USMB Coffee Shop IV

Alaska, at least the real Alaska, is not for the faint-hearted or the lazy. Try cutting and splitting enough wood to heat a small home for the winter.
I'm not faint of heart but I will admit that I can be lazy
When I was growing up, the only source of heat we had for the house was a fireplace, so my brother and I spent all summer splitting firewood. But that was northern CA, not Alaska, so I'm sure the firewood heat went a lot further.
There ain't no way I'd move to Alaska, not even a city in Alaska. I don't like the cold.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I mentioned before the for the last month we've had this extremely friendly kitten showing up at the back door every couple of days wanting to be fed, came in the back door twice and had confrontations with our oldest cat Jasper before running back outside. Well tonight the wife was feeling guilty about not taking the kitten in so when the cat showed up this afternoon she brought her in and fed her. Jasper did his growling thing when he realized she was in the house and the kitten stayed in the back room "hiding" from Jasper. Eventually I took the kitten into my office, put a litter box down with a bed, some food and water and closed the door with me in there. Hours later the kitty is resting, the door is open, Jasper will "sulk" into the office, the kitten and he just watch each other then Jasper comes out, walks up to me with his tail up and I reassure him he's still the number one "son". He seems to be getting used to the idea as is the kitten.
Well, I was all set to go to work today @7am-7:30pm, but the charge nurse called @5:30am and cancelled me. Apparently, when there's too many CNAs/RNs per patients, some of us get cut for the day. There must have been 2-3 patients on our wing that left yesterday. So now I'm at home, already showered and ready for the friggin' day, and I've got no work to do. I am going insane. Work is pretty much my life atm, and I don't have much of a life outside of it. Already drank four cups of coffee so there's no chance of catching a few ZZZs, either.

HRMPH. My tiny little bedroom is immaculate, whole gas tank was filled on only $23 because gas is only $1.99 right now, and I have little to do but mope around and feel sorry for myself for getting cancelled. Would go outside, but it's a frozen wasteland, and I feel duped out of 12.5 solid hours of good work. I miss working my ass off, sweating off the pounds... hell, I even miss the painful blisters. Makes me feel like I'm living. Getting s*** done. Don't want to play video games because I'm prone to addiction, so now I'm galavanting across various websites just to keep myself from going nuts. Damn it. Freezing and bored. Never got cancelled before, either. If retirement is going to feel just as pointless as being cancelled, then I don't ever want to retire. I wanna keep flexing these turkey wings until I can't lift them any more.

*Keeps checking Yahoo and Hospital Server emails*
*C'mon, come on! Send me an email. Give me some more work. Do you have any shifts that need to be covered???*
*Hyperventilating with crazy eyes*

Crud. I do not like being cancelled. Not only do I not get paid, but it completely breaks the cycle of work I've become used to, if only momentarily. I think I'll call up the charge nurse soon and see if they need any shifts covered this week. They've got me working three 12-hour shifts per week. Beats being homeless (as I was for a month a long while ago) or having to work paltry shifts in home care. The hospital is only 6 minutes away and offers relatively stable hours. What I need is a hobby, besides studying. Mafia is fun, but my brain gets drained so much from work (multi-tasking) that I can't brain when I need to for the games. Maybe I'll make a couple pots of coffee, roll up into a cocoon with 6 quilts, and dream about more work and the future.

God I hate Winter. Spring can't come soon enough.

You're cancelled and I get a call to come in 3 hours early. I am 15 minutes out of bed and about to leave the house. I'll trade ya.

I'd love to if able. :p

I feel batty right now without work. Like a hamster who's suddenly lost its wheel. :D
Anyone else still working on leftover Christmas cookies? :p

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am working on NOT having any of those and I have dropped the two lbs. I gained, from having too many of those....:lol:

I'm still workin' on them! Mwa ha ha ha. Some are a bit hard now, but edible. The Mexican Wedding Cakes, however, are still scrumptious. Next year I'm going to try making Russian Tea Cakes with black walnut chunks.
You're cancelled and I get a call to come in 3 hours early. I am 15 minutes out of bed and about to leave the house. I'll trade ya.

I'd love to if able. :p

I feel batty right now without work. Like a hamster who's suddenly lost its wheel. :D

For heaven's sake, Wake, why would you worry about addiction to video games if you're crawling the walls? Or get a new hobby. Take up knitting or crocheting or fashion design or gourmet cooking or whittling or karaoke or wood working. Teach yourself guitar.'

