USMB Coffee Shop IV

I count myself fortunate. My mother taught us to sew at an early age. If I wanted "new" clothes in a style of my choosing, instead of hand-me-downs, I had to sew my own. My father taught us woodworking and construction basics. My dad was also the talented cook in the house and I still use many of his original recipes. Well, except his chili...that stuff could burn your socks off! Of course, I grew up in a time when families had few modern amusements and we engaged each other, parents and siblings. I was very pleased when my daughter told me that the granddaughters had requested, and received, several board games for Christmas. They found out how much fun those are from the time they spent up here, at the cabin.

I've never learned how to sew. I am a most horrible sewer, even WITH a sewing machine. The first time I ever used a sewing machine, :lol: , now THAT was really funny. I can't make a stitch in a straight line because the damn sewing machine is too fast!
I like to sew. Some day, I hope to have time to start making quilts with my granddaughters.

Hey, I can sew buttons. Sew there! :biggrin:
Left the house early (0630) and drove to Great Lakes to pick up my prescriptions and got there and home again at 1230. Not a good day outside here. It was -10 when I left and it's warmed up to a balmy -1. Weatherman says beginning around 1830 or so we will be getting snow over night into tomorrow morning. He says we might get between 4 to 6 inches. Don't know about the rest of you but I'm already ready for spring!
We're not especially looking forward to a low of 21F early Thursday morning. She even felt well enough to come to Doc's today. She's by no means out of the woods either physically or emotionally. I'm more worried by the latter than the former at this point.
Good morning everybody. Very busy morning here so far, but the weather is great and already up to high 40's and low 50's in the city, so come on down.

I have medical taxi duty in a few so need to go get dressed appropriately to do that. Ya'll have a great hump day--I can't believe it is Wednesday again already.
Very chilly day here. It was -5 when I woke up. The temp is all the way up to 0 now. I'm so happy I can barely contain myself.
It's up to 46 here in Santa Fe, positively tropical........
BTW, after we arrived in Santa Fe yesterday the wife got a call from a recruiter for a contract job with the state of NM in Albuquerque doing exactly what she was doing at the hospital in Trinidad only this job would be the Project Manager position ensuring contract compliance with a specific contract to upgrade hospital coding software to meet ACA compliance. It's only a 6 month contract but it pays very well and supposedly there is only one other candidate. Now the waiting starts as the state HR people are involved........ :lol:
Very chilly day here. It was -5 when I woke up. The temp is all the way up to 0 now. I'm so happy I can barely contain myself.
It's up to 46 here in Santa Fe, positively tropical........
BTW, after we arrived in Santa Fe yesterday the wife got a call from a recruiter for a contract job with the state of NM in Albuquerque doing exactly what she was doing at the hospital in Trinidad only this job would be the Project Manager position ensuring contract compliance with a specific contract to upgrade hospital coding software to meet ACA compliance. It's only a 6 month contract but it pays very well and supposedly there is only one other candidate. Now the waiting starts as the state HR people are involved........ :lol:

I will send positive vibes Ringel. The state has been so mired deeply in nepotism and cronyism for so long, I don't know whether an 'outsider' can be too hopeful. However there are some positive signs that some of that may be changing so there is room for some hope.

Some years back Hombre was assured that the state would hire the most qualified applicant for an open position. And because we were privy to some inside information, we KNEW that he had impeccable credentials, tremendous references, and more experience than ANY other candidate for the job he applied for, and he scored 100% on the required proficiency exam--no other candidate scored higher than the high 80 percentiles. He never got a call for an interview.

