USMB Coffee Shop IV

The wife wanted a road trip today, escapism...... Woke up to snow with snow and rain predictions all up and down the Colorado I 25 corridor......... Tomorrow's supposed to be nicer........
Good morning everybody. A bright blue beautiful day in Albuquerque. My housecleaning crew is expected sometime and then its cookie baking time. Daughter along with Nellie and Snookie (the granddogs) arrived in good shape and we had a good visit last night. Now I get to put her to work. :)

I am sure you are more handsome than ever Ringel. But road trips on slick roads? I recommend an interesting jigsaw puzzle instead.

Okay time for a quick breakfast and then on with the day!!!
Good morning everybody. A bright blue beautiful day in Albuquerque. My housecleaning crew is expected sometime and then its cookie baking time. Daughter along with Nellie and Snookie (the granddogs) arrived in good shape and we had a good visit last night. Now I get to put her to work. :)

I am sure you are more handsome than ever Ringel. But road trips on slick roads? I recommend an interesting jigsaw puzzle instead.

Okay time for a quick breakfast and then on with the day!!!
Woke the wife up, told her what was going on....... She went back to sleep...... :lol:

Oh and for the last half hour it's been snowing fairly heavy. Looks really pretty from inside my warm, dry house........
We've been doing the elf on the shelf for the little one this year. Finding good places to put her is probably more difficult than it needs to be (I don't know if the little one appreciates the more interesting things we've done with it). Anyway, it has made me appreciate silly pics of it I've seen on Facebook, so I thought I'd post a couple here that I just saw.

With caption :

Another angle that makes it seem more Vader-y :
Just finished clearing 3+ inches from the drive, porch and sidewalk...... We were supposed to get a dusting with the heavy snow fall remaining in the mountains.........
OK went visiting with two daughters' families, and by the time we got back just now, it had rained, hailed, flurried, slurried, and another round is coming through. OK. Finally feels like Christmas.
Just got back in from clearing the (hopefully) last of the snow the fell. Brushed around 6 inches off the vehicles, good thing it was above freezing all day....... I'm estimating that without the melt we would have had anywhere from eight to ten inches. Yeah, dusting........ right.......
We started off with a day predicting above average temps, mostly sunny, no precip, and winds light and variable.

When the wind gusts passed 50 mph, they put us under a high wind advisory.
And when the rain drops started hitting our windows here, they gave us a chance for precipitation. Now they're saying snow at higher elevations overnight and it is clear as a bell? I swear they forecast the weather by looking out the window here.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:

Well at least they aren't talking surgery, huh? So we're keeping you on the list for now for good vibes for best possible outcome.
Well at least they aren't talking surgery, huh? So we're keeping you on the list for now for good vibes for best possible outcome.
The option of surgery was discussed and we opted for an approach less aggressive than surgery but more aggressive than physical therapy.
Since I am already improving it seems wise to pass on the surgery for an initial treatment. We shall see what happens.
We started off with a day predicting above average temps, mostly sunny, no precip, and winds light and variable.

When the wind gusts passed 50 mph, they put us under a high wind advisory.
And when the rain drops started hitting our windows here, they gave us a chance for precipitation. Now they're saying snow at higher elevations overnight and it is clear as a bell? I swear they forecast the weather by looking out the window here.
Heck it's snowing here again. Supposed to go for at least another 2 hours. Checked the radar, nothing around Albuquerque but Santa Fe is getting hit with snow.

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