days before that, nothing but water would stay down. It's a helluva way to lose weight. Thanks for the good thoughts.
How have you been lately? Any big plans for the holidays?

I find vomiting out cold orange juice to not be so bad actually. It kind of tastes the same as long as it's still cold. LOL. Maybe some vitamin C pills would be good for you then? That's why I suggested the OJ.

I've been trying to get some last minute shopping done, and the stores are just a nightmare!! :cheeky-smiley-018: No big plans for me. Christmas Eve, going to mom's for an Italian meal. I am scheduled to work on Christmas day, but more than likely work will be very slow, and after work going to my auntie's house for a big dinner. It's going to be extra exciting this year because two of my cousins have had babies in the past couple of years, and we haven't really had any little ones in the family for a while. You know, young enough to believe in Santa and all that. :D It should be great.

I hope you are feeling better by Christmas and have a great Christmas too! :)
I've already been dropping Vitamin C. Thanks for the recommendations, though. Now that I'm feeling better, a big, cold glass of OJ would be welcome.

Yeah, I work in a field that runs 24/7/365. It doesn't bother me that I work on Christmas, or New Year's. I celebrate with my best friends on Christmas Eve because they have family locally who they visit on Christmas. I'll stop by some other friends on Christmas on my way to work and chow down there. No wine, though, because I have to work. Otherwise, my family is all in the Lower 48 and I actually find it depressing to decorate without having my girls around.
After I stop by the Commissary and get what I need for my goodie baskets, I'll be done shopping.
Italian sounds good, definitely a change-up from the norm. Turkey isn't high on my "likes" list, although Christmas is usually celebrated with a standing rib roast.
I've always found Christmas lots more fun with children around, so how fortunate (and happy) that you'll have some new babies around! Make sure to take lots of photos. Christmas is a good time to indulge yourself in spoiling the little ones, certainly.

Well, my cousins not only have toddlers right now, but they are BOTH pregnant again now, so by the time Christmas comes around next year we get two MORE babies to play with! Yay! :)

By your girls, you mean your daughters? Oh, sorry to hear that they won't be spending the holidays with you. :(

I only have to pick up some gift cards now, and then I'm done. I can wait until tomorrow to do that thankfully because I really need a break from the driving and the shopping. Lol.

I don't mind turkey, but I really prefer ham to be honest. I just LOVE the spiral sliced hams! :tongue:
Girls includes both my daughter and granddaughters. I only had the one child.
Yeah, I like those spiral sliced hams, too. They are pretty tasty and easy to deal with. After the feast, the bone make some terrific navy bean or pea soup!
The Solstice! One of my favorite holidays...because it represents a turning of the seasons to warmer and more productive times. Of course, everything, including the Earth, needs a time of rest and recuperation.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!
A whole inch of snow this past weekend! Well, at least it's white for Christmas.
One of my grand old ladies passed on Saturday. She was almost 18 yrs old and one of my "cuddly-kitties", sleeping under the blanket and purring for me always. She will be missed. I'm waiting to see who takes that place of honor. As sad as it is when one of our fur-fam passes, at 18 years, a kitty has had a long run. I was able to be there for her last moments, hold her and talk softly as she moved on to her next adventure.
I've been baking all day, preparing for Christmas. The guys at work will have a snack feast. I will also have my gift baskets filled with all kinds of goodies.
My daughter and family are heading North to Maryland to spend Christmas with Sachenda and her family. Sachenda has had a relapse of her brain cancer and my daughter fears this may be the last Christmas she will share with her cherished friend and mentor. Somehow, I find it difficult to feel sorry that I cannot spend the holidays with my daughter.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!

Ah, you've never met my state's hockey team...
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!

Ah, you've never met my state's hockey team...
Your state has a hockey team?
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Alan1 for good treatment results,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!

Ah, you've never met my state's hockey team...
Your state has a hockey team?

Who knew, right? I actually had to Google it just to make the joke.

The part I don't get is -- Texas has a hockey team too.
Saw three of kid's families yesterday, plus eight of the grand kids. My children are beautiful in looks and charm and intelligence and goodness . . . they were smart to take after their mother. I miss their mother. So does my wife; they were close friends.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!

Ah, you've never met my state's hockey team...
Your state has a hockey team?

Who knew, right? I actually had to Google it just to make the joke.

The part I don't get is -- Texas has a hockey team too.

Arizona has one also.
The Phoenix Coyotes :)
Arizona Coyotes

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