USMB Coffee Shop IV

I see that Foxy has already done her taxes... I've been gathering stuff to haul down to our accountant. He can worry about it. All I worry about is how big of a check I'll have to write when he's finished up. It just seems to me that taxes are way too complicated and they should be made much simpler to file. On a different note, will be heading to Rockford in a little bit to pay a visit to the foot doctor. He trims my nails and all the while we talk about sneaking off someplace to go fishing. Because I'm a diabetic, he also checks my feet over real well to make sure all is well with them. Then after his visit, I shall take Mrs. BBD out to lunch and then over to Wally's World so she can do a little bit of shopping. Just once I would like to go to Rockford without a stop at Wally's World... When ever I say I need to go to Rockford, Mrs. BBD's eyes light up and she says she would like to go to Wally's World. It never fails. Oh well, guess I better have another cup of coffee. Everybody have a great day.
Good morning and Happy Friday all! I hope everyone has a great day.

Does anybody have any fun plans this weekend? This is the first time in 3 weeks that I will not have guests visiting so I plan on relaxing. There is a new exhibit featured at Phipps Conservatory (Tropical Forest Congo) that begins tomorrow and I am very excited to attend. Plus they still have the Orchid and Tropical Bonsai exhibit on display. I could spend all day wandering the greenhouses and gardens. I am blessed to have a green-thumb that I inherited/learned from my Grandmother.
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TGIF everyone! :)

Got our taxes filed today but what a frustrating experience. If ya'll haven't bought your tax filing software and use Turbo Tax, better read up on the ratings before you buy. I've used TT for many many years now and have always found it satisfactory. So since we've retired, our taxes are really simple and I only needed the basic software. Bought it this year and didn't get past the preliminary before it advised I would have to upgrade to not just the Deluxe, but all the way to their Premiere edition to get Schedule E that I need to report a tiny bit of oil royalty income. And an additional $70 to upgrade just to enter that tiny sum. Yup, no complete Schedule C and no Schedule D or E at all in the Basic or Deluxe versions. And it doesn't say that on the package. And you can't get you money back once you've bought or downloaded the software.

I was NOT a happy camper. And I let them know it through the review process too. But H&R Block now has a new and satisfied customer.

I do use Turbo Tax and other tax software, but my taxes are usually pretty simple and straightforward, so it works for me. If my taxes had any KIND of complications, I would not even attempt to do them myself but take them right to H&R Block too.

You know, all it takes is just ONE mistake, and they can audit you.
Got back from Albuquerque yesterday around 5 PM, that was a lot of driving (round trip). Didn't sleep very well the night before so the return trip was pretty much hell, by the time we got home my eyeballs were "bouncing". I fell into bed when we got home and slept for 3 hours, up for a couple of hours then back to bed until I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Went back to bed around 6 and finally got back up at 8:30.
Got back from Albuquerque yesterday around 5 PM, that was a lot of driving (round trip). Didn't sleep very well the night before so the return trip was pretty much hell, by the time we got home my eyeballs were "bouncing". I fell into bed when we got home and slept for 3 hours, up for a couple of hours then back to bed until I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Went back to bed around 6 and finally got back up at 8:30.

That sucks. I hate not getting a good night's sleep. It affects my entire day, and I feel groggy all day.
Good morning and Happy Friday all! I hope everyone has a great day.

Does anybody have any fun plans this weekend? This is the first time in 3 weeks that I will not have guests visiting so I plan on relaxing. There is a new exhibit featured at Phipps Conservatory (Tropical Forest Congo) that begins tomorrow and I am very excited to attend. Plus they still have the Orchid and Tropical Bonsai exhibit on display. I could spend all day wandering the greenhouses and gardens. I am blessed to have a green-thumb that I inherited/learned from my Grandmother.

Those green thumbs are special. I sort of have one too--at least people use me as their intensive care ward for ailing house plants. But I can't claim the passion you have for the greenhouses and gardens--I love to see them and enjoy them but would not choose that for a day's activities.

Sometimes I wonder what it is in our DNA or genes or psyche or whatever that does excite us? You enjoy wandering the gardens. I am drawn to horses--never tire of watching them, being with them, riding them. Or office supply stores. I can spend hours wandering the aisles just looking at all the stuff. And I've always wondered why.

