USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning everybody !

Here is this years Christmas Presents for everybody.
Choose the one you want. ENJOY!!!!!! :biggrin:

My coffee pot broke and I'm pissed.

Well by all means, have one on us:

And welcome to the Coffee Shop Judicial Review. The pot is never broken here and the company is good. Be sure to read over the OP to see what we're all about in the Coffee Shop and then drag up a chair and wade on in. We're happy you found us.
Morning everybody !

Here is this years Christmas Presents for everybody.
Choose the one you want. ENJOY!!!!!! :biggrin:


You know what Peach? Every year we all agree that none of us needs anything and we'll keep gift giving simple, affordable, and stress free by everybody exercising restraint. And nevertheless, we wind up with our tree looking like that mostly because everybody loves to wrap stuff--even a bottle opener or something silly--and put it under the tree.
My herniated disk in my lower back seems to be getting better. Today makes two days in a row that I haven't used any pain medication. I'm not pain free, but the severity of pain has drastically reduced over the weekend and today. Since the pain med is hydrocodone (highly addictive), I've been leery to use it to often. I can tell the disk is still pushing on the spinal cord because the numbness in my leg and foot is still there, and that bothers me more than the pain.

I'm scheduled for a steroid shot in my back on December 29th. They will be injecting very close to my spinal cord so it will be done under "fluoroscopy" (x-ray) and they will knock me out for the procedure. I've heard it can be quite painful to get steroid shots in your spinal area. The doctor also told me that I would probably have a fair amount of numbness in both legs after the shot for about four to eight hours. No driving until the next day.

Hehe, I'm already becoming a burden on my children. :badgrin:
Everybody has to have goals!

Ah, you've never met my state's hockey team...
Your state has a hockey team?

Who knew, right? I actually had to Google it just to make the joke.

The part I don't get is -- Texas has a hockey team too.

Arizona has one also.
The Phoenix Coyotes :)
Arizona Coyotes

Our New Mexico Scorpions disbanded a few years ago. They had a pretty good run here but apparently folks in these parts just weren't as gung ho about hockey as they are re football and basketball and didn't support the team sufficiently for it to remain viable.
Morning everybody !

Here is this years Christmas Presents for everybody.
Choose the one you want. ENJOY!!!!!! :biggrin:


You know what Peach? Every year we all agree that none of us needs anything and we'll keep gift giving simple, affordable, and stress free by everybody exercising restraint. And nevertheless, we wind up with our tree looking like that mostly because everybody loves to wrap stuff--even a bottle opener or something silly--and put it under the tree.

Sorry if I offend you it was meant to be fun just like I did last year.
Bye bye
I mentioned last week at it rained here and in my kitchen.

Update - Saturday I was Christmas shopping at Home Depot and remembered to pick up some roof patch. Weird it comes in a 0.9 gal. pail.

So Sunday about an hour before dark I get a ladder out and climb the roof to patch. I was thinking it was a seam next to the house that was leaking. Made a nice seal there, but then noticed last year's ice poked a few holes. Got those too.

When I got on the roof, the ladder shifted back and forth, plus it was about a foot short of the roof height. Due to the location, if the ladder kicked out I was going to land in or on a concrete wall or pipe sticking out of the ground.

Normally I get on this roof through a second story hallway window, but it was sealed shut with paint. So there I sat wondering what to do. Mrs. Liberty was at work for another four hours and the temps were about 38 degrees. I had my cell phone.

After a few minutes going back and forth about using the ladder, I took my putty knife and broke the paint seal on the window. It was unlocked because I couldn't get the window open before. Pried it up and in the house I went. Saved!

Mrs. Liberty was in tears laughing when I told her later.

Oh, it is raining here again and no leaks!
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Thought it was pretty funny. :lol:

Seriously you could just do it the "old fashioned" way. Boil a pot of water, take the pot off the burner and throw the coffee grounds in the water, let it steep for 3 minutes, stir and steep for another 3 minutes. Slowly pour the coffee through a filter into a cup or other container to filter out the grounds. If you have a drip maker put the filter in it with the carafe underneath as usual and manually pour the coffee through the filter. Ya have to be slow so as to let the coffee drain into the carafe.
I mentioned last week at it rained here and in my kitchen.

