USMB Coffee Shop IV

Superman's secret identity has always been ridiculous considering how openly he displays his face. I loved how the comic The Tick parodied it.


Oh come on. Nobody can write fiction any more if plausibility gets in the way of the story line.

Last night on one of the interminable "Big Bang Theory" re-runs, Sheldon persuaded is girlfriend to watch his favorite movie which was "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." And at the end she said she enjoyed it despite the obvious story problem. "What story problem" Sheldon wanted to know. The problem that Indiana Jones was absolutely unnecessary to the plot which resulted in the Germans winding up with the Ark and blowing themselves up with it which she said would have happened anyway had there been no Indiana Jones.

I enjoy nitpicking director screw ups like failing to notice historical discrepancies in plot, costuming, or background, but I don't mess with a good story line.

Other superheros with secret identities wear masks. Superman, on the other hand, leaves his face open for everyone to see, then tosses on a pair of glasses and suddenly no one notices the resemblance. :lol:

Almost every comic book hero is going to have a lot of things which stretch credulity, often even within the rules set up for that particular universe. Superman has simply been more egregious with that than most. ;)
Superman's secret identity has always been ridiculous considering how openly he displays his face. I loved how the comic The Tick parodied it.


Oh come on. Nobody can write fiction any more if plausibility gets in the way of the story line.

Last night on one of the interminable "Big Bang Theory" re-runs, Sheldon persuaded is girlfriend to watch his favorite movie which was "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." And at the end she said she enjoyed it despite the obvious story problem. "What story problem" Sheldon wanted to know. The problem that Indiana Jones was absolutely unnecessary to the plot which resulted in the Germans winding up with the Ark and blowing themselves up with it which she said would have happened anyway had there been no Indiana Jones.

I enjoy nitpicking director screw ups like failing to notice historical discrepancies in plot, costuming, or background, but I don't mess with a good story line.

Other superheros with secret identities wear masks. Superman, on the other hand, leaves his face open for everyone to see, then tosses on a pair of glasses and suddenly no one notices the resemblance. :lol:

Almost every comic book hero is going to have a lot of things which stretch credulity, often even within the rules set up for that particular universe. Superman has simply been more egregious with that than most. ;)

I don't care. He was my first super hero and remain my favorite. :)
Depends I guess. El Paso is right on the border with Mexico. If you don't mind kind of like in the middle of nowhere and illegal aliens, it's OK.

I doubt even El Paso has as many illegals as Albuquerque. :( (New Mexico is a sanctuary state with a number of sanctuary cities.) But it doesn't affect quality of life all that much in either place if you are careful where you buy.
El Paso cop in hot pursuit of a car-jacker. Who gets stopped and arrested at the border by the Mexican cops? The El Paso cop, because he's carrying a firearm. The car-jacker...just drives right through. Mexican women with their legs tied together, ready to deliver a kid, dropped on the portico of the Catholic figure it out. Truckloads of adults dropped at the top of the street, can buy your candy back in Juarez the next weekend from some little kid. Not to mention, it's desert, desert, landscape your yard with landscaping fabric and rocks...cactus in containers are optional.
Hey, I lived outside of DC........ ya didn't go into Soauf East even during the day unless you were driving a Mad Max mobile....... El Paso's got nothing on that.........
Besides, I like rock, ya don't have to feed, water or mow it......... Esto es no problemo. :D
I lived outside of DC once-upon-a-time, too. Definitely parts of DC you don't visit, unless you're a fool or properly equipped. Given a choice between El Paso and DC, I'd take El Paso any and every day. And rocks do make a "user friendly" kind of garden. You still have to weed, though.
By the way, when was the last time you were in El Paso? My first reaction was; "Oh hell no!!!", then I started doing some research and talking to people who are and have been familiar with El Paso for decades. Seems El Paso has undergone a transformation from a dirty, crime ridden military town to a clean, modern, fairly safe city, the 19th most populous city in the US. As for being desert, We've been living in a semi-arid clime for a few years, possibly time to experience what living in the desert is like.
Actually I find myself getting a little excited about the prospect, kinda hoping it does pan out.
I'll confess not having been there for a while. It would be nice to think that something has been done to make it more welcoming and safe.
Superman's secret identity has always been ridiculous considering how openly he displays his face. I loved how the comic The Tick parodied it.


