USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title and lyrics dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?
A Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts, every megalopolis has one or the other or both on every block.

Nowdays he has his costume under his cloths and he changes really fast.
It's called the blue blur. :)

In the show Smallville, they actually did call him the red-blue blur for a while. Of course, he wasn't actually wearing the suit, just red and blue clothes, if I remember correctly. :lol:
Superman's secret identity has always been ridiculous considering how openly he displays his face. I loved how the comic The Tick parodied it.

My neighbor has one, he's a forestry ranger so he's on call 24/7, they paid for it, he has no idea what it cost.
Well since I was rather irritated when I spoke with Verizon this morning, and was threatening dropping them, they quickly arranged $75 off, but off of $250 that was still $175 I really wasn't happy about having to dish out. They said if that didn't work I could return it for a full refund, and get out of my contra no charge. I'm hoping it works, because I basically talk over my internet on the extender. All it does is sense calls and then routes them over the internet through Verizon, no extra charge. Sounds good to me.
The wife just got a call from the job in El Paso....... they want her to come down for a panel interview at the hospital basically doing what she was doing here. Uummmmm, El Paso......... Ummmmmm.........

Is that good or bad? :)
Depends I guess. El Paso is right on the border with Mexico. If you don't mind kind of like in the middle of nowhere and illegal aliens, it's OK.

I doubt even El Paso has as many illegals as Albuquerque. :( (New Mexico is a sanctuary state with a number of sanctuary cities.) But it doesn't affect quality of life all that much in either place if you are careful where you buy.
El Paso cop in hot pursuit of a car-jacker. Who gets stopped and arrested at the border by the Mexican cops? The El Paso cop, because he's carrying a firearm. The car-jacker...just drives right through. Mexican women with their legs tied together, ready to deliver a kid, dropped on the portico of the Catholic figure it out. Truckloads of adults dropped at the top of the street, can buy your candy back in Juarez the next weekend from some little kid. Not to mention, it's desert, desert, landscape your yard with landscaping fabric and rocks...cactus in containers are optional.
Hey, I lived outside of DC........ ya didn't go into Soauf East even during the day unless you were driving a Mad Max mobile....... El Paso's got nothing on that.........
Besides, I like rock, ya don't have to feed, water or mow it......... Esto es no problemo. :D
I lived outside of DC once-upon-a-time, too. Definitely parts of DC you don't visit, unless you're a fool or properly equipped. Given a choice between El Paso and DC, I'd take El Paso any and every day. And rocks do make a "user friendly" kind of garden. You still have to weed, though.
Being a living historian and reenactor I've often wondered how we modern folk would fare,particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries. Read an account, think it was early 1800s, that people living along a certain "main" road (rural) were responsible for clearing the road of snow during the winter. They had a log specifically for that purpose which they would harness it to draft animals and drag the log along the road to push off and flatten down the snow.
Families and individuals that would be snowed in for weeks at a time after a heavy blizzard, people traveling through the snow without Gore Tex or modern insulated boots, etc.
No indoor running water, no indoor bathrooms, no toilet paper, no electric or gas furnace, no air conditioners or heat pumps, no instant, quickly prepared microwaveable foods, no meteorologist to make fun of when they get the forecast wrong......... The list goes on and on.
I wouldn't mind. Only those of us who understand and prepare would be likely to survive such hardships, and I find folks like us are quite amenable.
Do you have all the supplies you need just in case Chris?

Yes, I have water and bread and milk and all that stuff. I also have neighbors really close by. I don't have a generator or anything fancy like some people have, so if I lose power, I will have to leave. That didn't happen last storm, but I did lose my cable and internet. Hope that doesn't happen again.

I hope it doesn't either.
Can you walk to a shelter or do you have to drive in that horrid stuff?

