USMB Coffee Shop IV



They could be from the same litter :)
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Steroids are on my "allergic" list at the VA, otherwise I'm sure they'd like to give them to me.

I just might be willing to try them again, because I'm NOT going to get a cortisone shot.
The ER gave me oral steroids and that helped a lot.
Then I got the cortisone shot in my back (cortisone is also a steroid).
I was already on the mend from the oral steroids and the cortisone shot sealed the deal.

Just curious, why are you opposed to the cortisone shot?
Steroids are on my "allergic" list at the VA, otherwise I'm sure they'd like to give them to me.

I just might be willing to try them again, because I'm NOT going to get a cortisone shot.
The ER gave me oral steroids and that helped a lot.
Then I got the cortisone shot in my back (cortisone is also a steroid).
I was already on the mend from the oral steroids and the cortisone shot sealed the deal.

Just curious, why are you opposed to the cortisone shot?
I want to feel better because my back has been mended, not temporarily treated for pain.
Thanks. I hope you put that money on the Patriots. :D They are going to win, you know.
It's just a big block with a hundred squares on it, and you pick a square and sign your name in it. Then later they draw numbers and assign them to each column along the top and side, so you never know what your going to get. Then during the game at different points and after scores, they take the last two numbers of the score, say 0 and 7, find the square that coincides with 0 and 7 on the board and that person wins that money. There's a bunch of winners usually and it's purely taking a gamble. I've won some and lost some.[/QUOTE]
Superbowl Office Pool US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I'm calling each quarter for my 4 and 0
Q1 Seahawks 14, Pats 0 or 10
Q2 Seahawks 14, Pats 10 or 20
Q3 Seahawks 14 or 24, Pats 20 or 30
Final Seahawks 24, Pats 20 or 30

I know it is virtually impossible for me to win every quarter, but I can dream.
Just curious, why are you opposed to the cortisone shot?
I want to feel better because my back has been mended, not temporarily treated for pain.
I'm not sure what your back problem is. Mine is a herniated disk pushing on my spinal chord with the pain primarily manifesting in my hip. The steroids help a herniated disk to heal, they aren't a pain medication. The hydrocodone and oxycontin were the pain meds I was using, fortunately for only a short time. I'm like you, I don't want to rely on meds for pain, I wanted a solution to the problem.
I didn't simply rely upon what the doctors told me, I'm in the fortunate position to not only have a sister that has had herniated a disk, but she's also been a nurse for over 30 years. Her counsel was both wise and helpful.
Just curious, why are you opposed to the cortisone shot?
I want to feel better because my back has been mended, not temporarily treated for pain.
I'm not sure what your back problem is. Mine is a herniated disk pushing on my spinal chord with the pain primarily manifesting in my hip. The steroids help a herniated disk to heal, they aren't a pain medication. The hydrocodone and oxycontin were the pain meds I was using, fortunately for only a short time. I'm like you, I don't want to rely on meds for pain, I wanted a solution to the problem.
I didn't simply rely upon what the doctors told me, I'm in the fortunate position to not only have a sister that has had herniated a disk, but she's also been a nurse for over 30 years. Her counsel was both wise and helpful.
From what I know of the physical therapist telling me, my left leg is slightly shorter than my right, (news to me although she said it's quite common), and that that has caused my left hip to rotate forward to compensate for it, which also in turn causes my back to have a bend in it, which has caused sciatica nerve pain and probably some swelling. Well I've jumped through all the hoops, did the stretches, put the pad in my left shoes, worn a sacroiliac belt, you name it, I've done it, but nothing has made it any better in like 9 months so I'm very, very sick of it. So I think it's time to get an MRI done and see EXACTLY where the pain is coming from and why, then figure out what needs to be done to fix it, permanently.
Hope you feel better quick, Chris.

Thanks Ernie! :)

I actually feel really good right now. I think it may have been a 24-hour thing or something. Still, I cancelled my plans for the Superbowl tomorrow. Oh well. :D
That's probably wise. Some of those things can remain contagious after you feel better.

I'm taking a course on health and food safety now and some food born illnesses remain contagious for up to 60 days.
Do they still teach to have the latrines downriver from the drinking areas? To prevent cholera and keep from wiping out half your army.......