Oh come on. Nobody can write fiction any more if plausibility gets in the way of the story line.

Last night on one of the interminable "Big Bang Theory" re-runs, Sheldon persuaded is girlfriend to watch his favorite movie which was "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." And at the end she said she enjoyed it despite the obvious story problem. "What story problem" Sheldon wanted to know. The problem that Indiana Jones was absolutely unnecessary to the plot which resulted in the Germans winding up with the Ark and blowing themselves up with it which she said would have happened anyway had there been no Indiana Jones.

I enjoy nitpicking director screw ups like failing to notice historical discrepancies in plot, costuming, or background, but I don't mess with a good story line.

Other superheros with secret identities wear masks. Superman, on the other hand, leaves his face open for everyone to see, then tosses on a pair of glasses and suddenly no one notices the resemblance. :lol:

Almost every comic book hero is going to have a lot of things which stretch credulity, often even within the rules set up for that particular universe. Superman has simply been more egregious with that than most. ;)

I don't care. He was my first super hero and remain my favorite. :)

I enjoy some Superman stories. When he and Batman clash it's usually pretty good. The problem I have with Supes is he's just too powerful. Other than Kryptonite (and often not even with that) he should never be in any real danger. His speed alone is enough to make him near impossible to defeat. Add in his strength, heat and X-ray vision, near invulnerability, and whatever other powers he may have manifested over the years, and he's not only unrelatable, he should be pretty much done with any crisis in moments. :lol:
It's not snowing anymore, but it's supposed to get really frigid. What am I saying, it already IS frigid out there. Brrrr. I'm staying indoors all day today.
Define "frigid". We're hanging around 10-12 F out this way. Too cold to snow, though. At best, we'll get ice fog.

It's a balmy 15 degrees F right now. :D The low today was 9 degrees and the high was 25 degrees.
It's not snowing anymore, but it's supposed to get really frigid. What am I saying, it already IS frigid out there. Brrrr. I'm staying indoors all day today.
Define "frigid". We're hanging around 10-12 F out this way. Too cold to snow, though. At best, we'll get ice fog.

It's a balmy 15 degrees F right now. :D The low today was 9 degrees and the high was 25 degrees.
Hope you have your "nads" protected. That's cold, even by Alaskan standards. Still buyin' those gorbal warming terror stories?
It's not snowing anymore, but it's supposed to get really frigid. What am I saying, it already IS frigid out there. Brrrr. I'm staying indoors all day today.
Define "frigid". We're hanging around 10-12 F out this way. Too cold to snow, though. At best, we'll get ice fog.

It's a balmy 15 degrees F right now. :D The low today was 9 degrees and the high was 25 degrees.
Hope you have your "nads" protected. That's cold, even by Alaskan standards. Still buyin' those gorbal warming terror stories?

Women don't have nads. Lol.
It's not snowing anymore, but it's supposed to get really frigid. What am I saying, it already IS frigid out there. Brrrr. I'm staying indoors all day today.
Define "frigid". We're hanging around 10-12 F out this way. Too cold to snow, though. At best, we'll get ice fog.

It's a balmy 15 degrees F right now. :D The low today was 9 degrees and the high was 25 degrees.
Hope you have your "nads" protected. That's cold, even by Alaskan standards. Still buyin' those gorbal warming terror stories?

Women don't have nads. Lol.
You know, it's been cold enough here that even female nads might have been in danger! When you ovaries decide to cohabit with your that's pretty cold.
It's not snowing anymore, but it's supposed to get really frigid. What am I saying, it already IS frigid out there. Brrrr. I'm staying indoors all day today.
Define "frigid". We're hanging around 10-12 F out this way. Too cold to snow, though. At best, we'll get ice fog.