And maybe that's Mrs. BBD's fascination with Wally World? Or she just loves to shop and that offers the most variety?
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Got back from Albuquerque yesterday around 5 PM, that was a lot of driving (round trip). Didn't sleep very well the night before so the return trip was pretty much hell, by the time we got home my eyeballs were "bouncing". I fell into bed when we got home and slept for 3 hours, up for a couple of hours then back to bed until I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Went back to bed around 6 and finally got back up at 8:30.

That sucks. I hate not getting a good night's sleep. It affects my entire day, and I feel groggy all day.

I get literally physically ill if deprived of sleep for too long. And certainly don't feel my best.
Good Morning everybody


I think it's funny that you and ChrisL used the same dog for your morning post. :) Or it sure looks like the same dog to me. Ya'll aren't related are you?

I just saw Peach's. Cute. :)

We are not related that I'm aware of though. Just a coincidence. :D

I thought you probably weren't since you're in New England and she's in southeast Arizona, but hey. Who knows who got separated at birth? :)
Got back from Albuquerque yesterday around 5 PM, that was a lot of driving (round trip). Didn't sleep very well the night before so the return trip was pretty much hell, by the time we got home my eyeballs were "bouncing". I fell into bed when we got home and slept for 3 hours, up for a couple of hours then back to bed until I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Went back to bed around 6 and finally got back up at 8:30.

So how did the interview go?
Got back from Albuquerque yesterday around 5 PM, that was a lot of driving (round trip). Didn't sleep very well the night before so the return trip was pretty much hell, by the time we got home my eyeballs were "bouncing". I fell into bed when we got home and slept for 3 hours, up for a couple of hours then back to bed until I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Went back to bed around 6 and finally got back up at 8:30.

So how did the interview go?
Apparently okay but the wife found out they were only paying 36k, kinda put a damper on her enthusiasm, we have the El Paso one two weeks from now, we'll see what happens there before we make up our mind.
Just saw this posted by one of our local radio stations and it reminded me that New Mexico is the only state in the union that sometimes has to go an extra mile or two in order to convince people we are a state of the USA. :) The New Mexico Magazine for as long as I can remember has a regular feature "One of our 50 is missing" relating incidents in which people--sometimes those in the U.S. or other state government--that didn't realize we were a state.

Got back from Albuquerque yesterday around 5 PM, that was a lot of driving (round trip). Didn't sleep very well the night before so the return trip was pretty much hell, by the time we got home my eyeballs were "bouncing". I fell into bed when we got home and slept for 3 hours, up for a couple of hours then back to bed until I woke up at 3:30 this morning. Went back to bed around 6 and finally got back up at 8:30.

So how did the interview go?
Apparently okay but the wife found out they were only paying 36k, kinda put a damper on her enthusiasm, we have the El Paso one two weeks from now, we'll see what happens there before we make up our mind.

Well we'll keep our fingers crossed for you.
Good morning and Happy Friday all! I hope everyone has a great day.

Does anybody have any fun plans this weekend? This is the first time in 3 weeks that I will not have guests visiting so I plan on relaxing. There is a new exhibit featured at Phipps Conservatory (Tropical Forest Congo) that begins tomorrow and I am very excited to attend. Plus they still have the Orchid and Tropical Bonsai exhibit on display. I could spend all day wandering the greenhouses and gardens. I am blessed to have a green-thumb that I inherited/learned from my Grandmother.

Those green thumbs are special. I sort of have one too--at least people use me as their intensive care ward for ailing house plants. But I can't claim the passion you have for the greenhouses and gardens--I love to see them and enjoy them but would not choose that for a day's activities.

Sometimes I wonder what it is in our DNA or genes or psyche or whatever that does excite us? You enjoy wandering the gardens. I am drawn to horses--never tire of watching them, being with them, riding them. Or office supply stores. I can spend hours wandering the aisles just looking at all the stuff. And I've always wondered why.

And maybe that's Mrs. BBD's fascination with Wally World? Or she just loves to shop and that offers the most variety?

I love horses! I spent quite a few years on a farm as kid/teen. My family has lived in this area for many generations and we are mainly farmers, miners, and, mill workers. Oddly enough, I got my love of flora and fauna from those years of back-breaking labor. I spent most of my time in the greenhouse or tending to the horses, pigs, chickens, and, cows. I try and visit the farm to go horseback riding several times a year but I haven't been able to since November. I am itching for nice long ride. We used to play "release" for hours in the cornfields. Though I do live in the city now I am still a country guy at heart.
Good morning and Happy Friday all! I hope everyone has a great day.

