USMB Coffee Shop IV

Gotta buy him an apple peeler. Guys love tools.

I have 2.........

Do they really work?
Like a charm. I can peel and core a bag of apples in an eigth of the time it takes to do it by hand. Also cut the processed sugar by using the sweetest apples you can find and only adding a quarter cup of sweetener to the mix, 3/4s of a cup is waaaaay too much. Even if you're using Granny Smiths or some other "sour" apple you only really need 1/2 a cup sweetener at most.
One of the ones I have was my moms, my dad had built a wooden "stand" for it so you wouldn't have to clamp it to the countertop or use the suction cup which may not always hold. He put rubber feet on it.
Mine is like the one in the picture. If I moisten the suction cup, it sits on the counter top until I'm done. I can peel, core and slice apples for 2 pies in 5 minutes tops. All the slices are the same thickness and there is no blood.

Okay ya'll have sold me that it would be a nice gizmo to have. However, I pride myself on being able to peel an apple in one curly strip with my paring knife, and Hombre loves to eat the peelings. Not sure a mechanical peeler would be as satisfying. :)
Hombre would be pleased that his strips would be arriving much faster and more uniform in width. No lie, Foxy! You can peel, core and slice an apple in 10 seconds.
OK Way behind again
The Santas on Bikes ride did go on yesterday despite the rain. We all met up for breakfast at another local bar at 10 and the ride started at noon.
With my breathing problems, I wasn't about to risk a cold from riding in the rain, so I headed to Doc's to open up for the 2PM poker game.

I will be getting some pics of the kids with all the toys and motorcycles and will post a few.

Max has the pic line in and should get the pump and meds tomorrow. Meanwhile, he's doing as well as you can expect a bartender with a tube running through his biceps into an artery somewhere in his chest to feel when shaking a martini, but he keeps plugging away.
I am so in awe of him. This is a man who coded 3 times in the days after his wreck. He was told that his left leg had to go, was told that he would never sit, much less walk. He was told that he would be on morphine the rest of his life, was told he would never have a child....
Well, the left leg has no feeling and very little strength, but the man tends bar, sometimes 14 hours a day rides a recumbent trike (peddle power) and is the father of the worlds cutest 4 year old boy.

Oh he is drug free except for ibuprofen. I'm incredibly proud and honored to know him.
I have 2.........

Do they really work?
Like a charm. I can peel and core a bag of apples in an eigth of the time it takes to do it by hand. Also cut the processed sugar by using the sweetest apples you can find and only adding a quarter cup of sweetener to the mix, 3/4s of a cup is waaaaay too much. Even if you're using Granny Smiths or some other "sour" apple you only really need 1/2 a cup sweetener at most.
One of the ones I have was my moms, my dad had built a wooden "stand" for it so you wouldn't have to clamp it to the countertop or use the suction cup which may not always hold. He put rubber feet on it.
Mine is like the one in the picture. If I moisten the suction cup, it sits on the counter top until I'm done. I can peel, core and slice apples for 2 pies in 5 minutes tops. All the slices are the same thickness and there is no blood.

Okay ya'll have sold me that it would be a nice gizmo to have. However, I pride myself on being able to peel an apple in one curly strip with my paring knife, and Hombre loves to eat the peelings. Not sure a mechanical peeler would be as satisfying. :)
Hombre would be pleased that his strips would be arriving much faster and more uniform in width. No lie, Foxy! You can peel, core and slice an apple in 10 seconds.

Okay you and Ringel convinced me. I just ordered one. If it doesn't deliver as advertised, I'm gonna blame you guys. :)
Started yesterday evening and finishing up to day I have the cast iron in the oven melting off the factory wax coating...... I also have the back door open and the fan pointed outward........ Hopefully it should be done soon then I can smoke up the house seasoning it........
Wait, AOL still exists? :ack-1:

Yep. And I still use it--have had the same account since 1985. Have never been hacked as it is one of the most secure sites on the internet--not foolproof, but closer than most. I love the unlimited and organizable storage system, their user-friendly way to list favorite sites, their versatile and attractive e-mail system that allows me to do a lot of interesting graphics and utilize multiple font, colors, and backgrounds in promo work that I do. And its absolutely free. The only downside is that some other similar internet services don't like to play well with AOL, but those problems have gradually been resolved too.
Do they really work?
Like a charm. I can peel and core a bag of apples in an eigth of the time it takes to do it by hand. Also cut the processed sugar by using the sweetest apples you can find and only adding a quarter cup of sweetener to the mix, 3/4s of a cup is waaaaay too much. Even if you're using Granny Smiths or some other "sour" apple you only really need 1/2 a cup sweetener at most.
One of the ones I have was my moms, my dad had built a wooden "stand" for it so you wouldn't have to clamp it to the countertop or use the suction cup which may not always hold. He put rubber feet on it.
Mine is like the one in the picture. If I moisten the suction cup, it sits on the counter top until I'm done. I can peel, core and slice apples for 2 pies in 5 minutes tops. All the slices are the same thickness and there is no blood.

Okay ya'll have sold me that it would be a nice gizmo to have. However, I pride myself on being able to peel an apple in one curly strip with my paring knife, and Hombre loves to eat the peelings. Not sure a mechanical peeler would be as satisfying. :)
Hombre would be pleased that his strips would be arriving much faster and more uniform in width. No lie, Foxy! You can peel, core and slice an apple in 10 seconds.

Okay you and Ringel convinced me. I just ordered one. If it doesn't deliver as advertised, I'm gonna blame you guys. :)
A much better approach -----

I just came across a couple of "parental evaluation surveys" that my 8 year old daughter has drawn up to rate us, her parents!:laugh::laugh::laugh: This kid is going to be....trouble!
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Alan1 for good test results,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
So Westie, you gonna share? :)

Yes, she is rating mom on 6 different criteria. Not making her do chores, fixing breakfast lunch and dinner, not getting angry, engaging in fun activities, amount of "free time" she gets, bedtime routine times. All on a proper 1-5 scale (she no doubt has been reading some of moms measurement books!), I have yet to see what she is rating me on (the paper was folded)....but I'm nervous!
Morning. Decided yesterday to give my chin and upper lip a rest, shaved of the mustache and goatee, been on there for 10 years, gotta give the skin a chance to "breathe" from time to time.
But dayamn does it look strange....... :lol:

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