It's a balmy 15 degrees F right now. :D The low today was 9 degrees and the high was 25 degrees.
Hope you have your "nads" protected. That's cold, even by Alaskan standards. Still buyin' those gorbal warming terror stories?

Women don't have nads. Lol.
You know, it's been cold enough here that even female nads might have been in danger! When you ovaries decide to cohabit with your that's pretty cold.

I'll say! :lol:
Nice attempt at recovery GW.

Nature has decided 2 inches of snow followed by freezing rain for a while, then back to 2 more inches of snow by 7am Wednesday is our fate. Up at six to hit as many driveways as I can prior to "real" work by nine.
Superman's secret identity has always been ridiculous considering how openly he displays his face. I loved how the comic The Tick parodied it.


Oh come on. Nobody can write fiction any more if plausibility gets in the way of the story line.

Last night on one of the interminable "Big Bang Theory" re-runs, Sheldon persuaded is girlfriend to watch his favorite movie which was "Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark." And at the end she said she enjoyed it despite the obvious story problem. "What story problem" Sheldon wanted to know. The problem that Indiana Jones was absolutely unnecessary to the plot which resulted in the Germans winding up with the Ark and blowing themselves up with it which she said would have happened anyway had there been no Indiana Jones.

I enjoy nitpicking director screw ups like failing to notice historical discrepancies in plot, costuming, or background, but I don't mess with a good story line.

Other superheros with secret identities wear masks. Superman, on the other hand, leaves his face open for everyone to see, then tosses on a pair of glasses and suddenly no one notices the resemblance. :lol:

Almost every comic book hero is going to have a lot of things which stretch credulity, often even within the rules set up for that particular universe. Superman has simply been more egregious with that than most. ;)

Back before I retired from being a "super hero", nobody ever recognized me when I had my BBD outfit on. I remember fondly how the ladies all used to swoon over me and got big-eyed when I would flex my muscles. I remember how the bad guys always used to cower when I appeared on the scene. It isn't easy being a super hero. However, it was a necessary path that I followed. If I had not of been forced to retired because of the rules of the Super Hero Union, I would still be out there fighting crime and protecting the world for humanity.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Pogo's aunt,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Good morning everybody. Hombre is off to the grocery store--he hunts it, I clean and cook it--and we will have a medical taxi run with Uncle Ed later this morning. Beautiful day here with low 60's predicted--spring appears to have sprung already in New Mexico. The coffee is good. And all is well. Have a great Wednesday everybody.
Went up to the Springs yesterday for a road trip, bought a new sport coat, the wife picked up a interview outfit (thrift stores) and had lunch at our favorite pizza place, Extreme Pizza . Tomorrow we head out to Albuquerque for her interview, have to leave here at 6 am and they're calling for a little snow tonight, hopefully Raton Pass won't be too bad at 6 in the morning.......
Oh I forgot to mention it, her Prius is in the shop, the coolant transfer tank was bad and the coolant flow valve (what Toyota uses as a thermostat) was stuck, add the O2 sensor and we're looking at around $2K in repairs. Probably won't have it ready for tomorrow so we'll have to take my truck......... Luckily gas is fairly cheap right now.......
Oh I forgot to mention it, her Prius is in the shop, the coolant transfer tank was bad and the coolant flow valve (what Toyota uses as a thermostat) was stuck, add the O2 sensor and we're looking at around $2K in repairs. Probably won't have it ready for tomorrow so we'll have to take my truck......... Luckily gas is fairly cheap right now.......

Ouch. Makes us wish there was medical insurance for cars. Safe travels and the interview is in Albuquerque and not El Paso?

Hombre's Subaru Forrester is needing a timing belt assembly which will be just under $1k to put on and that is painful enough. But the damage would be so severe if it broke or came loose at high speeds, we don't dare put it off.

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