USMB Coffee Shop IV

Cats have staff, we admit it.

But I was surprised at how many people Mel had when I followed him.
He had 12 people in a 3 block radius who were his Staff :).
It was also an eye opener at what he did in between stopping at each of his homes that he chose.
He had a great and very interesting routine.
He had a huge harem and kids galore that played with him.
Well, we have a bit of snow... Ed,d the guy who farms my place, just plowed me out. He says we got at least 8 inches and most likely closer to 10 inches of the stuff and it's still snowing. Not as hard as last night but it's still coming down. Winds are supposed to be bad this afternoon and everything will most likely blow shut. It's a good day for staying indoors - no church for us today because the roads are in terrible condition. I will most likely not venture more than 20 feet away from the coffee pot today! Mrs. BBD stayed up late watching tv so she's sleeping in this morning. I have already let the dogs outside and they didn't stay out there very long this morning. They are now laying around in their beds in a deep coma and will stay that way for most of the day. I bet Taco two doggie treats on the Super Bowl.
Yup, still snowing here too, and I stayed up late last night too. Got involved watching that three part series, "Sons Of Liberty," I had recorded in the DVR, and I was keeping an eye on how deep the snow was getting. Going to brew up a fresh pot of coffee here and then get bundled up and go out and see what kind of damage I can do with the big green machine.
Got a picture of Gizmo this morning.

My little black and white critter is in heat again. 10 days of that about drives me insane, and she keeps me awake all night. So I finally called the vet and she's going in on the 12th to be spayed. I was laboring over the decision to do that because of how skittish she is. I knew that when I got her there in the pet carrier, it was going to be battle royal because of her fight or flight instinct. But the vet told me that we won't even have to take her out of the pet carrier, that they have this new deal where they put the carrier in a kind of gas chamber and she breathes some gas that relaxes her to the point where they can handle her and get an IV started. That's the ticket right there. They said she won't remember much other than just being in the pet carrier, so there won't be much trauma either, just a sore belly for a few days. I'll take her early in the morning and pick her up that afternoon. Good job done.
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Hope you feel better quick, Chris.

Thanks Ernie! :)

I actually feel really good right now. I think it may have been a 24-hour thing or something. Still, I cancelled my plans for the Superbowl tomorrow. Oh well. :D
That's probably wise. Some of those things can remain contagious after you feel better.

I'm taking a course on health and food safety now and some food born illnesses remain contagious for up to 60 days.
Do they still teach to have the latrines downriver from the drinking areas? To prevent cholera and keep from wiping out half your army.......

Oh, sorry, wrong era........
They rarely talk Civil War strategy, but I'm only about 3/4 through with the course.
What I find interesting is that this certification is required for your health certification for bars and restaurants, whether they serve food or not. We have no working kitchen per se. We do serve Cuban coffee that is prepared in the kitchen area, but there's no grill or stove. I have to know all about safe storage of shellfish chicken, eggs and dairy, all about food born illnesses and writing plans for outbreaks.
So, I'm 7 or 8 hours into this online course and relevant to my business, I now know that I shouldn't scoop ice with a glass and how to wash my hands.

Okay I thought I was pretty up on safe food handling, but why shouldn't you scoop ice with a glass? That's a new one on me.
Two flat rocks with fix my back?
My back certainly seems to be on the mend. Virtually pain free for month now. Every once in a while, I get a twinge of pain in my hip but then its gone within a second or two. Now, if only the numbness running down the side of my leg and into my foot would just go away.
Yay steroids for fixing my back.
Steroids are on my "allergic" list at the VA, otherwise I'm sure they'd like to give them to me.

I just might be willing to try them again, because I'm NOT going to get a cortisone shot.

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