Oh, sorry, wrong era........
They rarely talk Civil War strategy, but I'm only about 3/4 through with the course.
What I find interesting is that this certification is required for your health certification for bars and restaurants, whether they serve food or not. We have no working kitchen per se. We do serve Cuban coffee that is prepared in the kitchen area, but there's no grill or stove. I have to know all about safe storage of shellfish chicken, eggs and dairy, all about food born illnesses and writing plans for outbreaks.
So, I'm 7 or 8 hours into this online course and relevant to my business, I now know that I shouldn't scoop ice with a glass and how to wash my hands.

Okay I thought I was pretty up on safe food handling, but why shouldn't you scoop ice with a glass? That's a new one on me.
You could break the glass.
Well, back from Max's. We have the leak fixed and I have a good idea of how to procede with re plumbing the whole damned place. I'm thinking we'll just run everything new in CPVC with stub outs and angle stops. Once all that is done, I can disconnect the old work and hook up the new while Max starts hooking individual fixtures by just moving the supply lines from old to new. I'll help with the last few and open the ball valve. Should only have the water off for an hour or an hour and a half.

Gotta grab a shower and head off to work. Max has to hit the clinic for a dressing change. We both got soaked and his PICC line entry got wet.
Well I'm bettin' we got somewhere around 10" of snow, and it's still coming down. Looks like the end isn't far off now though judging by the radar, couple hours max. It's been a really light snow. Had this been some big heavy flakes, we'd have two feet. I'll fire up the big green machine when it quits.
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Well, I've been on the phone all morning locked in mortal combat with Verizon because of the massive number of dropped calls here at home. The problem is the phone by default locks on to the nearest Verizon signal, but that is a tower that's probably 25 miles away, so the signal is in the toilet. When it sees that this tower isn't working it finally switches over a US Cellular tower just two miles behind me where Verizon has leased space and put up dishes, and then the signal is fantastic. There appears to be no cure for this problem. Tech support has worked on it for three weeks now to no avail. So, they told me I need a "network extender," which is actually my own little tower. Evidently it hooks up to my cable internet and my home calls will actually go over that instead of a tower in the area. Well, it better work, because the damn extender was $175 even after a $75 discount. I hope it works, or it's time to go back to US Cellular, which I actually don't want to do. The Verizon 4G LTE is outstanding.
I had Virgin Mobile for years till we moved to Podunk, Virgin Mobile runs off the back of the Sprint network and Sprint isn't in this area at all. We switched to Verizon because it has the best signal here but in order to use it in the house we have to stand by the kitchen window or outside and the signal still only has one or two bars. While I like the Verizon coverage I'm paying 70% more for service then when I was on Virgin Mobile. When we get back to civilization I'll switch back to either Virgin Mobile or the Wally World network.
Until recently, we only had AT&T and another local network. Now, Verizon and several others have moved in. Personally, I like the connectivity of AT&T, I can call my daughter in NC, or anywhere else she is, as long as we have our AT&T. No long distance charges, no extra fees, and they still have the best coverage overall in the far-reaching wilderness that is most of Alaska.
The wife just got a call from the job in El Paso....... they want her to come down for a panel interview at the hospital basically doing what she was doing here. Uummmmm, El Paso......... Ummmmmm.........
Uh, yeah...El Paso. I have an aunt and uncle living there...if you can call existence in El Paso "living" by any modern, American standard. Do either of you speak Spanish? Yeah, usually a prerequisite for any job in El Paso.
Well, I've been on the phone all morning locked in mortal combat with Verizon because of the massive number of dropped calls here at home. The problem is the phone by default locks on to the nearest Verizon signal, but that is a tower that's probably 25 miles away, so the signal is in the toilet. When it sees that this tower isn't working it finally switches over a US Cellular tower just two miles behind me where Verizon has leased space and put up dishes, and then the signal is fantastic. There appears to be no cure for this problem. Tech support has worked on it for three weeks now to no avail. So, they told me I need a "network extender," which is actually my own little tower. Evidently it hooks up to my cable internet and my home calls will actually go over that instead of a tower in the area. Well, it better work, because the damn extender was $175 even after a $75 discount. I hope it works, or it's time to go back to US Cellular, which I actually don't want to do. The Verizon 4G LTE is outstanding.
I had Virgin Mobile for years till we moved to Podunk, Virgin Mobile runs off the back of the Sprint network and Sprint isn't in this area at all. We switched to Verizon because it has the best signal here but in order to use it in the house we have to stand by the kitchen window or outside and the signal still only has one or two bars. While I like the Verizon coverage I'm paying 70% more for service then when I was on Virgin Mobile. When we get back to civilization I'll switch back to either Virgin Mobile or the Wally World network.