Oh yes. I'm within walking distance of a lot of places. Also, my mom lives one town over. I have a friend who's a plow driver. I was thinking, maybe I could call my friend, hitch a ride to my mom's. Lol. :lol:
When I was in my late teens. I plowed snow for the town. Every 3 or 4 hours, we took a coffee break and since there were no all night diners, we would stop at the house of a crew member. We were technically not supposed to use the town plows to clear our own driveway, but we would always drop the plows when we parked and I can't tell you how often we would simply forget to raise the plow when we left to go back to work.
Well since I was rather irritated when I spoke with Verizon this morning, and was threatening dropping them, they quickly arranged $75 off, but off of $250 that was still $175 I really wasn't happy about having to dish out. They said if that didn't work I could return it for a full refund, and get out of my contra no charge. I'm hoping it works, because I basically talk over my internet on the extender. All it does is sense calls and then routes them over the internet through Verizon, no extra charge. Sounds good to me.
Is that good or bad? :)
Depends I guess. El Paso is right on the border with Mexico. If you don't mind kind of like in the middle of nowhere and illegal aliens, it's OK.

I doubt even El Paso has as many illegals as Albuquerque. :( (New Mexico is a sanctuary state with a number of sanctuary cities.) But it doesn't affect quality of life all that much in either place if you are careful where you buy.
El Paso cop in hot pursuit of a car-jacker. Who gets stopped and arrested at the border by the Mexican cops? The El Paso cop, because he's carrying a firearm. The car-jacker...just drives right through. Mexican women with their legs tied together, ready to deliver a kid, dropped on the portico of the Catholic figure it out. Truckloads of adults dropped at the top of the street, can buy your candy back in Juarez the next weekend from some little kid. Not to mention, it's desert, desert, landscape your yard with landscaping fabric and rocks...cactus in containers are optional.
Hey, I lived outside of DC........ ya didn't go into Soauf East even during the day unless you were driving a Mad Max mobile....... El Paso's got nothing on that.........
Besides, I like rock, ya don't have to feed, water or mow it......... Esto es no problemo. :D
I lived outside of DC once-upon-a-time, too. Definitely parts of DC you don't visit, unless you're a fool or properly equipped. Given a choice between El Paso and DC, I'd take El Paso any and every day. And rocks do make a "user friendly" kind of garden. You still have to weed, though.
By the way, when was the last time you were in El Paso? My first reaction was; "Oh hell no!!!", then I started doing some research and talking to people who are and have been familiar with El Paso for decades. Seems El Paso has undergone a transformation from a dirty, crime ridden military town to a clean, modern, fairly safe city, the 19th most populous city in the US. As for being desert, We've been living in a semi-arid clime for a few years, possibly time to experience what living in the desert is like.
Actually I find myself getting a little excited about the prospect, kinda hoping it does pan out.
Being a living historian and reenactor I've often wondered how we modern folk would fare,particularly in the 17th and 18th centuries. Read an account, think it was early 1800s, that people living along a certain "main" road (rural) were responsible for clearing the road of snow during the winter. They had a log specifically for that purpose which they would harness it to draft animals and drag the log along the road to push off and flatten down the snow.
Families and individuals that would be snowed in for weeks at a time after a heavy blizzard, people traveling through the snow without Gore Tex or modern insulated boots, etc.
No indoor running water, no indoor bathrooms, no toilet paper, no electric or gas furnace, no air conditioners or heat pumps, no instant, quickly prepared microwaveable foods, no meteorologist to make fun of when they get the forecast wrong......... The list goes on and on.
I wouldn't mind. Only those of us who understand and prepare would be likely to survive such hardships, and I find folks like us are quite amenable.
I've done it (somewhat) for a couple weeks at a time, Granted my vehicle was not that far away, at least 20 to 30 people were involved and we had modern first aid kits and radios (turned off to conserve battery power) for emergencies or a nearby farmhouse with a phone in case it was needed. We had also brought all the food and water we would need so we didn't have to hunt or grow any or fetch water from a stream or well. Honestly the biggest issue we faced was staying "modern" clean, needless to say you can only get so clean with a "sponge bath" every couple of 4 days and what got washed most was our underwear and shirts, the wool clothing was mostly hung out to air. :lol:
Superman is just setting himself up for failure. He will way outlive Lois and even Superman won't keep her happy in the long run.
I was really disappointed in the puppy bowl this year.
The whole idea of it was to adopt the puppies and get people out to their local shelters to adopt.
This year more than half of them were already adopted.
It killed the reason to watch them.
Why would I want to sit there and watch their individualism and character traits that makes them stand out where you think they would fit into your lifestyle and home environment?
So you sit there and watch puppies that already have homes, it just killed the show.
Then again maybe that was the purpose, after all it has been on for 11 successful years, why continue that successes.
Somebody was really and I mean really stupid to have changed it.
Even the half time was stupid with Katty Furry. Jezzzzz