But like I said, that was then and this is now, and the winds have been changing of late so we'll keep our fingers crossed.
During the time I left the house to go take Aunt Betty for her doctor's appointment, we got a brisk cold north wind at near gale force plus the temperature dropped 20 degrees in less than an hour. Skies are still clear and no precip in sight from any direction, other than some fog developing over the higher mountains, but it got unpleasant out there in a hurry. I'm ready for spring.
Just got back from Santa Fe. As we left the front had moved in, high winds with temps in the low 30s, we drove in freezing fog from the top of Glorieta Pass to the top of Raton Pass with temps in the low twenties and high teens. Slipped up the driveway, got out of the car too fast and ended up on my back....... Luckily it was the Prius and I didn't have a chance to fully stand erect. :lol:
Ice skated to the back door grabbed the kitty litter so I could unpack the car........ The "kids" are happy we're home but still pissed we were gone overnight...... as usual...... :D
It's only supposed to get to 58 tomorrow here in Flawduh. Time to get out the big parka.

Just got back from Santa Fe. As we left the front had moved in, high winds with temps in the low 30s, we drove in freezing fog from the top of Glorieta Pass to the top of Raton Pass with temps in the low twenties and high teens. Slipped up the driveway, got out of the car too fast and ended up on my back....... Luckily it was the Prius and I didn't have a chance to fully stand erect. :lol:
Ice skated to the back door grabbed the kitty litter so I could unpack the car........ The "kids" are happy we're home but still pissed we were gone overnight...... as usual...... :D

But did you hurt yourself?
Just got back from Santa Fe. As we left the front had moved in, high winds with temps in the low 30s, we drove in freezing fog from the top of Glorieta Pass to the top of Raton Pass with temps in the low twenties and high teens. Slipped up the driveway, got out of the car too fast and ended up on my back....... Luckily it was the Prius and I didn't have a chance to fully stand erect. :lol:
Ice skated to the back door grabbed the kitty litter so I could unpack the car........ The "kids" are happy we're home but still pissed we were gone overnight...... as usual...... :D

But did you hurt yourself?
Outside of my left elbow is a little sore but nothing broken other than my sense of common sense. Shoulda known it was icy but was in too big of a hurry to finally get out of the car and in the house. :lol:
Very chilly day here. It was -5 when I woke up. The temp is all the way up to 0 now. I'm so happy I can barely contain myself.
It's up to 46 here in Santa Fe, positively tropical........
BTW, after we arrived in Santa Fe yesterday the wife got a call from a recruiter for a contract job with the state of NM in Albuquerque doing exactly what she was doing at the hospital in Trinidad only this job would be the Project Manager position ensuring contract compliance with a specific contract to upgrade hospital coding software to meet ACA compliance. It's only a 6 month contract but it pays very well and supposedly there is only one other candidate. Now the waiting starts as the state HR people are involved........ :lol:
Good Luck, Ringel (and Mrs. Ringel).
Very chilly day here. It was -5 when I woke up. The temp is all the way up to 0 now. I'm so happy I can barely contain myself.
It's up to 46 here in Santa Fe, positively tropical........
BTW, after we arrived in Santa Fe yesterday the wife got a call from a recruiter for a contract job with the state of NM in Albuquerque doing exactly what she was doing at the hospital in Trinidad only this job would be the Project Manager position ensuring contract compliance with a specific contract to upgrade hospital coding software to meet ACA compliance. It's only a 6 month contract but it pays very well and supposedly there is only one other candidate. Now the waiting starts as the state HR people are involved........ :lol:

I will send positive vibes Ringel. The state has been so mired deeply in nepotism and cronyism for so long, I don't know whether an 'outsider' can be too hopeful. However there are some positive signs that some of that may be changing so there is room for some hope.

Some years back Hombre was assured that the state would hire the most qualified applicant for an open position. And because we were privy to some inside information, we KNEW that he had impeccable credentials, tremendous references, and more experience than ANY other candidate for the job he applied for, and he scored 100% on the required proficiency exam--no other candidate scored higher than the high 80 percentiles. He never got a call for an interview.

But like I said, that was then and this is now, and the winds have been changing of late so we'll keep our fingers crossed.
Years ago, I applied for a state job. Scored over 100% (due to a veteran preference), made it to the final round and was "bounced" because someone who could claim a "native" preference applied the last day the position was open.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

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