I'm surprised you can't get Sprint there. When we've met with friends at Angel Fire, Sprint was just about the only signal anybody could get. There was a bit more variety at Red River including Sprint and you are only a stone's throw from there.
No Sprint towers or leased space on towers in this location, pretty much lose the Sprint signal around Walsenburg.

We here are the two most promising options, Albuquerque for around $40k a year or El Paso for around $60k a year, both permanent positions. Both cities are fairly large with each having a population of around 650,000, up towards 1 mil when the metro areas are included so all the standard "amenities" are there.
Having been to both places, I would personally opt for Albuquerque. El Paso has lots of suck to recommend it. Although, they do have a Tony Lamas boot factory. Do you like Tony Lamas boots?
Here is one where you can get an app for it 007.

Tried it, didn't work.

I've already got the network extender on order. Might as well just use it. That works like my own little personal tower in my home. I don't think anything is going to beat that. I will let ya know how well it works.

My neighbor has one, he's a forestry ranger so he's on call 24/7, they paid for it, he has no idea what it cost.

Well since I was rather irritated when I spoke with Verizon this morning, and was threatening dropping them, they quickly arranged $75 off, but off of $250 that was still $175 I really wasn't happy about having to dish out. They said if that didn't work I could return it for a full refund, and get out of my contra no charge. I'm hoping it works, because I basically talk over my internet on the extender. All it does is sense calls and then routes them over the internet through Verizon, no extra charge. Sounds good to me.

The wife just got a call from the job in El Paso....... they want her to come down for a panel interview at the hospital basically doing what she was doing here. Uummmmm, El Paso......... Ummmmmm.........

Is that good or bad? :)
Depends I guess. El Paso is right on the border with Mexico. If you don't mind kind of like in the middle of nowhere and illegal aliens, it's OK.

I doubt even El Paso has as many illegals as Albuquerque. :( (New Mexico is a sanctuary state with a number of sanctuary cities.) But it doesn't affect quality of life all that much in either place if you are careful where you buy.

El Paso cop in hot pursuit of a car-jacker. Who gets stopped and arrested at the border by the Mexican cops? The El Paso cop, because he's carrying a firearm. The car-jacker...just drives right through. Mexican women with their legs tied together, ready to deliver a kid, dropped on the portico of the Catholic figure it out. Truckloads of adults dropped at the top of the street, can buy your candy back in Juarez the next weekend from some little kid. Not to mention, it's desert, desert, landscape your yard with landscaping fabric and rocks...cactus in containers are optional.
Here is one where you can get an app for it 007.

Tried it, didn't work.

I've already got the network extender on order. Might as well just use it. That works like my own little personal tower in my home. I don't think anything is going to beat that. I will let ya know how well it works.

My neighbor has one, he's a forestry ranger so he's on call 24/7, they paid for it, he has no idea what it cost.

Well since I was rather irritated when I spoke with Verizon this morning, and was threatening dropping them, they quickly arranged $75 off, but off of $250 that was still $175 I really wasn't happy about having to dish out. They said if that didn't work I could return it for a full refund, and get out of my contra no charge. I'm hoping it works, because I basically talk over my internet on the extender. All it does is sense calls and then routes them over the internet through Verizon, no extra charge. Sounds good to me.

The wife just got a call from the job in El Paso....... they want her to come down for a panel interview at the hospital basically doing what she was doing here. Uummmmm, El Paso......... Ummmmmm.........

Is that good or bad? :)
Depends I guess. El Paso is right on the border with Mexico. If you don't mind kind of like in the middle of nowhere and illegal aliens, it's OK.

I doubt even El Paso has as many illegals as Albuquerque. :( (New Mexico is a sanctuary state with a number of sanctuary cities.) But it doesn't affect quality of life all that much in either place if you are careful where you buy.

C'mon up to Alaska, I'll show you different!
Sorry, I'm a little out of it today, guys. I'm pretty sure I have the flu. I feel absolutely rotten and out of it. :cheeky-smiley-018: I'll be sick as a dog tomorrow for the Superbowl. Yay. :rolleyes-41:
That sucks. Take care if yourself

Thanks! It really sucks. I was supposed to have some friends over tomorrow for the game, now I'll be watching by my lonesome. I'll have to come here while the game is on so I can have people to celebrate with, or razz whatever the case may be. Lol.

Gee, I don't get the flu...

I don't get flu shots. Maybe I should think about it. I've never gotten one before because I'm hardly ever sick. However, I got the flu last year (a 48-hour flu) too.
I'm usually sicker after any flu shot than if I get one. I would rather take my chances without.

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