Kitten Bowl II was good.
Last year they got 75 out of the 100 cats adopted last year.
I hope all 100 gets adopted this year. :)

I wondered what was the difference with the Puppy Bowl this year, and maybe that was it. They didn't seem to be interested in getting people interested in the puppies as much as they were interested in the announcers being 'cute' and as a result it got boring really fast.

Katie Perry? Meh. I've never really been a fan but didn't mind the halftime show as much as most. At least you could actually hear the music and there was a striking lack of suggestiveness and borderline porn with this one which I found refreshing.

I'm no prude as ya'll well know and I enjoy adult banter as much as the next person, but a halftime show on public television is not the place for it.

I thought the half time show was kind of cute. Lol. :D

I liked that mechanical tiger.
But the Shark dancing thing, I think was dumb.
I liked most of it though.

But, but the sharks were jaw synching to the song.
I was really disappointed in the puppy bowl this year.
The whole idea of it was to adopt the puppies and get people out to their local shelters to adopt.
This year more than half of them were already adopted.
It killed the reason to watch them.
Why would I want to sit there and watch their individualism and character traits that makes them stand out where you think they would fit into your lifestyle and home environment?
So you sit there and watch puppies that already have homes, it just killed the show.
Then again maybe that was the purpose, after all it has been on for 11 successful years, why continue that successes.
Somebody was really and I mean really stupid to have changed it.
Even the half time was stupid with Katty Furry. Jezzzzz

Kitten Bowl II was good.
Last year they got 75 out of the 100 cats adopted last year.
I hope all 100 gets adopted this year. :)

I wondered what was the difference with the Puppy Bowl this year, and maybe that was it. They didn't seem to be interested in getting people interested in the puppies as much as they were interested in the announcers being 'cute' and as a result it got boring really fast.

Katie Perry? Meh. I've never really been a fan but didn't mind the halftime show as much as most. At least you could actually hear the music and there was a striking lack of suggestiveness and borderline porn with this one which I found refreshing.

I'm no prude as ya'll well know and I enjoy adult banter as much as the next person, but a halftime show on public television is not the place for it.

I thought the half time show was kind of cute. Lol. :D

I liked that mechanical tiger.
But the Shark dancing thing, I think was dumb.
I liked most of it though.

But, but the sharks were jaw synching to the song.

So was everybody else. :)
Pretty much anyone who does five big hits in a short span of the halftime show is going to lip synch. Also all the physical moving around makes breath control very hard. Add to that all the high tech stunt coordination. I look at it this way, she was on key and remembered the words. Mz. Carrey couldn't do that in either of her last two attempts.
Okay, at risk of making it sound like a really slow day at the Foxfyre's, I have a problem for ya'll to solve. We're both doing stuff on the computer and listening to the classic country station on the radio, and they just played Travis Tritt's "Here's a Quarter, Call Someone Who Cares". Hombre mentioned how much the song title and lyrics dated the song as there are essentially no pay phones to be found anywhere any more. And then he mentioned that Superman had nowhere to change to do his super hero stuff.

