USMB Coffee Shop IV

I was gonna say, if you've nothing to do I have some sewing that needs to be done.......

Eh, I was never much for sewing. Some of the nurses I work with make scarves and hoods with yarn. It's an alien art to me. Although I do appreciate warm clothing, like a high-quality sweater. Chances are if I tried sewing I'd probably sew my clumsy fingers together on accident. :biggrin:
I need to make a set of 1750s breeches, shirt, a waist coat and a frock coat.


Where do you get your patterns, or do you make your own? I made a few costumes from pictures, but making your own patterns can be tricky.
The breeches, waist coat and frock patterns are J.P. Ryan patterns, considered the most accurate for the Colonial era through the Revolution, the shirt pattern is from Kanniks Korner, another distributor of historic patterns.

I'll do the shirt first because it's been awhile since I've done anything this intensive and shirts are relatively easy. The breeches are supposed to be the most difficult, pretty complex, waist coats and frocks really aren't that hard.
The shirt and breeches I'll do in pure linen, the waist coat and frock in melton wool or also in linen.
Cotton was expensive during the colonial era as the Crown barred the American colonies from growing cotton as it would interfere with the Indian Cotton Trade. Most cotton goods were imported, linen and wool were the fabrics of the day.
Have you ever felted wool?
No, never felt (he, he) the need to.
Well, we still got 3 inches of snow in the yard, and I called in for a tee time for Thursday ....

can't figure out if that's confidence or just plain stupidity.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
I count myself fortunate. My mother taught us to sew at an early age. If I wanted "new" clothes in a style of my choosing, instead of hand-me-downs, I had to sew my own. My father taught us woodworking and construction basics. My dad was also the talented cook in the house and I still use many of his original recipes. Well, except his chili...that stuff could burn your socks off! Of course, I grew up in a time when families had few modern amusements and we engaged each other, parents and siblings. I was very pleased when my daughter told me that the granddaughters had requested, and received, several board games for Christmas. They found out how much fun those are from the time they spent up here, at the cabin.

I've never learned how to sew. I am a most horrible sewer, even WITH a sewing machine. The first time I ever used a sewing machine, :lol: , now THAT was really funny. I can't make a stitch in a straight line because the damn sewing machine is too fast!
Good morning folks! I hope everyone is having a great morning thus far. I am debating if I am going to run this morning. It is terribly cold and there is a little snow on the ground. I may just have a lazy day instead.
Anytime Fitness, my ass. It won't be anytime soon I feel fit. I predict some pain before gain.
Good morning all. Already a balmy 38 degrees here under a clear sky so blue it hurts your eyes to look at it. And while many of you are in the deep freeze, we're looking for temps in the mid 50's today. I know. I know. It isn't fair.

Hopefully I have a day to dig out. We got Aunt Betty home from the hospital yesterday afternoon and she and Uncle Ed seem to be doing okay today. WIll be taking her for a doctor's appointment tomorrow, but I'm happy to have a day today with nothing scheduled as a have to do. Hombre will be off to his volunteer job at the hospital in an hour or so and I hope to reorganize a bit here in the office and possibly elsewhere.

I do need to get the Senior Saints winter newsletter out.

Everybody have a good Tuesday.
It's Tuesday so that means I have already taken Mrs. BBD down to the church so she can quilt with the other ladies that gather up there on Tuesday mornings to quilt. I need to drive over to Oregon to drop off a package with UPS and other than that no other plans for today. Maybe I will take the package around lunch time and eat lunch out someplace. Maybe not. I have a yearning for a nice PB&J along with a cold glass of milk. Guess I will eat lunch and then take the package. We got about 4 inches of snow last night and tonight it is suppose to be bitterly cold with wind chills into the -30 range tomorrow. I may not even get out of bed tomorrow!!! How many more days until spring?
It's Tuesday so that means I have already taken Mrs. BBD down to the church so she can quilt with the other ladies that gather up there on Tuesday mornings to quilt. I need to drive over to Oregon to drop off a package with UPS and other than that no other plans for today. Maybe I will take the package around lunch time and eat lunch out someplace. Maybe not. I have a yearning for a nice PB&J along with a cold glass of milk. Guess I will eat lunch and then take the package. We got about 4 inches of snow last night and tonight it is suppose to be bitterly cold with wind chills into the -30 range tomorrow. I may not even get out of bed tomorrow!!! How many more days until spring?

How many days until Spring 2015
It's Tuesday so that means I have already taken Mrs. BBD down to the church so she can quilt with the other ladies that gather up there on Tuesday mornings to quilt. I need to drive over to Oregon to drop off a package with UPS and other than that no other plans for today. Maybe I will take the package around lunch time and eat lunch out someplace. Maybe not. I have a yearning for a nice PB&J along with a cold glass of milk. Guess I will eat lunch and then take the package. We got about 4 inches of snow last night and tonight it is suppose to be bitterly cold with wind chills into the -30 range tomorrow. I may not even get out of bed tomorrow!!! How many more days until spring?

How many days until Spring 2015

I just looked it up. Spring is 73 days away. Hope the time will pass quickly...
I count myself fortunate. My mother taught us to sew at an early age. If I wanted "new" clothes in a style of my choosing, instead of hand-me-downs, I had to sew my own. My father taught us woodworking and construction basics. My dad was also the talented cook in the house and I still use many of his original recipes. Well, except his chili...that stuff could burn your socks off! Of course, I grew up in a time when families had few modern amusements and we engaged each other, parents and siblings. I was very pleased when my daughter told me that the granddaughters had requested, and received, several board games for Christmas. They found out how much fun those are from the time they spent up here, at the cabin.

I've never learned how to sew. I am a most horrible sewer, even WITH a sewing machine. The first time I ever used a sewing machine, :lol: , now THAT was really funny. I can't make a stitch in a straight line because the damn sewing machine is too fast!
I like to sew. Some day, I hope to have time to start making quilts with my granddaughters.

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