USMB Coffee Shop IV

Early morning here! You night owls out there having fun with "Coast to Coast" or whatever. Start of the first full week of 2015, so let's make it a good year. In Salt Lake City, 24 and cloudy. We will be inverted and smoggy for a week or so.
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Yesterday I drove to Great Lakes to pick up some prescriptions that they told me would be ready to be picked up yesterday. I got there and the pharmacy was closed for the New Year's holiday. So, I have to drive all the way back there again on Monday. Anyway, on the way home we decided to stop at Marytown and visit the gift shop there. I was floored when I walked in to see this fellow standing there. I talked to him for several minutes, asked him to bless me, made the sign of the cross, told him all about myself but I never got any sort of response. I figured it was because I had not yet completed my RCIA training yet and was not fully a Catholic and that was the reason I got no reply from him. A few moment later, one of the sales ladies from the gift shop asked if she would like for her to take my photo with Pope Francis. I said yes and she did. Afterwards she stated how life-like the cardboard photo aid was and I was floored. I thought I had been talking to the real Pope. Silly me. Mrs. BBD said I was a dope.

That really is a cardboard cutout? You sure couldn't tell it just from the photo. But you and Mrs. BBD look splendid. :)

The Pope is a pretty snappy dresser. Wonder who his tailor is?

Woke up this morning with about four inches of new snow on the ground. Not happy. That is all.
We only picked up about a half an inch, on top of the remaining 4 inches left that hasn't melted yet.
Unfortunately, it would all just turn into rain. :D

We actually had snowflakes falling from the sky a few years back, and some of it stuck to the grass for a couple of hours...exciting stuff.:banana:

Having to shovel feet of snow, now THAT's exciting, good exercise too. :lol:

That's why boyfriends were invented.:D

I actually don't mind shoveling the snow. Of course, at times I do, but it's not so bad. I've lived here my whole life, so it's really all I know. :)

I grew up in the Chicago burbs, so I'm no stranger to snow...most people, even back in the 80's, had snow blowers.

Here's my idea of a great way to shovel snow...and it's warm with a cup holder for your coffee.
Harumpf! Still no snow to speak of here. Even the overcast has cleared up, and clear skies mean cold temps. The past 24 hours have seen our first single-digit temps so far this winter. It was a beautiful night, certainly. I watched the (almost) full moon transit the sky and the Northern Lights were out in all their glory!
I decided on Chicken Kiev, and I make it pretty much the same way Foxy described. Served with a side of rice and steamed green veggies, it should be just right. I'm also going to make a Hollandaise sauce for any who might want to gravy-up.

Sorry to read about Aunt Betty, Foxy. I hope she recovers from her hurts and they are able to pinpoint the cause of her problem.
Good morning Wake, good to see you, and good morning everybody. I feel like something the cat dragged out but things are improving the longer I stay up. Just got a call from Aunt Betty and they're keeping her another day, so I'm headed up to her place to pick up some stuff she needs and will deliver them to the hospital.

Checked the news in southern Alabama and there's nothing about storm damage so I'm assuming the folks in and around Ernie's place are okay. Looks like they're in for some really cold weather for them though.

Chilly here, but clear with bright blue skies so I figure it will warm up at least into the high 30's to maybe 40 today.
We actually had snowflakes falling from the sky a few years back, and some of it stuck to the grass for a couple of hours...exciting stuff.:banana:

Having to shovel feet of snow, now THAT's exciting, good exercise too. :lol:

That's why boyfriends were invented.:D

I actually don't mind shoveling the snow. Of course, at times I do, but it's not so bad. I've lived here my whole life, so it's really all I know. :)

I grew up in the Chicago burbs, so I'm no stranger to snow...most people, even back in the 80's, had snow blowers.

Here's my idea of a great way to shovel snow...and it's warm with a cup holder for your coffee.
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I want to drive one of these snow plows. What a neat job to have :)


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