USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning! Glad that New England won the Super Bowl. We got over 12 inches of snow yesterday. Today is blue skies and the weather has cleared. Just got myself all plowed out. Don't know why... can't go anywhere because the roads are in terrible condition. Ed, the guy who farms my place, lives just over a mile away from me. It took him over 45 minutes to get here to plow me out. He said there are many cars stuck on the road because the snow is so deep due to all the blowing and drifting. Said not to plan on going anywhere because he heard most places are closed up today due to the weather. So, it will be another day huddled around the coffee pot which is a good place to be.
Being a living historian and reenactor I've often wondered how we modern folk would fare,particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries. Read an account, think it was early 1800s, that people living along a certain "main" road (rural) were responsible for clearing the road of snow during the winter. They had a log specifically for that purpose which they would harness it to draft animals and drag the log along the road to push off and flatten down the snow.
Families and individuals that would be snowed in for weeks at a time after a heavy blizzard, people traveling through the snow without Gore Tex or modern insulated boots, etc.
No indoor running water, no indoor bathrooms, no toilet paper, no electric or gas furnace, no air conditioners or heat pumps, no instant, quickly prepared microwaveable foods, no meteorologist to make fun of when they get the forecast wrong......... The list goes on and on.

Happy Ground hog Day

Being a living historian and reenactor I've often wondered how we modern folk would fare,particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries. Read an account, think it was early 1800s, that people living along a certain "main" road (rural) were responsible for clearing the road of snow during the winter. They had a log specifically for that purpose which they would harness it to draft animals and drag the log along the road to push off and flatten down the snow.
Families and individuals that would be snowed in for weeks at a time after a heavy blizzard, people traveling through the snow without Gore Tex or modern insulated boots, etc.
No indoor running water, no indoor bathrooms, no toilet paper, no electric or gas furnace, no air conditioners or heat pumps, no instant, quickly prepared microwaveable foods, no meteorologist to make fun of when they get the forecast wrong......... The list goes on and on.

They had the Farmers Almanac back then to blame. :biggrin:
Good morning everybody. Bright sunshine and spring seems to have arrived early in New Mexico with temps in the mid to high 50's predicted all this week. So what does the groundhog know after all? Apparently Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning.

If a groundhog stuck his head up out of a hole here today, he'd be about a foot under the snow.

Started at 12:30pm shoveling with 5-6" on the ground. By 3pm it was 8 and then 10 by 5pm. It was 6:30 when I finished my drive and walks for the day. Up at 6am today for round two. Been dividing time between regular work and shoveling and have one left to finish.

13" of snow in this storm, not counting the drifting that occurred many places.
Well congrats to Chris and the Patriots. It was a good game despite probably the dumbest call in the history of the Super Bowl. But oh well. Next year. . .

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Pogo's aunt,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Well thank you, and that's football. The better team took advantage of the other team's bad calls. :D Coaching counts. Play calls count. Everything counts.
A whole lot of errors made the ending so interesting. Why did the Pat defense player jump over the guy laying on the ground who eventually caught the ball?
Throw a shot pass at the goal line??? In retrospect, a bad decision that cost the game, but really whodathunk. 99 times out of 100, you'd get away with that because defense is ready for a run. The interception was.... well, it just happened that the guy was in the perfect spot to deflect the receiver's arm with his helmet and grab the ball. that's a 1,000:1 shot there.
THEN, drawing the 5 yard off sides penalty essentially ended it. I'm pretty confident that that was what Belichick and Brady talked about during the time out.
48 in Foley at noon, clear and sunny. We'll be cloudy tomorrow and rainy Wednesday with daytime highs about 70 all week.
Y'all have a great day! Gotta get ready to head out to Doc's.
I was really disappointed in the puppy bowl this year.
The whole idea of it was to adopt the puppies and get people out to their local shelters to adopt.
This year more than half of them were already adopted.
It killed the reason to watch them.
Why would I want to sit there and watch their individualism and character traits that makes them stand out where you think they would fit into your lifestyle and home environment?
So you sit there and watch puppies that already have homes, it just killed the show.
Then again maybe that was the purpose, after all it has been on for 11 successful years, why continue that successes.
Somebody was really and I mean really stupid to have changed it.
Even the half time was stupid with Katty Furry. Jezzzzz

Kitten Bowl II was good.
Last year they got 75 out of the 100 cats adopted last year.
I hope all 100 gets adopted this year. :)
I was really disappointed in the puppy bowl this year.
The whole idea of it was to adopt the puppies and get people out to their local shelters to adopt.
This year more than half of them were already adopted.
It killed the reason to watch them.
Why would I want to sit there and watch their individualism and character traits that makes them stand out where you think they would fit into your lifestyle and home environment?
So you sit there and watch puppies that already have homes, it just killed the show.
Then again maybe that was the purpose, after all it has been on for 11 successful years, why continue that successes.
Somebody was really and I mean really stupid to have changed it.
Even the half time was stupid with Katty Furry. Jezzzzz

Kitten Bowl II was good.
Last year they got 75 out of the 100 cats adopted last year.
I hope all 100 gets adopted this year. :)

I wondered what was the difference with the Puppy Bowl this year, and maybe that was it. They didn't seem to be interested in getting people interested in the puppies as much as they were interested in the announcers being 'cute' and as a result it got boring really fast.