Does anybody have any fun plans this weekend? This is the first time in 3 weeks that I will not have guests visiting so I plan on relaxing. There is a new exhibit featured at Phipps Conservatory (Tropical Forest Congo) that begins tomorrow and I am very excited to attend. Plus they still have the Orchid and Tropical Bonsai exhibit on display. I could spend all day wandering the greenhouses and gardens. I am blessed to have a green-thumb that I inherited/learned from my Grandmother.

Those green thumbs are special. I sort of have one too--at least people use me as their intensive care ward for ailing house plants. But I can't claim the passion you have for the greenhouses and gardens--I love to see them and enjoy them but would not choose that for a day's activities.

Sometimes I wonder what it is in our DNA or genes or psyche or whatever that does excite us? You enjoy wandering the gardens. I am drawn to horses--never tire of watching them, being with them, riding them. Or office supply stores. I can spend hours wandering the aisles just looking at all the stuff. And I've always wondered why.

And maybe that's Mrs. BBD's fascination with Wally World? Or she just loves to shop and that offers the most variety?

I love horses! I spent quite a few years on a farm as kid/teen. My family has lived in this area for many generations and we are mainly farmers, miners, and, mill workers. Oddly enough, I got my love of flora and fauna from those years of back-breaking labor. I spent most of my time in the greenhouse or tending to the horses, pigs, chickens, and, cows. I try and visit the farm to go horseback riding several times a year but I haven't been able to since November. I am itching for nice long ride. We used to play "release" for hours in the cornfields. Though I do live in the city now I am still a country guy at heart.

Refresh my memory mdk. Where are you? I've pretty much got everybody else located in my head at least to the region of the country where they are, but no clue where you are. (Or I'm old and just forgot.)
Good morning and Happy Friday all! I hope everyone has a great day.

Does anybody have any fun plans this weekend? This is the first time in 3 weeks that I will not have guests visiting so I plan on relaxing. There is a new exhibit featured at Phipps Conservatory (Tropical Forest Congo) that begins tomorrow and I am very excited to attend. Plus they still have the Orchid and Tropical Bonsai exhibit on display. I could spend all day wandering the greenhouses and gardens. I am blessed to have a green-thumb that I inherited/learned from my Grandmother.

Those green thumbs are special. I sort of have one too--at least people use me as their intensive care ward for ailing house plants. But I can't claim the passion you have for the greenhouses and gardens--I love to see them and enjoy them but would not choose that for a day's activities.

Sometimes I wonder what it is in our DNA or genes or psyche or whatever that does excite us? You enjoy wandering the gardens. I am drawn to horses--never tire of watching them, being with them, riding them. Or office supply stores. I can spend hours wandering the aisles just looking at all the stuff. And I've always wondered why.

And maybe that's Mrs. BBD's fascination with Wally World? Or she just loves to shop and that offers the most variety?

I love horses! I spent quite a few years on a farm as kid/teen. My family has lived in this area for many generations and we are mainly farmers, miners, and, mill workers. Oddly enough, I got my love of flora and fauna from those years of back-breaking labor. I spent most of my time in the greenhouse or tending to the horses, pigs, chickens, and, cows. I try and visit the farm to go horseback riding several times a year but I haven't been able to since November. I am itching for nice long ride. We used to play "release" for hours in the cornfields. Though I do live in the city now I am still a country guy at heart.

Refresh my memory mdk. Where are you? I've pretty much got everybody else located in my head at least to the region of the country where they are, but no clue where you are. (Or I'm old and just forgot.)

I am from the sticks of Western Pennsylvania but I live in Pittsburgh now.
Just saw this posted by one of our local radio stations and it reminded me that New Mexico is the only state in the union that sometimes has to go an extra mile or two in order to convince people we are a state of the USA. :) The New Mexico Magazine for as long as I can remember has a regular feature "One of our 50 is missing" relating incidents in which people--sometimes those in the U.S. or other state government--that didn't realize we were a state.

There are times I still call it New Spain....... :eusa_whistle:

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