Update - Saturday I was Christmas shopping at Home Depot and remembered to pick up some roof patch. Weird it comes in a 0.9 gal. pail.

So Sunday about an hour before dark I get a ladder out and climb the roof to patch. I was thinking it was a seam next to the house that was leaking. Made a nice seal there, but then noticed last year's ice poked a few holes. Got those too.

When I got on the roof, the ladder shifted back and forth, plus it was about a foot short of the roof height. Due to the location, if the ladder kicked out I was going to land in or on a concrete wall or pipe sticking out of the ground.

Normally I get on this roof through a second story hallway window, but it was sealed shut with paint. So there I sat wondering what to do. Mrs. Liberty was at work for another four hours and the temps were about 38 degrees. I had my cell phone.

After a few minutes going back and forth about using the ladder, I took my putty knife and broke the paint seal on the window. It was unlocked because I couldn't get the window open before. Pried it up and in the house I went. Saved!

Mrs. Liberty was in tears laughing when I told her later.

Oh, it is raining here again and no leaks!
Morning everybody !

Here is this years Christmas Presents for everybody.
Choose the one you want. ENJOY!!!!!! :biggrin:


You know what Peach? Every year we all agree that none of us needs anything and we'll keep gift giving simple, affordable, and stress free by everybody exercising restraint. And nevertheless, we wind up with our tree looking like that mostly because everybody loves to wrap stuff--even a bottle opener or something silly--and put it under the tree.

Sorry if I offend you it was meant to be fun just like I did last year.
Bye bye
Morning everybody !

Here is this years Christmas Presents for everybody.
Choose the one you want. ENJOY!!!!!! :biggrin:


You know what Peach? Every year we all agree that none of us needs anything and we'll keep gift giving simple, affordable, and stress free by everybody exercising restraint. And nevertheless, we wind up with our tree looking like that mostly because everybody loves to wrap stuff--even a bottle opener or something silly--and put it under the tree.

Sorry if I offend you it was meant to be fun just like I did last year.
Bye bye

Oh my goodness. I didn't mean to imply that I was in any way offended by that photo. I got a good giggle out of it because it so much looked like Christmas at our house. So sorry if I seemed to suggest anything else.
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I mentioned last week at it rained here and in my kitchen.

Update - Saturday I was Christmas shopping at Home Depot and remembered to pick up some roof patch. Weird it comes in a 0.9 gal. pail.

So Sunday about an hour before dark I get a ladder out and climb the roof to patch. I was thinking it was a seam next to the house that was leaking. Made a nice seal there, but then noticed last year's ice poked a few holes. Got those too.

When I got on the roof, the ladder shifted back and forth, plus it was about a foot short of the roof height. Due to the location, if the ladder kicked out I was going to land in or on a concrete wall or pipe sticking out of the ground.

Normally I get on this roof through a second story hallway window, but it was sealed shut with paint. So there I sat wondering what to do. Mrs. Liberty was at work for another four hours and the temps were about 38 degrees. I had my cell phone.

After a few minutes going back and forth about using the ladder, I took my putty knife and broke the paint seal on the window. It was unlocked because I couldn't get the window open before. Pried it up and in the house I went. Saved!

Mrs. Liberty was in tears laughing when I told her later.

Oh, it is raining here again and no leaks!

This is the La Fonda Hotel in Santa Fe:

Some years ago, they had a roof leak and Hombre went to check it out to see if it was caused by something covered by their insurance. Their maintenance supervisor took him up to an upper story window where he could step through to access the roof. That was great--no ladder necessary. However, once Hombre was out on the roof, the maintenance guy closed and, without thinking, LOCKED the window. Hombre had no cell phone with him. He was on the back side of the hotel where he couldn't holler at folks on the street. He was up there for most of an hour before he could get the attention of some construction workers across the way and was able to communicate his problem and they helped him out.

But all adjusters have stories of getting stranded in high places when the ladder fell too. And a few stories where a disgruntled owner knocked down the ladder. They all learned to wait until they were safely back on the ground before telling the property owner that insurance would not cover their problem.

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