So, that got me wondering. If you were creating the character of Superman these days, there aren't the trademark phone booths where he can change into his super hero clothes. So where would you have him change when he needs to change out of his Clark Kent persona fast?

Being a retired super hero, I can speak with authority on where the good guys can change into their super hero clothes. However, due to the fact I have signed documents that insist I give no trade secrets away to the general public, I can only speak in generalities. I can say, and it's no secret, that just about every eating establishment has a public bathroom. You'll have to figure out the rest.
Good morning everybody. Our internet was down again last night at bedtime so I didn't get to sign off again. I don't know what Comcast/Xfinity is doing around midnight or wee hours of the morning these days, but it does seem the whole system does go off line for awhile around that time so I figure they're doing some sort of maintenance.

Ya'll in the northeast--that would be Chris, Spoonie, et al--bundle up. The weather forecast looked horrendous with temps dropping to 20 below or more--or maybe that was the wind chills. But either way that is COLD!!

Now I'm debating if I want to make Malt-o-meal just for me. Hombre had already eaten when I got up. I'll wander into the kitchen and see if the notion stays with me. . . .
Oh and thanks for all the um (cough) helpful suggestions on the Superman problem. I think I like the blue blur concept best, but even there he would have to step out of sight somewhere so the transformation would not be associated with Clark Kent.

And I always wondered what he did with Clark's clothes in those phone booths anyway. But that's the wonder of the movies and television--so many things can just happen because they want them to happen. :)
Oh and thanks for all the um (cough) helpful suggestions on the Superman problem. I think I like the blue blur concept best, but even there he would have to step out of sight somewhere so the transformation would not be associated with Clark Kent.

And I always wondered what he did with Clark's clothes in those phone booths anyway. But that's the wonder of the movies and television--so many things can just happen because they want them to happen. :)

In the comic book he put them in a pocket of his cape. :biggrin:
Good morning everybody. Our internet was down again last night at bedtime so I didn't get to sign off again. I don't know what Comcast/Xfinity is doing around midnight or wee hours of the morning these days, but it does seem the whole system does go off line for awhile around that time so I figure they're doing some sort of maintenance.

Ya'll in the northeast--that would be Chris, Spoonie, et al--bundle up. The weather forecast looked horrendous with temps dropping to 20 below or more--or maybe that was the wind chills. But either way that is COLD!!

Now I'm debating if I want to make Malt-o-meal just for me. Hombre had already eaten when I got up. I'll wander into the kitchen and see if the notion stays with me. . . .
The internet went down at Doc's last night. We couldn't run credit cards which hurt a little, but we do have an ATM that works via modem so we didn't lose many sales.
Poker continues to frustrate me. People with no business in a hand after a substantial raise keep getting uncannily lucky. Odds are that I should get some of that, but nope, other than one hand where I had pocket deuces and hit a deuce, deuce king on the flop.

So, I got out of the bar about 1 and stopped for something to eat on the way home. Got to bed just before 3 and to sleep about 3:30. At 7:14 the door bell rings. Damned if it ain't the guy up the street that always needs a plumbing repair or a $20 til Thursday, needing a jump start. I said "No." I'm proud of myself.
Cloudy and 45 in Foley this morning. It should warm up tomorrow and be decent through the weekend.
Superman's secret identity has always been ridiculous considering how openly he displays his face. I loved how the comic The Tick parodied it.


Oh come on. Nobody can write fiction any more if plausibility gets in the way of the story line.

Last night on one of the interminable "Big Bang Theory" re-runs, Sheldon persuaded is girlfriend to watch his favorite movie which was "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." And at the end she said she enjoyed it despite the obvious story problem. "What story problem" Sheldon wanted to know. The problem that Indiana Jones was absolutely unnecessary to the plot which resulted in the Germans winding up with the Ark and blowing themselves up with it which she said would have happened anyway had there been no Indiana Jones.

I enjoy nitpicking director screw ups like failing to notice historical discrepancies in plot, costuming, or background, but I don't mess with a good story line.

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