Katie Perry? Meh. I've never really been a fan but didn't mind the halftime show as much as most. At least you could actually hear the music and there was a striking lack of suggestiveness and borderline porn with this one which I found refreshing.

I'm no prude as ya'll well know and I enjoy adult banter as much as the next person, but a halftime show on public television is not the place for it.
I was really disappointed in the puppy bowl this year.
The whole idea of it was to adopt the puppies and get people out to their local shelters to adopt.
This year more than half of them were already adopted.
It killed the reason to watch them.
Why would I want to sit there and watch their individualism and character traits that makes them stand out where you think they would fit into your lifestyle and home environment?
So you sit there and watch puppies that already have homes, it just killed the show.
Then again maybe that was the purpose, after all it has been on for 11 successful years, why continue that successes.
Somebody was really and I mean really stupid to have changed it.
Even the half time was stupid with Katty Furry. Jezzzzz

Kitten Bowl II was good.
Last year they got 75 out of the 100 cats adopted last year.
I hope all 100 gets adopted this year. :)

I wondered what was the difference with the Puppy Bowl this year, and maybe that was it. They didn't seem to be interested in getting people interested in the puppies as much as they were interested in the announcers being 'cute' and as a result it got boring really fast.

Katie Perry? Meh. I've never really been a fan but didn't mind the halftime show as much as most. At least you could actually hear the music and there was a striking lack of suggestiveness and borderline porn with this one which I found refreshing.

I'm no prude as ya'll well know and I enjoy adult banter as much as the next person, but a halftime show on public television is not the place for it.
I am a football fan. It's in my genes. I live less than forty five minutes from Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, I hold a degree from The Ohio State University. Johnny Unitas, Jim Kelly, Joe Namath, Joe Montana and Dan Marino were all born and raised and played their high school football within an hour's drive of Pimplebutt. I am a football fan.

Last night I watched Downton Abbey.
Last edited:
Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title and lyrics dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?
I was really disappointed in the puppy bowl this year.
The whole idea of it was to adopt the puppies and get people out to their local shelters to adopt.
This year more than half of them were already adopted.
It killed the reason to watch them.
Why would I want to sit there and watch their individualism and character traits that makes them stand out where you think they would fit into your lifestyle and home environment?
So you sit there and watch puppies that already have homes, it just killed the show.
Then again maybe that was the purpose, after all it has been on for 11 successful years, why continue that successes.
Somebody was really and I mean really stupid to have changed it.
Even the half time was stupid with Katty Furry. Jezzzzz

Kitten Bowl II was good.
Last year they got 75 out of the 100 cats adopted last year.
I hope all 100 gets adopted this year. :)

I wondered what was the difference with the Puppy Bowl this year, and maybe that was it. They didn't seem to be interested in getting people interested in the puppies as much as they were interested in the announcers being 'cute' and as a result it got boring really fast.

Katie Perry? Meh. I've never really been a fan but didn't mind the halftime show as much as most. At least you could actually hear the music and there was a striking lack of suggestiveness and borderline porn with this one which I found refreshing.

I'm no prude as ya'll well know and I enjoy adult banter as much as the next person, but a halftime show on public television is not the place for it.
I am a football fan. It's in my genes. I live less than forty five minutes from Heinz Field in Pittsburgh, I hold a degree from The Ohio State University. Johnny Unitas, Joe Namath, Joe Montana and Dan Marino were all born and raised and played their high school football within an hour's drive of Pimplebutt. I am a football fan.

Last night I watched Downton Abbey.
I read some, played on the internet, played some video games and watched a movie........ I'm not a sports fan........
Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?
He has a fortress of solitude, why does he need to be Clark Kent.......?
Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?
There's gotta be an app for that.
Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?
He has a fortress of solitude, why does he need to be Clark Kent.......?

So that he can court or interact with Lois Lane of course.
Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?
He has a fortress of solitude, why does he need to be Clark Kent.......?

So that he can court or interact with Lois Lane of course.
he does that as Superman.......

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