Happy to have you back here though. :)

Retirement for me has been almost too busy--I seem to have less time to just crash and do nothing than was the case when I was working full time. Right now, we're on stand by waiting for a call from the hospital that Aunt Betty has been sprung so we can go get her. Until then, no longer range plans--like something that will take a few hours--are possible.
Anyone else still working on leftover Christmas cookies? :p

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I am working on NOT having any of those and I have dropped the two lbs. I gained, from having too many of those....:lol:

WB AA :) And yeah, I'm rather happy that there are no more holiday goodies in the house. I don't tend to overeat on them so much as I just feel better if I don't.
Oh and good morning all.

I watched the premiere of the new season of "Celebrity Apprentice" last night--episode 2 will be tonight in its regular time slot. A really interesting group of celebrities this time--I knew who every one of them is which makes it more interesting--and a really eclectic bunch from Geraldo to Captain Sig from "Deadliest Catch". I know its just another dumb reality thing, but somehow it does intrigue me--a really interesting observation of human nature, interpersonal dynamics, creativity, and ingenuity, but because there's nothing really at stake other than individual pride for these folks, you don't feel all that badly when they get fired.
—Just got called in for work from 3pm-7:30pm, and next week Wednesday for a full day.

Woo-hoo! Life has meaning again! :p
Ahh yes the kitty saga continues...... Seems she slept well, had here shut in my office, more to protect her from an over territorial Jasper. Fed her, and the other two of course this morning and left the door open, she hung out at the office door for a while staring down Jasper and finally worked her way around to the back door where she cried to be let out. Took her out back, she ran around the back yard always coming back to the door so I took her back in........ Not what she wanted. Ten minutes later I here this commotion and she's climbing the back door crying even louder so I let her out. Guess she didn't mind the food and a warm place to sleep but seems to prefer being outside. She'll be back.
—Just got called in for work from 3pm-7:30pm, and next week Wednesday for a full day.

Woo-hoo! Life has meaning again! :p
I was gonna say, if you've nothing to do I have some sewing that needs to be done.......

Eh, I was never much for sewing. Some of the nurses I work with make scarves and hoods with yarn. It's an alien art to me. Although I do appreciate warm clothing, like a high-quality sweater. Chances are if I tried sewing I'd probably sew my clumsy fingers together on accident. :biggrin:
—Just got called in for work from 3pm-7:30pm, and next week Wednesday for a full day.

Woo-hoo! Life has meaning again! :p
I was gonna say, if you've nothing to do I have some sewing that needs to be done.......

Eh, I was never much for sewing. Some of the nurses I work with make scarves and hoods with yarn. It's an alien art to me. Although I do appreciate warm clothing, like a high-quality sweater. Chances are if I tried sewing I'd probably sew my clumsy fingers together on accident. :biggrin:
I need to make a set of 1750s breeches, shirt, a waist coat and a frock coat.

—Just got called in for work from 3pm-7:30pm, and next week Wednesday for a full day.

Woo-hoo! Life has meaning again! :p
I was gonna say, if you've nothing to do I have some sewing that needs to be done.......

Eh, I was never much for sewing. Some of the nurses I work with make scarves and hoods with yarn. It's an alien art to me. Although I do appreciate warm clothing, like a high-quality sweater. Chances are if I tried sewing I'd probably sew my clumsy fingers together on accident. :biggrin:
I need to make a set of 1750s breeches, shirt, a waist coat and a frock coat.


Oh hell, I don't have the skill for that. :ack-1::tongue:
You're cancelled and I get a call to come in 3 hours early. I am 15 minutes out of bed and about to leave the house. I'll trade ya.

I'd love to if able. :p

I feel batty right now without work. Like a hamster who's suddenly lost its wheel. :D
OK Home for an hour and a half. We have changed our soda system from Pepsi to Coca Cola and had Coke in at 8 to replace the lines, compressor, CO2 system.
Max had a 10 AM appointment for his daily IV antibiotics, so I had to be there while he was gone.
I'll be back in at 1:00 to get the bar ready to open and set up for poker. I should be out of there shortly before 2 AM.

The one attraction for you, I suppose, to go in in my place is my virtually unlimited bar tab.

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