USMB Coffee Shop IV

Vacation is upon me.

Airline ticket was purchased about a month ago.
Car rental arranged about a week ago.
Work email shutdown a few hours ago.
Bag packed a few minutes ago.
I'm ready.

Visiting family in CA and going to an awesome tribal arts show in San Francisco.
Bonus, my twin brother is also flying into CA and I haven't seen him in almost two years. We arrive at SFO within minutes of each other and will be driving to our parents house together, we'll have a good solid hour + to get caught up with each other on the drive before the rest of the family sees us.

That sounds great! Hope you have a good time. Is your twin an identical twin?
No snow in Foley.... 48 with rain moving in off the gulf. It's raining lightly right now, but it should get real wet here pretty soon. Maybe a couple inches before we're done today.
Interesting the different climates we all live in. Foxy gets about 9 and a half inches of rain per year and that same total is a not terribly unusual total for a single day here. The top 2 US cities with the highest annual rainfall totals are Mobile, AL and Pensacola, FL. Foley is about half way in between.

You get more rain than Seattle?
Oh yes, quite a bit, but less rainy days.

  • Mobile, Ala.: 67 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • Pensacola, Fla.: 65 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • New Orleans, La.: 64 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • West Palm Beach, Fla.: 63 inches average annual rainfall; 58 average annual rainy days
  • Lafayette, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 55 average annual rainy days
  • Baton Rouge, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Miami, Fla.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 57 average annual rainy days
  • Port Arthur, Texas: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 51 average annual rainy days
  • Tallahassee, Fla.: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Lake Charles, La.: 58 inches average annual rainfall; 50 average annual rainy days

Here's a link to an interactive map that shows cities and days with precipitation.
Albuquerque shows 60, Mobile, 121 and Seattle, 155. Buffalo tops the list at 169.
No snow in Foley.... 48 with rain moving in off the gulf. It's raining lightly right now, but it should get real wet here pretty soon. Maybe a couple inches before we're done today.
Interesting the different climates we all live in. Foxy gets about 9 and a half inches of rain per year and that same total is a not terribly unusual total for a single day here. The top 2 US cities with the highest annual rainfall totals are Mobile, AL and Pensacola, FL. Foley is about half way in between.

You get more rain than Seattle?
Oh yes, quite a bit, but less rainy days.

  • Mobile, Ala.: 67 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • Pensacola, Fla.: 65 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • New Orleans, La.: 64 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • West Palm Beach, Fla.: 63 inches average annual rainfall; 58 average annual rainy days
  • Lafayette, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 55 average annual rainy days
  • Baton Rouge, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Miami, Fla.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 57 average annual rainy days
  • Port Arthur, Texas: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 51 average annual rainy days
  • Tallahassee, Fla.: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Lake Charles, La.: 58 inches average annual rainfall; 50 average annual rainy days

Here's a link to an interactive map that shows cities and days with precipitation.
Albuquerque shows 60, Mobile, 121 and Seattle, 155. Buffalo tops the list at 169.

Interesting. I wonder why poor Mississippi and Texas got left out of the West Coast rain belt. And 60 days for precipitation in Albuquerque? Sure doesn't seem like it. In New Mexico maybe. But oh well. I don't really keep track.
And good morning everybody. Another bright blue sunny day in Albuquerque with sunshine and temps in the mid 60's forecast as far as the eye can see. It would appear that our winter is over. It still gets down to freezing or below at night though so probably shouldn't plant anything outside. :)

Everybody have a great Thursday.
Thursday's grin.
What a little cutie :biggrin:

Odd thing last night. Just before 11:00 pm I noticed a silver colored SUV stuck in the snow at my south house. I watched it for a few minutes and decided to call the sheriff to come check it out. 20 minutes later, the sheriff had not come and the SUV managed to get unstuck and when it did it left my property at a high rate of speed. Sheriff never did come. I was going to send Mrs. BBD down to the south house to check it all out but she was already in her night clothes. I figure it was kids either lost or smoking dope or drinking. Been wondering who it was all morning.
Odd thing last night. Just before 11:00 pm I noticed a silver colored SUV stuck in the snow at my south house. I watched it for a few minutes and decided to call the sheriff to come check it out. 20 minutes later, the sheriff had not come and the SUV managed to get unstuck and when it did it left my property at a high rate of speed. Sheriff never did come. I was going to send Mrs. BBD down to the south house to check it all out but she was already in her night clothes. I figure it was kids either lost or smoking dope or drinking. Been wondering who it was all morning.
Could it have been a Sheriff's vehicle? That would explain a lot.
No snow in Foley.... 48 with rain moving in off the gulf. It's raining lightly right now, but it should get real wet here pretty soon. Maybe a couple inches before we're done today.
Interesting the different climates we all live in. Foxy gets about 9 and a half inches of rain per year and that same total is a not terribly unusual total for a single day here. The top 2 US cities with the highest annual rainfall totals are Mobile, AL and Pensacola, FL. Foley is about half way in between.

You get more rain than Seattle?
Oh yes, quite a bit, but less rainy days.

  • Mobile, Ala.: 67 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • Pensacola, Fla.: 65 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • New Orleans, La.: 64 inches average annual rainfall; 59 average annual rainy days
  • West Palm Beach, Fla.: 63 inches average annual rainfall; 58 average annual rainy days
  • Lafayette, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 55 average annual rainy days
  • Baton Rouge, La.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Miami, Fla.: 62 inches average annual rainfall; 57 average annual rainy days
  • Port Arthur, Texas: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 51 average annual rainy days
  • Tallahassee, Fla.: 61 inches average annual rainfall; 56 average annual rainy days
  • Lake Charles, La.: 58 inches average annual rainfall; 50 average annual rainy days

Here's a link to an interactive map that shows cities and days with precipitation.
Albuquerque shows 60, Mobile, 121 and Seattle, 155. Buffalo tops the list at 169.

You missed Juneau, Alaska at 223. That's a lot of what I assume is mostly snow! :lol:
The article said that there are places in Alaska and Hawaii with over 100" of rain and more rainy days, but they seem to have confined it to the lower 48.
Hi! I have not been in the coffee shop for ages, because I am mostly on the religion forum. But if the coffee is still on count me in. I opened the door to a delivery man today and caught my first glimpse of snow this year. But it did not settle.
Hi! I have not been in the coffee shop for ages, because I am mostly on the religion forum. But if the coffee is still on count me in. I opened the door to a delivery man today and caught my first glimpse of snow this year. But it did not settle.

Hello stranger! Let me pour you a cup and here's some seeds for you birdie.
Hi! I have not been in the coffee shop for ages, because I am mostly on the religion forum. But if the coffee is still on count me in. I opened the door to a delivery man today and caught my first glimpse of snow this year. But it did not settle.

WB Dajjal. We missed you but I knew you were around so just figured you were busy elsewhere and wasn't worried about you.
Got our taxes filed today but what a frustrating experience. If ya'll haven't bought your tax filing software and use Turbo Tax, better read up on the ratings before you buy. I've used TT for many many years now and have always found it satisfactory. So since we've retired, our taxes are really simple and I only needed the basic software. Bought it this year and didn't get past the preliminary before it advised I would have to upgrade to not just the Deluxe, but all the way to their Premiere edition to get Schedule E that I need to report a tiny bit of oil royalty income. And an additional $70 to upgrade just to enter that tiny sum. Yup, no complete Schedule C and no Schedule D or E at all in the Basic or Deluxe versions. And it doesn't say that on the package. And you can't get you money back once you've bought or downloaded the software.

I was NOT a happy camper. And I let them know it through the review process too. But H&R Block now has a new and satisfied customer.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O,
GW's daughter's friend Sachendra,
Ernie's friend and colleague Max and Mrs. Ernie,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Foxfyre's Aunt Betty,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Forum List
