USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ha-ha! I just checked my mail, and I got another copy of the census because apparently there was an error made on the last one I filled out. They have my birth date as July 4, 1776. :razz: Oh my, I look FANTASTIC for my age!

Also explains the wings....

Can you imagine? How could they make such a mistake? I'm quite sure I didn't write that down as my date of birth. I have no idea where they would come up with such a number. :dunno:
Ha-ha! I just checked my mail, and I got another copy of the census because apparently there was an error made on the last one I filled out. They have my birth date as July 4, 1776. :razz: Oh my, I look FANTASTIC for my age!

Don't they take a census in the first year of a new decade? It is 2015. Why are we having a census?
Ha-ha! I just checked my mail, and I got another copy of the census because apparently there was an error made on the last one I filled out. They have my birth date as July 4, 1776. :razz: Oh my, I look FANTASTIC for my age!

Don't they take a census in the first year of a new decade? It is 2015. Why are we having a census?

I have no idea what is going on. I don't really remember filling it out or when I filled it out. All I know is I got this form in the mail yesterday. (I didn't check my mail until today though, so I didn't see it until today). :dunno: Oh well, it's not that big of a deal, I just have to make a correction and send it back. I just thought it was funny that they had by date of birth as 1776. Yikes!
Ha-ha! I just checked my mail, and I got another copy of the census because apparently there was an error made on the last one I filled out. They have my birth date as July 4, 1776. :razz: Oh my, I look FANTASTIC for my age!

Don't they take a census in the first year of a new decade? It is 2015. Why are we having a census?

I have no idea what is going on. I don't really remember filling it out or when I filled it out. All I know is I got this form in the mail yesterday. (I didn't check my mail until today though, so I didn't see it until today). :dunno: Oh well, it's not that big of a deal, I just have to make a correction and send it back. I just thought it was funny that they had by date of birth as 1776. Yikes!
Are you sure it was the Census? Was it particularly invasive? Last year my house (address) was selected to received a special Survey they claim I was required by law to complete. Matter of fact they kept sending me notices but I haven't seen any in a while now.
Ha-ha! I just checked my mail, and I got another copy of the census because apparently there was an error made on the last one I filled out. They have my birth date as July 4, 1776. :razz: Oh my, I look FANTASTIC for my age!

Don't they take a census in the first year of a new decade? It is 2015. Why are we having a census?

I have no idea what is going on. I don't really remember filling it out or when I filled it out. All I know is I got this form in the mail yesterday. (I didn't check my mail until today though, so I didn't see it until today). :dunno: Oh well, it's not that big of a deal, I just have to make a correction and send it back. I just thought it was funny that they had by date of birth as 1776. Yikes!
Are you sure it was the Census? Was it particularly invasive? Last year my house (address) was selected to received a special Survey they claim I was required by law to complete. Matter of fact they kept sending me notices but I haven't seen any in a while now.

Okay, it's not a state census. It is from city. It says at the top City of _______ Annual Street Listing 2015 - This is an Important Legal Document. Do not ignore it.
has anyone heard anything from 'becki?

No. I have sent several e-mails w/no response. Also several PMs in case she had changed her e-mail address. No response. Because she was just not the type to up and leave without saying anything to anybody, I am terribly afraid something terrible must have happened. But I remain hopeful.

Didn't she say she has cancer? or maybe I'm thinking of someone else.
I don't remember exactly what she had but I know she had a lot of health issues and that her time could come at anytime.

Becki had fibromyalgia which can be both painful and debilitating and there is no known cure, but it generally is not fatal. Sunshine had pulmonary hypertension which is very serious.
that's what I remember. I know becki was having a lot of issues with her husband
Actually wondering what he's using for a smelter. If I remember correctly aluminum has a high melting point, 1200 degrees or something close.

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